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Animated Lucy Butler

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Guest RodimusBen

MM gang,

As part of a Photoshop class I'm taking, I'm forcing myself to learn to "ink" my sketches digitally using a Wacom tablet instead of inking them by hand. To that end, I present one of my experimental subjects, Lucy Butler Animated:


I haven't shaded this or anything, it's only colored on the most basic level. But I hope it may give you a chuckle. I'm going to keep experiementing and I figure I may as well do it with Millennium characters.

On a related note, our final project is to design a movie poster for a film that hasn't been released yet. I think I may ask my professor if I can design a poster for a Millennium movie.

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That's excellent Ben, grand job!

I had a graphics tablet bought for me a few years ago and I gave it one quick go and filed it in storage. I couldn't get the hang of it and had absolutely no reason to try so I never leant. I'm only just venturing into using the pen tool in Photoshop (for my shame). I'd had a few goes with that and all this 'add anchor point' 'delete anchor point' was like pulling teeth so I gave up on that one as well (you can see I have a patience problem right). I actually drew Little Frank (in my sig) using the pen tool so I'm getting there but graphics tablets are a little out of my league.

Keep up the good work and I would love to see the poster - hope your tutor gives you the green light!


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Ben, did you pencil, scan and then ink or move straight to ink and draw the character that way? I wish I knew how to use flash, I would have animated something myself ages ago and I did have a little go with it a time or two but patience, again, got in the way. I created a very small, and crap, animated trailer for our Luminary week (which you can see here) and I wasn't at all happy with it as there's only so much you can do animating in photoshop.

Are you able to use flash to animate images and could you recommend a site with any decent tutorials? It's about time I dusted flash off and gave it another go.


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Guest byron lomax

That's fantastic, RB! That expression perfectly shows Lucy's subtle guile.

I can't believe it - I love sketching but have never done any Millennium characters!!

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Then jump to it Byron :)

I love Millennium art work and there isn't enough of it about. I agree with you, Ben's work is wonderful. He did a great Frank and Jordan sketch too and I'll see if I can find it later unless Ben can share it first. There used to a website in Japanese, I believe, where someone had sketched the whole cast in manga style. It was awesome. I'll add that to my list of things to look for too.


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Guest RodimusBen
Ben, did you pencil, scan and then ink or move straight to ink and draw the character that way? I wish I knew how to use flash, I would have animated something myself ages ago and I did have a little go with it a time or two but patience, again, got in the way. I created a very small, and crap, animated trailer for our Luminary week (which you can see here) and I wasn't at all happy with it as there's only so much you can do animating in photoshop.

Are you able to use flash to animate images and could you recommend a site with any decent tutorials? It's about time I dusted flash off and gave it another go.

This image is actually a first for me. In the past, I have always penciled and inked by hand, and only used the computer for coloring. However, this was penciled by hand, then scanned, and "inked" with a Wacom tablet in Photoshop. The lines are thus a lot sketchier than I am used to, as you can see from my hand-inked work on the Frank and Jordan picture I posted earlier this year.

Unfortunately I have no experience with Flash whatsoever. I'm a lot more hands-on and less computer oriented, something I'm having to learn to change slowly.

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  • 3 months later...

Mark, you sell yourself way too short, the luminary short trailer - crap? Hardly. Inspiring, I would say, as you struggled with something you weren't a master at.

I would love to see the Frank and Jordan sketch, did RB by any chance create an album in his gallery at his profile. That would be ideal, but of course his choice.

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