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First birds, now fish.

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Guest Mikal C Johnson  KtCym ECA

Well, spotted this after my reply on the other thread.

This is really weird stuff. It continues to remind me of FlashForward.

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The official report seems to be that they did from 'massive trauma' which means we aren't talking about a slight graze but significant damage inflicted upon the birds. One theory could have been that they were poisoned somehow (though how poison inflicts massive trauma I'm not quite sure) but this seems to have been discounted as many cats in the neighbourhood ate the falling birds with no ill effects. What I can't fathom is the theory that posits it may well have been down to fireworks which begs the question why did it only effect one species of bird in one location when fireworks were going all over the globe on New Years Eve. It's even more odd when you consider the fact that it is second mass wildlife death in Arkansas in recent days with the first being the fish. I wonder how long it will take before someone cites HAARP as being responsible?


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It sure is but the conspiracy theory goes that it can target locations considerable distances away from it. It is said to be behind disasters as far afield as Pakistan and the Philippines. Intestingly, a piece on a Venezuelan state-run television channel's website named HAARP as a cause of the 2010 Haiti earthquake. You either place your stock in these theories or believe it's simply conspiracists looking to attribute to blame.

As the saying goes, the truth is out there.


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Isn't HAARP in Alaska?

Sure is, here's the link to their homepage.


What's interesting is at https://www.haarp.net/, which discusses many different subjects, has on their homepage an article about a book called, "The Military's Pandora's Box," by Dr. Nick Begich and Jeane Manning, which discusses HAARP.

Here is the first paragraph and an excerpt:

This article was prepared to provide a summary of the contents of a book written in 1995 which describes an entirely new class of weapons. The weapons and their effects are described in the following pages. The United States Navy and Air Force have joined with the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, to build a prototype for a ground based "Star Wars" weapon system located in the remote bush country of Alaska.

HAARP will zap the upper atmosphere with a focused and steerable electromagnetic beam. It is an advanced model of an "ionospheric heater."

If it isn't chemicals in the air it's electromagnetic beams. They're killing us folks, a little every day.

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