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Season 2 Dvd

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Guest Second Coming

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Guest Second Coming

I disagree about Season 2 being the low point. But anyway. All the "Fill my screen" people are going to die in a few years when Widescreen is the norm and they have their collection of Full Frame movies and a widescreen tv. Those movies certainly won't "fill their screen" then.

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Guest Demolition Man
I disagree about Season 2 being the low point. But anyway. All the "Fill my screen" people are going to die in a few years when Widescreen is the norm and they have their collection of Full Frame movies and a widescreen tv. Those movies certainly won't "fill their screen" then.

Naw, those people will just have the 4:3 DVDs stretched to "fill" the TV. Sure it might look aweful but they won't care just as long as its "filled." :eyes:

This is one of the MANY reasons why I'm a Widescreen advocate. Now if Millennium wasn't intended to be in Widescreen at all, then I can understand (as I want stuff that is intended to be 4:3 to stay that way). But if its intended to be 16:9 Widescreen then I want that version ONLY on DVD. Period. End of story.

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  • Elders (Admins)

I'd agree that with too. If it was filmed in widescreen aspect ratio then it should be released on DVD that way. Raping it by distorting the image should be punishable by death.

I'm no expert on all the different ratio's Voidprime mentioned but I'm surprised that S1's Extra's are in 4:3 and S2's extra's are in widescreen? Why would they do this? The only reason I can think of is that S2's episodes were in widescreen afterall.

There's one person to ask, once and for all about it and I'm going to e-mail him to try and get a final answer!

Incidently, with the recent Euro 2004 football it was once again interesting to see sales of widescreen TV's being pushed on the public at every opportunity, but when the games began it was a shock to a lot of UK viewers that the games were in 4:3, not 16:9 widescreen! Apparently this is how they broadcast in Portugal and the same thing happened with the last World Cup. 4:3 looks really naff on a widescreen 16:9 TV with big black stripes on each side of the screen!

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Guest Second Coming

I thought Voidprime said the extras on S1 were stretched to widescreen. Oh well, I must have missed something.

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Well, the documentaries are mostly in 1.78:1 widescreen (but seeing the title sequence in 1.33:1 at the end of one of the documentaries might mean the documentaires are in non-anamorphic 1.78:1 widescreen). Any footage in the documentaries are cropped to 1.78:1 (so you do lose some of the original 1.33:1 image in the documentaries).

Be Seeing You,

David Blackwell

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David, does you TV have some sort of status function that confirms the aspect ratio if such a thing exists?

I have seen enough widescreen DVDs to see the documentaries are in 1.78:1 widescreen (but I think they might be non-anamorphic). I do doubt they would switch from anamorphic to regular 4.3 on one documentary which make me guess the documentaries are mostly in 1.78:1 non-anamorphic widescreen (since the last 30-45 seconds of one docu is 1.33:1 full frame). I mean FOX are the same people who did the Buffy musical episode in non-anamorphic widescreen for the S6 box set. Someone with a widescreen TV will be able to tell us whether any of the documentaries on disc 6 are anamorphic or non-anamorphic. No, my TV doesn't have a function to say what aspect ratio (and I don't have a widescreen TV).

Be Seeing You,

David Blackwell

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Guest The Roosters

I thought I read where Pete Staddon said the dvds would be released in the ratio in which they were shot.

I too am a widescreen fan having a 58" HD widescreen television. 4:3 ratio takes away from the way most movies were intended to be viewed. It's nothing more than watching half of what your supposed to see on the screen. Where as widescreen shows you the way in which the movie was originally shot and the way director intended it to be seen. (Ask Martin Scorsese) I take it people who haven't watched a movie on a widescreen tv in their home are the ones who don't like widescreen. Widescreen and HD will be the standard.

Here's a perfect example of the ratios. You be the judge!

4:3 (Full Frame)


16:9 (Widescreen)


4:3 Where's the driver? :grin2:


16:9 Here he is :smokin:


Here's a great example


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Guest amnesic

You may perfer to have the picture as "big as possible" but how about the many films that are intended to be seen in Widescreen? Sorry, but I find it unwatchable when I know that 50% of the actual film is chopped off.

i try to buy non-WS versions of films. however, i may change my mind as i've just bought a 28" WS flatscreen 100Hz TV. a step up from the old 14" portable i currently have!

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