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Fencewalker is out at the end of the year?

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  • Elders (Admins)

I haven't heard anything at all Eth, but then I'll never really fathom this film. The Baltimore Sun reported it may not see release, perhaps they were correct? As CC raised the funding for it, that wouldn't be good.


Mehcad Brooks who plays a lead in the movie said a couple of times that Fencewalker will be hopefully released this year with a premiere at some film festival.

Guest Laurent.

Mehcad Brooks who plays a lead in the movie said a couple of times that Fencewalker will be hopefully released this year with a premiere at some film festival.

I'll start to worry if there's no news at the end of 2010.. but I have a feeling will get some feedback for FW from a festival.


I haven't heard anything at all Eth, but then I'll never really fathom this film. The Baltimore Sun reported it may not see release, perhaps they were correct? As CC raised the funding for it, that wouldn't be good.

I completely forgot that he funded this movie himself. I guess that's the biggest incentive for him pushing this as hard and as much as he can in order to generate some hype and interest.

I know John Muir mentioned the following at his blog in respect of his fantastic interview with Chris...

We didn't talk Fencewalker, alas, but we did talk about some current projects that are still hush-hush. I know we can expect more great things from Carter in the future…best,JKM

...I think that was actually in reply to you wasn't it Juri? So no Fencewalker but certainly it seems that he has more aces tucked up his sleeves.

I guess we go on waiting.


Guest WaveCrest

I've only just cottoned onto something with Fencewalker, after looking at post #1 of this thread...THE Katie Cassidy from Harper's Island and the upcoming Nightmare on Elm Street remake is in the film,! :thumbsup: And her shiny, sparkly, blinding white teeth are on display in the picture of her in post #1. :laugh:

  • 2 months later...
Guest WaveCrest

It is rather confusing with Fencewalker and the possibility of it being released.


I guess the reason things are taking a long time is because this is an independent production when all is said and done. I spoke to someone who worked on an independent movie recently and despite having lots of money behind it and big names attached to it it remains unreleased to this day despite being completed two years ago. Not only is there the issue of post-production which for independent movies is usually handled by a relatively small group on individuals often calling in favours and working all the hours themselves as they don't have a vast studio behind them but there's the issue of finding a distributor, finding someone to handle marketing...the list goes on. It isn't like XF2 for example where Fox would have handled everything and Chris would have been free to concentrate on the movie alone I assume this time around he is having to be the butcher, the baker and the candlestick maker for this film.

I do hope it sees the light the day some time soon.


Guest WaveCrest

I like your use of the words 'the butcher, the baker and the candlestick maker' Mark. :thumbsup:

I became interested in Fencewalker because of where it's been filmed, the secrecy of the project and that Katie Cassidy is in the cast.


It's hard to believe there isn't a Chris Carter website out there somewhere either official or fan maintained that is fairly up-to-date with news. I don't even think you can approach BigLight with a question about this as they might not know anything concrete either. That said, keep an eye on Blackoil's Blog here he tends to be very quick at discovering the latest news on all things Ten Thirteen. It's one of the better blogs to follow in my opinion.


  • Elders (Moderators)

No, there isn't a Chris Carter website out there any longer, but there have been a few mentions findable via Google. He's obviously been doing other things since the end of XF TV: for one thing he's gained a pilot's licence to fly light aircraft. But his post-XF life seems to have more to do with being with his wife Dori, rather than looking for further involvement with TV. Of interest is Dori's second book, "We Are Rich", which mentions that she spends time between Santa Barbara and Jackson, Wyoming - the latter gets a mention in some article or other when CC spent the Christmas break in filming IWTB trying to find suitable footwear.

I guess I should share what I've found with Blackoil.

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