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Why should I watch season three again?

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Guest RodimusBen

Biggest reason to watch Season 3, for me, is the Frank/Jordan interactions. For that reason, Omerta, Borrowed Time and Saturn Dreaming of Mercury are some of my favorite episodes.

But there are other great ones-- "Skull and Bones" if you like the season 1 level of gore; "Antipas" for more Lucy Butler; "Collateral Damage" for some Peter Watts and a pretty scary episode. Avoid Emma-centric episodes like "Human Essence."

The last two episodes of the season are great.

Guest EzekielWatts

Hello, I'm new to the board and I just happened to click on this discussion first. I have to say that I honestly don't think there is a great reason to watch the entire 3rd season from start to finish more than once, unless you are introducing one of your friends to the show and watch it with them or if you think you've missed some essential story elements hidden within the season; or possibly because you think "it's been a while since I've seen most of these episodes, maybe I'll like them better this time". Otherwise I think season 3 has a lot of very strong episodes, but on the whole, it does not stand up as a very solid season. To tell you the truth, however, I feel that season 1, while a stronger season, also is a little rocky to watch from start to finish.

Guest ZeusFaber

Welcome to the board.

That's one opinion, and I'm sure everyone would respect that, but I could easily say the same thing about Season 2. For me, Season 3 is far and away superior, and that alone would be reason enough to break out the DVDs and watch again.

At the end of the day, it's fairly fruitless to ask someone else to speculate whether or not you personally would enjoy any given piece of television. We might be able to make an educated guess if we know that person and their tastes very well, but since everyone has their own opinions and will likely come up with a unique answer, it's a bit of a pointless exercise.


It's amazing to me how much my tastes have changed over the years. During Millennium's original airing I was not a fan of season two. I wanted more serial killers and interaction with the police departments. I was against the direction I thought the show was going.Now that I have the dvds and am watching for the third time I love season two.


The concept of something being better than something else is,doesn`t make any sense,especially when it comes to the 3 seasons of MM.Each of those is special on its own accord.

I have myself finished on S3 a few days ago.I must say I rushed through the episodes and the first few didn`t quite take the full span of my attention.I felt very immersed by the middle fo it though.Agent Hollis is a wonderful character,humaine,flawed and brilliantly played even though,on the surface,she seems to play Scully to Frank`s Mulder (skepticism v. the Supernatural),but is s much more than just that.In fact,I watched the X-files `MillenniuM` episode straight after S3 and felt that I was actually watching a TV series in contrary to the MM world that I was so accustomed to.It seemed so real to me.

I do agree with Eth,that you shouldn`t wtach something that you don`t feel like giving a go to.I for one really missed Lara during S3 which is why I am now back at S2.:)

Guest RodimusBen

I agree that one cannot account for taste. I feel each season of MM was better than the last, which I know is an extreme minority viewpoint. But ranking the seasons at all for me is almost academic since I love all three of them so much.


Okay, what I get is that beauty is in the eye of the beholder; I'll watch season three again some snowy weekend when all my NETFLIX discs are in the mail and there's no football on TV.

Guest EzekielWatts
Welcome to the board.

That's one opinion, and I'm sure everyone would respect that, but I could easily say the same thing about Season 2. For me, Season 3 is far and away superior, and that alone would be reason enough to break out the DVDs and watch again.

At the end of the day, it's fairly fruitless to ask someone else to speculate whether or not you personally would enjoy any given piece of television. We might be able to make an educated guess if we know that person and their tastes very well, but since everyone has their own opinions and will likely come up with a unique answer, it's a bit of a pointless exercise.

Thanks for the warm welcome.

As fruitless and/or pointless of an exercise it may be, aren't we all here to share our opinion on a given topic? My impression was that the starter of this topic was looking for a number of outside opinions in the first place. It's a fun thing to come here and discuss with others what they might think about a certain topic relating to the show. What's not fun is someone coming along and if they don't enjoy another's opinion saying "Well, that's just your opinion, and here's why it should be discarded by everyone; and oh, by the way, even though its pointless to discuss our opinions, here's mine anyway."

All that being said, I am highly-interested to know why you think season 3 is superior and not because I'm anxious to argue with you, I'm only curious. Most people I've encountered who are familiar with the show regard it as the weakest. Then again, I only know about 3 people who have watched the show in its entirety.

Guest Laurent.
Most people I've encountered who are familiar with the show regard it as the weakest. Then again, I only know about 3 people who have watched the show in its entirety.

So "most people" means two out of three? Hehehe just kidding! :doh:

  • Elders (Moderators)

First all, welcome EzekialWatts. I love your screen name.

No doubt you'll find, as you meander around the board, that there are as many opinions as there are people (plus a few more, if there are any others, like me, who change their minds from time to time). What you'll also see is that there are discussions where some people respond with humour and some respond in a more forthright fashion. It's sometimes difficult to know how to respond to those responses, especially as there's only the words with the occasional icon. Please feel free to respond or not, whichever you choose; and if you have any concerns about any discussions, please feel free to contact me, or one of the other moderators, by PM.

ZF: I know (as many here probably don't) that you've done sterling work elsewhere in transforming forums into places where different opinions can be expressed other than the dictated opinion from the vocal minorities. But sometimes when I read your postings here, they sound almost like a telegram. I'd much prefer that you could feel that TIWWA is your home board, where you could kick back, don your favourite slippers, and just be a bit more chatty. I know the good fight still needs to be fought elsewhere, but I think these days the board here is probably one of the most balanced compared with some I've seen. I think a more gentle approach to new members would help to maintain that.

Laurent: :fishslaphim!: :oneeyedwinK

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