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O.K. We all need a good dose of Millennium.

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Who has Troy replied to  saying  he's Lance?  It was made clear from when Troy took over that all posts on FB and twitter were from Troy unless signed "LH"  Honestly I don't see what the big deal is. They blasted it   loud and clear that Lance would no be doing the bulk of the posting that Troy would.   Yeah it was greatly disappointing.  No offense to Troy but yeah   Lance  posting would be completely awesome and it was when he was doing the posting.  But he's not and he's made no secret  of the fact that Troy Foreman is doing the posting. There is no dishonesty involved there.  I  know full well if I message or post or tweet and receive a reply, that unless it says LH that it is Troy. It's not a big secret and  has not been a big secret.   So there should not be a problem other than disappointment  because yeah,  getting a reply or post from LH to you or me?  Would be nice. 

Also when Lance  did his own thing with it, yeah it had a different feel.   It was more personal, and He preferred that  his "fans"  be called  tribe members because he didn't like the term "fans".  Has BTFB influenced his  take on that?  Don't know, don't care.   I just know, that when TF took over on the FB and twitter it was announced CLEARLY  and loudly that  he was doing so, and that LH would put "LH"   after all things he himself posted.  I've no reason to think that was a lie. The end.


 I really need a good does of MIllennium right about now.  By that I mean the videos, not this thread.  I just don't quite understand the animosity toward LH for  having someone do his FB and twitter for him, when he was completely aboveboard and honest about it, announced it,  did everything but tattoo it on his forehead.

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Maybe everyone didn't know that it was announced, mainly because many people don't follow Facebook and Twitter, or not often.  I, among many, am rarely ever on FB and never on Twitter.  I don't think there's animosity toward Lance at all,  we all know he's a busy man.  And if it was announced, then we here all know now, and everything is find and hopefully back to normal.  We all make mistakes, or misunderstand things, and I admit that I am a charter member of the M & M Club.

The forums are for sharing, and if we all felt the same, it would be a very boring world.

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 I'm not saying people don't have a right to feel,  I'm saying I just don't understand it.  To each his or her own.

Hey, I totally understand how you're feeling right now.  Most of the time I don't understand other people's thinking.  I used to be pretty good at it, but this world is not the same as it was 10, 20, 30 etc., years ago, and modern society is now the pits.

Yep, everyone has an opinion, and, most everyone wants to share it.  I've been having a hard time wrapping my head around the people that think the movie, "The Martian," is based on a true story.


BEER---> 'The Martian' as I understand it, was written and no publisher wanted to publish it. So, the writer released it on the internet for everyone to read. Then the publishers and movie producers took it more serious after they saw the clamor and the rest is history. I think some gullible people that read it on the internet thought it was a real occurrence - you know 'Sheeple'.


  • Elders (Moderators)

I hope that if Lance saw recent posts on this thread that he wouldn’t take them as a criticism of him.  Lance has been around in the business for a very long time, so he knows how PR and publicity works, whatever the medium. It’s probably no secret that I dislike the way BTFB have operated in the past, but Lance is happy with them, and it’s his decision.

It’s one of those differences of opinion, which aren’t easy to resolve. But I’m sorry, seesthru, that recent posts have annoyed you. I really don’t think they were about Lance, but on re-reading them, I can see how they could have been taken that way.

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  • Elders (Moderators)

BEER---> 'The Martian' as I understand it, was written and no publisher wanted to publish it. So, the writer released it on the internet for everyone to read. Then the publishers and movie producers took it more serious after they saw the clamor and the rest is history. I think some gullible people that read it on the internet thought it was a real occurrence - you know 'Sheeple'.


Unfortunately, the Sheeple effect has always been alive and flourishing, ever since the times of the printing press, and it shows no signs of abating. What people believe is often more about presentation than evidence. I have no idea what "The Martian" is about. But I'm reminded of the Darin Morgan spoof he wrote for the X-Files - the Jose Chung episode, if I'm not mistaken.

I really don't know if it's one of those internet apocryphal things, about people being outraged that the ending of "Titanic" was spoiled when someone mentioned that the ship sank.

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