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Guest Black's Babe

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Guest RodimusBen

That is an awesome avatar. I once saw a forum where someone had a gif of the eye-cutting sequence from Un Chien Andalou. Wasn't there someone who used to post here who had the "demon face" flashes from The Exorcist put together in sequence?

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Guest Laurent.

I don't know if that's what you are talking about, but Benocles has one of the craziest avatar on the board.

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Guest RodimusBen
I don't know if that's what you are talking about, but Benocles has one of the craziest avatar on the board.

Yep, that's the one. I found his member profile.

That moving image is a composite of all of the frames that were subliminally inserted in The Exorcist during some of the most intense and frightening sequences.

Please, what is "Un Chien Andalou?" You lost me on that one.

It's a surrealist art film by Salvador Dali. In one of the first sequences of the film a woman faces the camera while a man takes a barber's shaving razor and slices her eye open horizontally. Of course, in actuality it uses a quick cut to a close-up of the same being done to a dead goat's eye, but the mind is fooled into thinking that the woman's eye is being cut. Keep in mind that this was in the very early experimental stages of film and surrealism. To say that Un Chien Andalou is a trippy film is an understatement-- not just that first shocking sequence but the whole thing.

If you do a google search for the film you will fin a million images of the scene in question. It's pretty infamous among film nerds.

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Sorry, but I think I will pass on viewing "Un Chien Andalou." I'm pretty sure I won't enjoy it. Thanks for all the information, and I have no doubts someone else will check it out. Dali does have some bizarre art.

As egly and horrible as Benocles' avatar is, Laurent's eye creeps me out more. Help, it keeps following me.

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Guest Jim McLean
It's a surrealist art film by Salvador Dali. In one of the first sequences of the film a woman faces the camera while a man takes a barber's shaving razor and slices her eye open horizontally. Of course, in actuality it uses a quick cut to a close-up of the same being done to a dead goat's eye, but the mind is fooled into thinking that the woman's eye is being cut. Keep in mind that this was in the very early experimental stages of film and surrealism. To say that Un Chien Andalou is a trippy film is an understatement-- not just that first shocking sequence but the whole thing.

If you do a google search for the film you will fin a million images of the scene in question. It's pretty infamous among film nerds.

And of course, the inspiration behind a central link in the Pixies song "debaser":

"got me a movie

i want you to know

slicing up eyeballs

i want you to know

girlie so groovy

i want you to know

don't know about you

but i am un chien andalusia

wanna grow

up to be

be a debaser"

... which was written by Black Francais who later changed his name to.. Frank Black. Ah, full circle.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hmmm, thing that looks like Gollum or The All Seeing Eye. I dunno, they both are pretty scary looking, but I think my vote will also to Laredo's eye.

Welcome, Frank of the Millennium, one who has seen the EYE!

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