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Seven and One

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Guest Jim McLean
I have to say that I had never noticed the quite obvious thematic use of 'fear' here and I truly thank the both of you for opening my eyes to this episode. Methinks I may have concentrated too devoutly of the casual use of prophecy, cycles of tribulation and the Legion mythos - to realise there is a gentler mythology to be hard here is wonderful stuff.

It is one of my favourite episodes and is now one I will enjoy all the more.

I personally agree the mythological angle is slim here; Legion's power seems to be fairly confined to the power to test and break a person - which is very much part of mythological trends and the series mythos as well (Saturn's Eye, Room With No View as two examples). I don't see any deeper symbolism here myself, but I never see it quite as clearly as you yourself do E.

I simply love this episode! I think you're right about fear being the key of it. To my mind, guilt (or feelings of guilt, not exactly the same thing) also plays an important role here - Frank's vision of Catherine and Bletcher, the haunting memory of the childhood incident at the pond.. as he was just a child when the accident took place, and saw things like a child sees them, he might have felt at least partially responsible for the drowning, especially when it happened as a result of his brother's attempt to defend him.

Absolutely. I think there is very much a drive that from fear comes guilt, and guilt is in some ways a process of bereavement that has to be shedded.

In a way, fear and guilt are tied together here. There's a fear of (unintentionally) doing something that would lead to a disaster, or not being able to protect someone.

I think Evil's strength often comes from control and breaking people's belief that they have no control. Afterall, fear comes from the inability to control ones actions or environment. I think there is a message here to Frank showing he as no control and that Evil has the power. This seems to be a theme - particularly in season three that Evil is more powerful than Frank and many of the tests seem to be an example of that. The death of Bletcher, of Catherine, the inability to stop the MG, the death in the water, the safety of Jordan are all areas which Evil wants to show Frank that there is no angle he can totally control. It seems very much about breaking Frank by showing how much deep Evil can infiltrate - his house, his family, his past.. all our smothered by Legion's power. Bletcher is a perfect statement from Evil that he cannot protect those close to him in territory he believes he has dominon over (his home).

Power brings fear that Evil hopes to gain control from. This episode seems to epitomize Evil's intent and influence on Frank for the entire series. May not be profound, but it certainly packs a lot of Millennium themes into one episode.


I know this is disgustingly lacking in the profundity Laredo has shared with us but I wanted to share a little caveat as I know there are folks who enjoy them as much as I do.

Jeffrey YAGHER is the husband of Megan Gallagher and clearly the inspiration for the use of the name in the episode.

Do I get a cigar for this, methinks 4th might have mentioned this previously as he is king of all caveats.

I would be most giddy to think I spotted one my mighty friend didn't.


Guest Jim McLean
I know this is disgustingly lacking in the profundity Laredo has shared with us but I wanted to share a little caveat as I know there are folks who enjoy them as much as I do.

Jeffrey YAGHER is the husband of Megan Gallagher and clearly the inspiration for the use of the name in the episode.

Do I get a cigar for this, methinks 4th might have mentioned this previously as he is king of all caveats.

I would be most giddy to think I spotted one my mighty friend didn't.


That's a gold star from me mate!

That's a gold star from me mate!
Eth...yes, you scored one over the mighty 4th there on that particular one...good job...

submitted for your approval/disapproval...

mighty good posts here concerning Evil's influence, which i thought was wonderfully done in the scene where even Hollis gets a taste of it with the appearance of her more "darker" twin, one which escapes Frank's attention as you see him trying to get her attention as she is kneeling, then casually shrugging his shoulders as if to say "What are you doing?"...also Larado, remember the priests statement to Hollis (and one i find chilling) that "Let your strength equal his fear, WHEN it comes for you"!!!...not if, but when, a statement of fact that i think was tied together nicely with the twin scene....the bathroom scene where the door opens and Frank shoots out, am i right in my belief that it symbolized a "rebirth"? an epiphany??? Frank soliloquy at the end seems to indicate that he now recognizes what his gift is for....just putting it out there...

4th Horseman

Posted (edited)

Superb my friend.

I was unable to draw as much from this episode as Laredo but what bit did fire my synapses was the 'Hollis' scenes and it seems we share something of a conviction as to their meaning. Your use of the word epiphany is superb as it encompasses pretty much everything I though about the episode so very neatly.

From a whacked-out-old-occult approach many a spiritual text and grimoire charts the idea that demonic entities are bound by time. They are not allowed wanton, free reign but operate within specific cycles - a notion that is even present in the Biblical account of Satan. I came away feeling that that episode charted something of a swansong for Legion, a frantic and desperate attempt to crush Frank as its period of torment hurried to a close. The closing scene of Hollis' reflected suicide and the very line you identify suggest to me that whilst his period of 'seven and one years' was over the Legion manifestation had turned its attention to the much less buffered Hollis.


It seems to make sense in the light of the fact that she is shortly to be drawn into the breast of the Legion infected Millennium Group. As you note my friend it's all grain thrown against the wind but I hope someone gets something out of my chatter.

Edited by ethsnafu
  • Elders (Moderators)

Nicely put, all of you! About Legion's attempt to crush Frank; there was a discussion some time ago on the possible meaning of the clock stopping at approximately 3:7 or 3:8 on the opening scene. I played with a thought that it could (this is only a random thought, not a claim that this would be the right answer) refer to the Book of Revelations. Take a look at this, with a thought of everything that happens during the episode..

Revelation 3:7-10


"To the angel of the church in Philadelphia write:

These are the words of him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David. What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open.


I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name.


I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars—I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you.


Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come upon the whole world to test those who live on the earth.

Again, just a thought: on the opening scene, both Evil and Good could be present. Is the clock stopping a warning for Frank, coming from God? After all, Frank does receive those photos right after the clock thing.

Furthermore, when Frank is visiting the church, he says to Father Yahger: "I feel the presence of evil, but I don't know if it's real. Or if it's something, someone playing with my fears." Then he looks up at a crucifix. Also Emma looks at the crucifix after having the conversation with Father Yahger. Is this to suggest that God himself is involved in all this, perhaps testing Frank's faith?

Nicely put, all of you! About Legion's attempt to crush Frank; there was a discussion some time ago on the possible meaning of the clock stopping at approximately 3:7 or 3:8 on the opening scene. I played with a thought that it could (this is only a random thought, not a claim that this would be the right answer) refer to the Book of Revelations. Take a look at this, with a thought of everything that happens during the episode..

Revelation 3:7-10


"To the angel of the church in Philadelphia write:

These are the words of him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David. What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open.


I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name.


I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars—I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you.


Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come upon the whole world to test those who live on the earth.

Again, just a thought: on the opening scene, both Evil and Good could be present. Is the clock stopping a warning for Frank, coming from God? After all, Frank does receive those photos right after the clock thing.

Furthermore, when Frank is visiting the church, he says to Father Yahger: "I feel the presence of evil, but I don't know if it's real. Or if it's something, someone playing with my fears." Then he looks up at a crucifix. Also Emma looks at the crucifix after having the conversation with Father Yahger. Is this to suggest that God himself is involved in all this, perhaps testing Frank's faith?

DBSD - good to see you around these here parts!!! A while back, when i initially proposed that there was some kind of correlation between the clock and some reference point, i was fairly confident that i could find one. Since then, i have come up with nothing, and have considered what you have posted as well. Perhaps it was meant to indicate the exact moment in Frank's life that he was to begin realizing what his gift was to be used for, a "from this point on" type of reference, because the whole episode is about discovery, Frank reliving that night in the lake, his fears of drowning becoming excruciating to revisit. Also, its a time of discovery for Emma as well, with the realization that the Evil that has shadowed Frank now extends its icy fingers in her direction. Also, the significance of the "rebirth" scene cant be over looked as Frank's epiphany concerning his gift is realized. It sure becomes a topic for conversation...

4th Horseman..

  • Elders (Moderators)

Very good points, 4th, they make a lot of sense. Here's the richness of Millennium: there's always something to ponder upon, always something new to find. And what a great pleasure it is to see all these different interpretations! :wiggle:

Very good points, 4th, they make a lot of sense. Here's the richness of Millennium: there's always something to ponder upon, always something new to find. And what a great pleasure it is to see all these different interpretations! :wiggle:
Yes, i agree. One other thing about the clock sequence. I dont recall the entire "flash" that Frank has, but i do remember something about a dead black rose coming back to life or something like that. I will have to rewatch the episode again. Perhaps the visions he has of Catherine, etc as he appears to be drowning (in the bathroom sequence) are somehow a goodbye to that life and thus his rebirth (interpreting his presence in the bathroom as being "in the womb" and the door serving as the birthing gateway (the "V" word)...again, just conjecture...

4th Horseman

  • 1 year later...

I really did love this episode, however, I really felt it was in need of a final act to set things aright.

I picked up on the brothers and it bothered me, most especially because in Midnight of the Century they almost make it seem as though Frank were an only child, even though we had met his brother in Sacrament. Now we had two brothers and I guess it was sort of a "reverse Chuck" from Happy Days (In Happy Days Chuck is Richie's older brother who was just dropped from the show and never mentioned a few seasons in.) In this case they were adding brothers rather than taking them away.

The reason I feel it needed more than the poetic end it had is because of reconciling the body count and the shadow cast over Frank's reputation. If Frank were the the last person to see the FBI therapist alive and she was killed with Frank's knife, it would seem like he would be a prime suspect in her death. I take it we will have to accept Laredo's excellent conjecture as what happened as Frankss back in the saddle the very next week in Nostalgia.

A nice short coda to the episode, even by telephone would have worked:

Andy: (by telephone) Frank why aren't you back at work?

Frank: What are you talking about, I'm on suspension.

Andy: Well (pause) it seems the case against you literally evaporated. Agent Del Boxer's disappeared. There are no case notes about his investigation and Agent Boxer's fingerprints are on the knife of our FBI therapist. But that's not the weirdest part.

Frank: Agent Del Boxer died a few months ago, hundreds of miles from here.

Andy: How the hell did you know that?

Frank: Let's just say I've seen the M. O. before.

Maybe that's tying it up too neat, but at least then you could explain his being back to work. I really think just ending it the way it did was sloppy writing on an otherwise excellent episode.

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