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BTFB Exclusive Interview with Peter Outerbridge! Online Now.

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Thanks Belch, sorry I saw this a little late, but we are all very grateful for your words and for all the wonderful support we have received from the people here. I listened to the Fangoria interview, don't know if you managed to catch it but it will be available as podcast soon enough, and Lance basically said 'Yup, these guys can do this, they can get their movie' - I hope his faith in us pays off.

Best wishes,


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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Friends,

Allow me to bring to your attention our latest interview with a member of Millennium's cast. Tobias Mehler kindly donated some his time recently to answer our questions and the result of this can now be viewed at our blog at www.backtofrankblack.com (check out the link entitled campaign news.) It is a great interview and, with no offence intended to any member of the cast and crew, one of the best interview responses we have seen. As always your comments, brief or lengthy, are welcome as it shows that our efforts have an audience which is incredibly important.

I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did.

Best wishes,


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Dear Friends,

Forgive me for bumping this particular topic but we are receiving a fabulous response, externally, with regards to this particular interview and I wanted to ensure that you all had an opportunity to view it. As I said no disregard is meant to any individual who has provided us with an interview, they have all be stellar and very much appreciated, but I think this is a particularly wonderful contribution from Tobias which is deserving of any Millennium Fan's attention. Do check it out at our Blog :)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear friends,

Allow us to bring another exclusive interview to your attention. Averie Maddox played Deena, and her numerous clones, in The Innocents/Exegesis and she has been a great friend of the campaign so far. The resulting interview is brilliant and certainly one that dips behind the scenes more than others we have read and I am truly grateful to her for it. She has extended her friendship since giving this and I know for sure that she will be dropping by our Blog to read your comments so please, please, please leave her a few words of thanks for being so supportive of us fans.

Best wishes,


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  • 1 month later...

Dear friends,

Today marks the latest, and by no means the last, interview we have conducted with a member of Millennium's cast and crew. Vincent Jeffrey Parise, Lucas Wayne Barr to you and me, took time from his busy schedule to talk behind the scenes of Millennium's two-part finale. Often there are snippets of information that don't make it to the final draft or are given outside of the main interview and during our association with Jeff he shared with us the following trivia that he said could be shared with you all....

I also want to give you a little trivia you may find interesting. After shooting all day, chasing Jade (the young actress who played the blind girl) around the house with green see-in-the-dark goggles on, we were drove back to the hotel. It so happened that the power in the hotel had gone out! And in order to make your way back to your rooms they were giving away green glow sticks to see with! I quickly put two of them up to my eyes and psychologically scared that poor gal for life!

So, to find out more about the character, the episodes or why Lance reminded Jeff of the need to breathe check out the interview here! If you have time please do consider leaving a few works of thanks for Jeff, I know the cast really do appreciate your comments.

Best wishes,


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi guys,

As you are no doubt aware, we have continued to enjoy the support and friendship of those that contributed to Millennium both in front of the camera and behind it. We were delighted recently to have the chance to speak to Van Quattro, the actor who memorably created the role of Willi Borgsen in 'Broken World'. Mr. Quattro is an extremely busy man but took a few precious moments from his schedule to share a few thoughts regarding his character and time on Millennium and, of course, to share his opinion in a potential Millennium Movie. Sadly, Van was too busy to agree to an interview and what I gained from the conversation couldn't be used in the usual way, so, always eager to try something new, I added his words to a few images from the episode and hope you enjoy checking them out.

Click here to have a gander at the end result!


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  • 1 month later...


Dear friends,

BackToFrankBlack recently had the chance to speak to Peter Outerbridge. The results are now available at out Blog and I do hope you will take the time to check this out as well as leave us a few comments which anyone can do without the need for any registration. To find out what Chris Carter's original vision for the character was, what Barry and Emma's relationship was very nearly all about and why he thinks the character was DEAD DEAD DEAD (you'll get it if you read it) head over to the link and let us know what you think.

Best wishes,


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Guest Black's Babe

"about 3 days before I flew up to Vancouver to shoot "Millenium", I did a hit of ecstasy and me and The Poleroid Man fused!"

Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, okay dude.

Edited by Black's Babe
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:fool: Did you read the wrong interview BB that's Doug Hutchison not the mighty Peter Outerbridge. Either way, I had to read that one twice when it came back. I love his honesty.


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