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Region 1 Dvd Transfer Glitches?

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So I've been watching my discs since Tuesday, and have noticed in 2 or 3 places where the colour shifts slightly from either lighter->darker or vice versa. One scene in particular that I recall from today is during "Wide Open" (disc 3) at approximately 2:08 into the episode. It is a shot of a for sale sign that noticeably shifts spectrum.

I've watched on both my stand-alone DVD player, and my computer, and it happens on both, so it's not my equipment.

Does anyone else have this problem, or did I get a bad box set? I find that hard to believe, since it happens on multiple discs...

Thanks in advance.


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I've seen the glitch you mention in Wide Open (top left hand corner) though i've not seen it in any other episode yet (i've only watched up to Force Majeure so far). I'm in the UK so this is probably a problem on all versions.

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I've seen the glitch you mention in Wide Open (top left hand corner) though i've not seen it in any other episode yet (i've only watched up to Force Majeure so far). I'm in the UK so this is probably a problem on all versions.

Well, I guess that's good and bad... bad that it's there, but good that it isn't just me.

I wish I could recall the other eps I saw it happen in (can't remember if it was 1 or 2 others)... I guess that's just an excuse to watch the first 2 discs over again. :)

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