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"pilot" Screen Captures Up

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Guest chrisnu

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Guest chrisnu

I am beginning work on taking screen captures from the official S1 DVD set, as I have been doing to the X-Files season sets. I now have screen captures for the Pilot finished. The shots turned out well, and I hope you enjoy them. Here's the website address to access them:


A separate domain name will be coming in the near future.

In my postings on the Haven regarding my X-Files screen captures, I usually end with posting a couple of screen captures, along with captions that are ridiculously out of character, and so irreverent that I think that they are funny. Here's a set for today:


"Class, today we're going to talk about sex appeal. I have it, and you don't. I am the rugged, macho archetype that can kick your girly little asses. Yes, you in the back? Do make it quick, I need to look manly for the camera shortly."


"You, you pasty little tart! What are you doing nancing around like a little cream puff princess, you impish effeminate Care Bear fetishist?"


"My Love-a-lot is missing! If I just had my Love-a-lot, I could go back to licking her ears instead of killing people."

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Guest Demolition Man


"You never bothered to ask me about my feelings. So go ahead and eat the Jello, but I'll remember this the next time you are starving and begging for me to swing by Taco Bell at 1 AM."

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Guest Demolition Man



Edited by Demolition Man
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Guest Demolition Man


Frank To Himself: This guy really loves to hear himself talk.... must think of... Paris Hilton! Yeah, Paris Hilton!

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Guest Demolition Man


Frank: Is Paris Hilton around here?

Stripper: No, she's not.

Frank: Bummer. I'll just pretend you are her and we'll be all just fine.

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Guest Demolition Man


Jordan: Can you bounce like Tigger?

Frank: I sure can.

Catherine: Look see he's as tough as Tigger, see look at his jaw!

Jordan: Ooohhh wow!

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