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Reconstructing: Cryptozoology

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I haven't had time to read all of the article, but I do want to add that the Native American Indian for one, believes that we each have an animal totem that guides us, and we are to seek out what the animal is and get to know it, so we know it's voice when it speaks. That's all for now folks. I too love this subject. Thank you Matt.

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Modern day cryptozoology is an absolute minefield. It's made so much harder by the sheer ease with which people can edit images and videos themselves. I would hazard a guess that almost all videos of strange sightings at places like Youtube owe much more to Adobe Première than they do to the paranormal. The older images are always much more compelling as they would require a much greater degree of effort to create a hoax. That said, it's worth bearing in mind that cryptozoology has led to the discovery of a few previously unknown species which are then welcome into the arms of convention zoology whuch long assumed them to be myths.


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Guest SpooktalkGiGi

Oh you had me at Cryptozoology. lol :) My husband and i do a Paranormal podcast Spooktalkular and we are avid avid fans of the Mothman, we regularly attend the festival in Point Pleasant West Virgina every year and this past year we were asked to be the hosts for the guest speakers and it was amazing. :) I had so much fun and all the guests except one, lol was fantastic. :) One of the best speakers and drew the biggest audience was a man named Tom Ury, he was one of the first eyewitnesses to seeing the Mothman in Point Pleasant back in the

I have also interviewed a Bigfoot hunter and he was very interesting to talk to, his name was Java Bob, lol :) He was great.

We love all things Crypto! Thanks for sharing this. :)

Laura :)

Oh and I forgot to add Jersey Devil, Nessie, the Flatwoods Monster, Skunk Ape, Chupecabra ...... i could go on. lol

Great Read, thanks once again, and OH I LOVE RODS!! I find them very intersting. Fascinating stuff. :)


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What do you think the Chupacabra is Joe? I know there was a lot of fuss this year when a chupacabra was supposedly found and identified as a strange coyote/dog hybrid but test later confirmed it to be a coyote with a severe parasitic infection which is the scientific community concludes these sightings are.

I guess it goes back to the age old question, if these things exist then why has no one ever, and I do mean ever, found a corpse. Thay have to die at some point.


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Guest SpooktalkGiGi

Oh i have heard about that, watched it on a tv show. Im not sure about the Chup but i think the Bigfoots bury their dead, i really do , i think that is why we havne't found a body. I think they could be a socialized civilization similar to us. :)

Laura :)

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Well, I had a break after the X-Mas dinner, stuffed I might add, and I was so pleased to see that this subject has struck up such avid interest.

By all means, if you liked it, agree, disagree, please post on the Blog's comments, we're always looking to boost up the comments section.

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My time spent in New Mexico gave me a very different perspective. The American Indians and the Mexican population had two different outlooks on the Chupa. The Mexicans had a very mythical creaure in mind. This creature always pops up when they needed to explain something they never seen before, so they blame it on the Chupa. A tribe member gave me something totally different, a disease ridden creature thats half wolf half bear. This creature brings disease among animals and people. This sounds a little more believable to me.

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Guest Mikal C Johnson  KtCym ECA

There's definitely some weird stuff out there that we just don't "know" about.

While researching an unrelated topic, I recently stumbled on Tokoloshe and starting noting similarities to ancient stories of Leprechauns and other folkloric critters from around the world.

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