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The Holy Grail

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Hi folks,

Thank you for sharing Darlene. I watched a fascinating documentary some time ago that posited the idea that the Holy Grail was in the Saint Mary of Valencia Cathedral in Spain. It also went on to mention possible Grails located in Italy and supposed to have been to England by Joseph of Arimethea although the idea that he ever came to England is a matter for debate.


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Guest WaveCrest

Just watched the video clip. Interesting to watch, but the music didn't seem to go with the footage. That aside the subject is very fascinating and reminds me of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Now I don't know how much of it was based on fact, but the real cup in the film was made not of gold, but of wood.

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The thinking in the Indiana Jones Movie was that Christ was a man of meagre means and therefore the cup that he drank from would reflect that. Or at least I think that's what was said. Alternative there is the more controversial theory as proposed in numerous books and Millennium's own "Anamnesis" that the grail was in fact Mary Magdalene who carried Christ's offspring to Europe. Who knows.


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Jesus Christ himself was of meager means, so I too believe the cup would have been a normal, everyday, cup that they drank wine from, but the ministry wasn't poor. The ministry needed a treasurer, Judas, the one who held the money bag, and as treasurer he was responsible for giving to the poor. It is said that the poor are people he didn't care much for the poor. He was actually called a thief, and had stolen from the money bag on a regular basis. He's usually always depicted hanging up-side-down, with a money bag, and silver coins.

Jesus would never have had any physical relationship with a woman. He was a spirit man, he was IN the flesh but not OF the flesh. The love he gave to everyone was Agape Love, Divine Love, not Phileo, which is man's affections. There is controversy because, if someone doesn't understand the differences in love, then he/she could come up with Jesus having a relationship and a child. We are His children. I repeat what Mark quoted one day from 1 John 4:19 as being one of his favorites, "We love Him because He first loved us." Divine "Agape" Love, not Phileo. :ouroborous:

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