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Music In The Lone Gunmen

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Dear friends,

Yes, it's Eth having on his proverbial "doh" moments. I adore The Lone Gunmen and after years of wearing out the VHS copies I have of the show I was given a brand spanking new boxed set for Christmas. The boxed set mentions that one of the special features is a making of featurette and though I have checked every disc I cannot find it for the life of me. The only extras I can find are the commentaries with the cast. I know it's going to be right there staring me in the face but can anyone who has this tell me which disc it is on and where I should be looking because I can't find it.

Shameful isn't it lol


  • Elders (Moderators)

I bought the three-disc set when it first came out (so mine are region 1). Assuming your set is the same then the featurette is called "Defenders of Justice" (https://www.chelonium...ocumentary.html) and it's on the "B" side of the third disc. You need to click on "special features" and click on "more", then "more" again.

The only other special features on my set are commentaries on specific episodes.

Edited to add: Not shameful at all. I had never seen a double-sided DVD before - fortunately my son was around to explain!

Guest SpooktalkGiGi

Oh sweetheart, i don't have it but i think Murv has it as I remember him saying something about EK getting it for him. But I think what Libby is saying is right, i had not seen one of those double sided DVDs either until Frank showed me one.. wink.gif Neatest thing.

Laura :)


Hi folks,

Found it, thanks Libby. It was on the third disc using more>more>more (I only thought there were two 'more' options so a case of less is more doesn't apply here right) :oneeyedwinK

I thought it was a great featurette much better, dare I say, than those on the Millennium DVDs. I was absolutely delighted to hear Frank Spotnitz be so ebullient about Tango de los Pistoleros which I think is such a perfect episode and very indicative of the stride the team were in when the plug was pulled. I have to say that's the first time I have heard Zuleikha as Zuleikha which makes me even more impressed with her work as she is the polar opposite of her character in absolutely every respect.

Does anyone happen to know how long the first season of the show was intended to be? I would love to know what episodes remain un-produced?


  • Elders (Moderators)

Eth, it was a 13-episode (half-season) contract with Fox, so there were no other episodes planned.

Fox did screw up the airing order after the announcement that the show had been cancelled - The Cap'n Toby Show was aired after All About Yves - but they got the order on the DVDs pretty much right.


Thanks Libby,

I was labouring under the misunderstanding that it was axed mid season. I didn't realise that had technically finished the run when it was cancelled. I was surprised to hear on the featurette that the ratings weren't that bad and were consistent with those of the X-Files during its first season. Such a shame they didn't hang on in there (how many times do you say this in connection with a Ten Thirteen Show) as it definitely found it's voice by the end of the first season.



Oh well, I've started so I'll finish......

I am absolutely in love with the Tango music that plays during the teaser of Tango de los Pistoleros (the Yves Harlow "..the tango is life, the tango is death..." monologue scene) and I'm desperately trying to find out the name of the song. I have found out that session musicians were brought in to record the following tracks for use in the episode but I'm not sure which one is used in that scene. I tried a few 30 second previews at Itunes and still couldn't make up my mind. Does anyone know?


"Gypsy Tango" performed by session musicians

"Tango de la Pasion" performed by session musicians

"Tango Boca" performed by session musicians

"Tango Romantico" performed by session musicians

"Argentina" performed by session musicians

"Mystery Tango" performed by session musicians

"Tango Nervioso" performed by session musicians

"El Machista" performed by session musicians

"Neuvo Tango" performed by session musicians

"Tango a la Tuna" performed by session musicians

"Passionate Tango" performed by session musicians


Diego you are a star,

Do you have a link to the first article again as it isn't working for me. Love the picture of Robinson and Vargas in rehearsal. When I watched the making of I was interested to hear how,during the final tango, Stephen goofed and stumbled and Frank Spotnitz argued to keep the goof in the final cut. Watching that scene and Stephen's goof is absolutely integral to how good it is and it's fantastic to know that a happy accident enriched the scene as much as it did and that Spotnitz could see that. Firstly, Jimmy would stumble, that's Jimmy. There's no way the great oaf would take to the dancefloor and tango fluently, the man didn't have an ounce of rhythm in him. Secondly, the scene works much better as at that point Yves is supposed to be mourning a man she has begun to developing feelings for and when Stephen goofs and the two of them laugh it raises the energy a little, you see it lift Zuliekha and it makes the scene much more enjoyable if that makes sense.

Anyhow, I have uploaded an audio snippet from the intro which I ripped from the DVD so that anyone who wants to help me track down the song can listen to it. The nearest I got Diego was the "Passionate Tango" when listening to the snippets at iTunes but I'm still not too sure. Out of interest, does anyone know who is responsible for incidental music in a show? Would it be Mark Snow or is it the job of someone else to find these tracks? maybe if I knew that I could write and ask them?


Yves Adele Harlow - The Tango Is Life

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