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Did Frank really have sex with Lucy?

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Guest Bad Boy Dazza

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I believed she [in demon form] raped Frank and was pregnant with his child. If it had lived it would have been used as a pawn against him.

I totally agree Randee, and it sure would have created some interesting episodes if it had lived. Yikes, Lucy by herself was bad enough.

BEER---->Interesting way to put it, "Bareback."


Very interesting question Bad Boy, thanks. :ouroborous:

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  • 3 weeks later...

An interesting question...

I say no, because Frank's test would have then been undeniable evidence for the rape charge, which was in full swing with police and lawyers. This would have been the ultimate evidence to shut Frank's fight against evil down for good, as well as destroy all of his credibility in the process. I consider the incident to be a dream and/or mind game. I think the truth set Frank free, to coin a phrase, but not after being embarrased and drug through the mud of deception, by none other than the great deceiver. :devil:

Maybe a lesser man would have been deceived...


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  • 1 month later...
Guest DezarasPrime

But when he woke up he had marks on his hands and wrists...did he do them to himself in his sleep? Or was she able to *ahem* "enter" his dreams and yet still engage in physical contact?

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Frank is not immune to scare tactics, especially from Lucy. I find the ending of this episode to be especially unsettling when Lucy starts talking about Jordan. Saturn Dreaming of Mercury is one of the harder episodes to understand, but basically Jordan did end up being the target as promised by Lucy. That episode was filled with moments that could be interpreted as dreams as well.


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  • 2 weeks later...

It wasn't a dream. We can see from the episodes where she appears that LB can bend/destroy the laws of nature so she really was there in the form of a succubus in an attempt to have intercourse with him. But as mentioned above, the hard forensic evidence was not there so that would mean it most likely was not consumated. The marks were a "gift" from Lucy to Frank.

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This scene definitely has its ambiguity. I stand by my "No" answer because that act, were it real, would have totally discredited Frank and his fight against the evil. Evil would have won, which for me, means "End of show." All Frank's work and perserverance up to this point would have been for naught. Part of my stance involves accepting a definitive form of evil that is not all powerful, but has power and influence that can deceive and discredit a person, if the person makes bad choices as a reaction to the deception or temptation. This is not the only "flavor" of evil in the show, if I may call it that, but episodes including Somehow Satan, The Judge, Powers..., Monster, and Siren seem to back this stance.


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  • 7 months later...
Guest intothestarlight

Throughout the season, Lucy has been known to throw around mind games at Frank to make him believe a certain 'reality'. I think it was just a bad nightmare or something to drive him crazy.

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