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Ever Dream About 'This Man'?

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Hi folks,

My friend Jen pointed this out to me and after the briefest of looks around I was already chilled to the bone.

"In January 2006 in New York, the patient of a well-known psychiatrist draws the face of a man that has been repeatedly appearing in her dreams. That portrait lies forgotten on the psychiatrist's desk for a few days until one day another patient recognizes that face and says that the man has often visited him in his dreams. The psychiatrist decides to send the portrait to some of his colleagues that have patients with recurrent dreams. Within a few months, four patients recognize the man as a frequent presence in their own dreams. All the patients refer to him as This Man."

Make of it what you will.



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Guest SpooktalkGiGi

This is strange, i vaguely recall reading about this somewhere, it sounds awfully familiar or something similar to it. Might have been in a college class, sociology, pshychology or deviant behaviour class. It is strange isn't it? that all of the patients have the same man appearing in their dreams but could it also be a mass hysteria type thing?? We all try to make out faces when there are none so maybe this guy is just a typical face that the brain would make out in a dream and maybe it just seemed similar to the other patients so they all thought they were seeing the same man. :Pottsie:

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What spooks me Laura is by all accounts, those who claimed to have dreamed of him seem to say that his benign but I get nothing but bad vibes from his image. I know that's a little metaphysical but I can sense something evil about that image. I know you all think I've taken leave of my senses don't you. :p


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Mark, you haven't taken leave of anything. His eyes don't look like there's any life in them. Wonder if this is another world government random experiment, either entering other people's dreams similar to remote viewing, but different in the sense that the person viewing is gaining access.

To me the religious theory is flat stupid. God (divine love) manifests in all of us. This isn't the movie "Oh God."

The Dream Surfer Theory is the only one that "remotely" makes sense to me.

Amazing that his picture is being posted all over the world. Could be the One World Government, through the assistance of aliens, is preparing us for our one world ruler, an alien one of course.

There are only 2 portraits that look creepy to me.

Sure hope I can get this image out of my head before bedtime tonight.

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Guest SpooktalkGiGi

Oh you took leave of your senses a long time ago, lol :whistling: Just kidding. He is very creepy looking. Gives you the willies and the heebie jeebies combined and thats not good . he looks very menacing.

Laura :)

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Methinks not. That's another type of dream entirely Joe. :whistling:

I have done some digging around and it does seem that the website is owned by an individual who is involved with viral marketing campaigns so this does seem more of stunt that a genuine bit of psychic phenomena. However, viral marketing campaigns market something and though this has been around for a few years no film, book or product related to it has emerged. Maybe it was just done as a hoax or an internet urban myth much like The Slender Man. If you haven't heard of that either check out the link below.



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