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O.K. We all need a good dose of Millennium.

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 You know,. I can't judge.  I fell for that whole blair witch movie.  Scared the crap out of me, I thought it was real. Yep.  I'm a doofus!


  I do apologize if I in turn annoyed anyone.   I don't mean to.   Maybe I took the posts wrong myself, but I was kind of cringing  and thinking geez if  LH checks in this thread he might not see us at our best. As for Troy, I really don't know the guy and didn't know he was a BTFB person til this thread.  I thought he was just someone  LH knew.   Now you can see why I fell for the blair witch thing, right?  :tomato-smiley-emoticon:  

I promise I"m smart!  Just  kinda clueless  too.  And gullible! BUT... I never thought we ever went to mars!

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Blair Witch movies was one I never finished.  Not a fan of those kind of movies.

Seesthru, we all are doofuses in our own way.  Hope I spelled it correctly, because spell check didn't have a clue.  :452:

Beerbelch, I agree, The Martian is worth watching, and to me, more then once.  No it's not a scifi movie, and probably why some people thought it actually happened.  The average Joe really is gullible.:tease:

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Yep, everyone has an opinion, and, most everyone wants to share it.  I've been having a hard time wrapping my head around the people that think the movie, "The Martian," is based on a true story.

In a way that's kind of scary, but I'm far more disturbed by the folks on the internet that claim to be smarter than everyone because they can look up information on Wikipedia.

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In a way that's kind of scary, but I'm far more disturbed by the folks on the internet that claim to be smarter than everyone because they can look up information on Wikipedia.

One reason why I don't like Facebook, so many people there are a know-it-all, and, plus the site is all about "self," (I, me, mine).

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Yeah, facebook is a self site.  But it's also a site to share  news, and keep up with family and friends you don't get to see, like younger nephews who are glued tot heir phones but  don't call but they do occasionally facebook.  I don't do instagram, it's  totally narcissistic.  It  could be a great tool, but  nah.   I know most of the social media sites are huge time sucks. I get sucked in to facebook.  I had 3 games I play, and then there is looking at the timeline, commenting on posts, sharing news, etc..  I have friends on there from all over, and facebook has a crappy translator so that can be funny at times.  

Is wikipedia a completely bad thing?  I know, take it with a grain of salt, check snopes,and check other sources. I do google stuff daily.  Is there a better search engine?  I like  to check out different ones. Oh   is there a wicked-pedia? If not there should be.  Have a search engine for halloween,  and for scary stuff.


I love the Jose Chung episode!   I didn't at first.   Now it's my favorite bedtime show! It's funny, campy, silly,but it has  serious messages tucked in.  Like why  is it that only a few of the greats will make it to the next millennium (  as in literature and art, etc)... While crap will still be king? And the 90's was supposed to be the decade of the brain and it did turn into the decade of body piercings! LOL..


Y'all doing the midnight  watching? I am, weather permitting!  Gonna be a stormy weekend and I'm phobic.   I missed the LH  twitter viewing, it started at 2 pm eastern time.  I was asleep! LOL

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Mostly I use Facebook for communicating with my friends who live far away... I never post personal things on Facebook, they are not to be trusted one bit. 


P.S. if you use Facebook messenger on your phone, close it when you're done! While the app is open, it is actively recording (which is why that app drains the battery so fast). The so called purpose of the recording is to catch what you might be talking about while the app is open, or what's on the TV while its open, to custom tailor ads to things it thinks you're interested in. For instance, if you turned your television to the spanish station, and opened up messenger and left it open all night next to the TV, you may start getting Facebook ads in spanish!

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I apologize to everyone here.  I was unaware of some history regarding certain people who are currently running social media for Lance Henriksen.  I honestly did not know  what had happened here at this place in the past.  Thank you to the   one who filled me in.  Now so much makes sense!  No freaking wonder people are hesitant to  have anything to do with  the social media sites run by  a certain person on behalf of LH.  


I hope it's okay to mention all this here.   I deeply apologize if I re-opened any wounds or caused any ill feelings.  I didn't know.   I know now.  and a certain person and all social media  run by  TF will not be brought up here again.  I do apologize most sincerely for any trouble I caused.  I plead total ignorance of  past  circumstances, but i'm no longer ignorant of those circumstances and oh boy  the lightbulb has been lit above my head!


I am sorry.  Dang.  I feel pretty bad.  Open mouth insert foot.  or is it fingers in this case?  


 I wonder if LH knows what he's aligned himself with?  Anyway, I won't be mentioning that person here again,  and  if you all would like to delete any posts in relation to that person?  please do!





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Seesthru, please don't feel bad.  I for one don't think you've said anything wrong.  Life is what it is, we all have an opinion, and I know for a fact everyone's opinion is respected here at the forums.  Everything that happened in the past is behind us now.  We all have to remember that every one of us wants the same thing, to bring Frank Black back, and we each support that goal in our own way.  Some feel it can still happen, and some don't.  I pray that everyone has learned and grown from all that has happened in their lives, and we here, and those on other sites, will move forward and upward together as one MLM family.  After all.......

This is who we are.  :Ouroborous_Large::Frank_Black:

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I'll say this and then leave it as well, the way I see it, there are always two sides to a story. I've been in the Millennium community for a while now and have entered a couple of the BTFB contests and those guys have been nothing but nice. I've not heard anything bad about any individual from there or anything they have done.

Seesthru asked does Lance know what kind of person he's dealing with? How do you think Lance would feel about bashing another person which is kind of what is going on here.

I don't know Lance or those guys personally, but I appreciate what they have done for Millennium..again, there is always two sides to a story.

I appreciate everyone from BTFB to TIWWA, to Lance and anyone related to the show. :)





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