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The series Millennium inspired me to re-examine my understanding of evil - philosophically and theologically (or spiritually). And it has been upon several personal experiences that I have been able to capture with words what I understand (which should convey what I do not comprehend) about evil - its' nature and behavior. I was also inspired to write my reflections after having read someone's comment on Lucy Butler/Lillith (something - x).

I struggle to understand what is at the core of evil. Is it Envy? Is it bitter-hate as a deep loathing? Is it excruciating anger? As the grocery scene in Powers, Principalities, Thrones and Dominions may suggest (Alistair to Martin to Lucy Butler) - evil is a cluster of these and more which, when encountered -shifts its contorted discomfort to present what it desires to be seen as - all the while hiding something central - something of an intelligence - of persona. And so in this scene, as the Legion Mytharc (?) moves from isle to isle - changing in appearance - so evil has a movement/behavior that is challenging.

Evil does have a genetic disposition; it does have a pattern of movement that is descernable and detectable. What is most frustrating is that it is very difficult to determine the direction in which it is going to move next - and hence who/what the target really is. And to get caught up in trying to determine it alone - is not wise. In one particular case in which I was involved, intelligence investigators stated to me about the case's complexity, "the deeper we dig into this, the more confusing things become. But when we back away and look at the big picture we get the distinct impression that there is something amiss, something beyond just a security threat, something at work here more than just merely bad men, but something sinister."

I am not a conspiracy minded person, nor do I see little demons around every corner. What I can say is that my life experiences have taught me that evil rarely presents itself as something disgusting. Rather, it presents itself in such a way as to move in close - in proximity where it has greater influence - an opportunity to strike - in subtle ways. But one thing it can't hide for long is that which can be perceived by any intuitve (perceptive) individual - "fear." The kind of fear that causes one to sense within oneself the instinctive defensiveness that is a natural part of each one of us. Such fear either makes one lose some sanity, or it causes one to seek aid - even consider God. My years as a counselor and in the military has taught me that evil moves very much.......like a serpent - under the scene and through the darkened portions of any situation. It moves in with an agenda, a purpose. It can act as a leach, attaching itself to unsuspecting persons. It can manipulate people, slowly conforming people to justify evil thought systems, evil intent, and even to conform their pattern of thought to where they believe that evil is good, and good is evil. And I have met many a person (atheistic, agnostic or religious) who have been so warped. They may not be the type of persons to murder another individual, but given a situation in which such a person can succumb to despair and desperation....scary. As the series Millennium suggests, there is something greater going on behind the scenes of this world. And though it is important to study the nature and movement of evil, it is more important to learn more about Truth, goodness, love, humility, Grace. For in these is Light and Life!

And so, I love the series, for its entertaining value. But even more do I like it because it has profoundly caused me to reconsider and reorder my thoughts- to find a language to describe what I've encountered. I too watch episodes over and over. I like the 'feel' of it; appreciate the visual and emotional textures which are brought to the screen through its producers, writers, set designers, and actors. I hope there is a movie of some sort in the near future. Or, at least another series. "Till then, my darling please wait for me...."


το φως εν τη σκοτια φαινει και η σκοτια αυτο ου κατελαβεν

Edited by Photeinos
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Oh my God!

This is absolutely superb, just wonderfull.

To do justice to such a superb post I am going to give this some real consideration but I promise to address this with my academic head on.

It is a pleasure to welcome you to the board Photeinos and may I suggest that, if you feel comfortable, you introduce yourself in the Innocents forum New Members Forum?

My stunned respect,


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Guest Sheree Dawn

I found your post VERY thought provoking and agreed with you especially on one thought. Evil does not come to us as monsters or some vile thing. It is a very beautiful, tempting thing. Why would we be tempted by something we find repulsive or vile? The angel, Lucifer, was the most beautiful of all angels. Lucifer means Light. Light is beautiful, and darkness is seen as repulsive and to be shunned.

I also think there tends to be genetic links to "evil" behavior, but I don't think the evil itself is genetic. Rather, one is prone to extremes. And it is how we interact with society or how we are perceived and treated by society that determines our course of action.

I was thinking about this as I watched a movie last night about the capture of the Green River Killer. This man was evil; that is the best description you can put on him. Without conscience and thought toward his victims. But looking back at the things that made him what he was, he came from a devoutly christian home--obsessively religious. And you seem to see links like this a lot when examining deviant behavior patterns.

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Oh my God!

This is absolutely superb, just wonderfull.

To do justice to such a superb post I am going to give this some real consideration but I promise to address this with my academic head on.

It is a pleasure to welcome you to the board Photeinos and may I suggest that, if you feel comfortable, you introduce yourself in the Innocents forum New Members Forum?

My stunned respect,


Thank you Ethsnafu. All this is a work in progress and will take time for research, reflection - many considerations. Very soon, I'll come aboard to the group. Got some things to do first. It is very busy where I am. I appreciate the support, insights, critiques, digital community friendships.

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I found your post VERY thought provoking and agreed with you especially on one thought. Evil does not come to us as monsters or some vile thing. It is a very beautiful, tempting thing. Why would we be tempted by something we find repulsive or vile? The angel, Lucifer, was the most beautiful of all angels. Lucifer means Light. Light is beautiful, and darkness is seen as repulsive and to be shunned.

I also think there tends to be genetic links to "evil" behavior, but I don't think the evil itself is genetic. Rather, one is prone to extremes. And it is how we interact with society or how we are perceived and treated by society that determines our course of action.

I was thinking about this as I watched a movie last night about the capture of the Green River Killer. This man was evil; that is the best description you can put on him. Without conscience and thought toward his victims. But looking back at the things that made him what he was, he came from a devoutly christian home--obsessively religious. And you seem to see links like this a lot when examining deviant behavior patterns.

Sharee Dawn,

Very good insight which causes for pause and reconsideration of how I word things at 02:30am (I'm smiling). I'm toying with that idea that evil "has its own genetic" disposition, if not a genetic pre-disposition towards destructiveness. Of course, I'm playing on the word "genetic" which tends to be equated with physical biology (bio-chemistry). I'm considering that a "pattern" of thinking (sequence of thought) has construct - a code - refelctive of genes - helix - codes. So in this way I'm postulating the notion that whether one thinks of the demonic in terms of physical manifestations - or of a eidolonic nature, the demonic itself has a genetic disposition of mind.

Thank you for noting the observation about deviant behavior patterns and how they may be linked to genetics. I guess this would be somewhat plausible concept given certain personality disorders. However, although I am schooled in psychology, I am not a Psychologist or a Psychiatrist. A key phrase you noted about the Green River Killer is that he was "obsessively religious." I'm not familiar with this individual nor his psychological profile (perhapse because I was raised elsewhere - but I remember hearing about it as it was happening), but obsession in most anything can be harmful. I will do a bit of study on him, as time permits. Great point about him being raised in an obssesively religious home.

I think the charcter Franck Black was opening to a need in his life for God - or a touch of God. But at the same time he DEFINITELY had concerns about any religious or cultic group's claim of right to control and determine any human being. Something he fervently rejected about the Group towards the end of the series (amongst other things). Some heated arguments between he and Peter Watts revolved around just such a claim the Group was making - and of which Peter himself was beginning to acknowledge.

Hope you have a great day! Health and happiness.


Edited by Photeinos
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Guest Sheree Dawn

I am not that familiar with the Green River Killer because of his genetic or psychological makeup, it only stood out in my mind because the movie was on the Lifetime Movie Network last night. It was fresh to have something of substance rather than the usual battered wife/rape victim theme that most of LMNs movies have in common.

It was a matter of perfect timing to have such things on my mind after reading such a wonderfully written post.

I definitely look forward to more of your thoughts.

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  • 10 months later...

Hello everyone,

I am new and having a hard time deciding where to go and post, but this discussion I found intriging.

As a spiritual person, not religious, and after over 30 years of research, I can simply say that evil begins with the self. When self comes first, then evil begins to grow, and as we know, it can become frightening and ugly. There are principalities and powers in the heavenlies, in different levels of the spirit realm, and inbetween the flesh and spirit is the realm where so many are because they have unfinished business with the living and have not totally crossed over into the spirit realm. This inbetween realm is where we can see physical manifestations, or ghosts to make it simple. And, the operations there can be for both good and evil. What is so scary is that most of the time they don't know why they are there. When someone physically dies, they take what is in their spirit with them, so if there is little spirit knowledge in your spirit, you enter the spirit realm at a low level of learning.

Evil does and will exist as long as man chooses to follow the lusts and desires of self, with the need for power and authority over others. When you come into a right relationship with God, evil decreases as God increases in your life. Otherwise, evil increases, and the acts of the flesh become more immoral and violent.

Hope I haven't sounded like preaching. I just felt I needed to tell you where I am coming from and hope that I have sparked an interest to continue with this subject.

Be blessed today and always in the joy of life.


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Guest Jim McLean

As I think I've said before on this board, I'm not a fan of the notion of evil. It's simplistic, emotive and its usage creates one of the strongest components of miscarriages of justice. It pulls people away from the complexities of a situation and presents a solution (or a conclusion) that is inherently simplistic.

I've always preferred "good" and "bad". It's less judgmental, and more observation, objectively discerning choices and actions within the context of systematic parameters - a society.

I always liked how Millennium separated out harm beget from broken humans and a larger, theological, fantastical evil that drives, manipulates and encourages bad acts. The former was well handled showing some of the nastier sides of humanity, humanizing their agenda while not looking to have the audience sympathising. You can empathise, learn and understand the nature of bad acts without looking for a simplisitic label.

This doesn't mean you condone or treat people who instigate such social horrors any easier, it just means you deal with their behaviour objectively for the good of that's society's people.

But that's me. There are some horrible things done out there, terrifying and sad. At the same time, if one looks a little deeper, the catalysts are normally quite apparent, be they biological or environmental, which doesn't make the acts less horrifying - in fact it makes them more so, as it becomes a reminder that these people are not seperated by the mythology of Evil. They can be people we know, they can be people we love. They are other's sons and daughters. They are people - which makes understanding and dealing with such horrors objectively so difficult, yet so necessary.

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"They can be people we know, they can be people we love. They are other's sons and daughters. They are people - which makes understanding and dealing with such horrors objectively so difficult, yet so necessary."

I couldn't have said it better myself. Right on !! Perfect !!

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