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TV/Movies/Books - Likes/Dislikes?

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  • Elders (Moderators)

I like non-fiction more than fiction, so I usually watch documentaries and such like. I do like my DVD-based lectures that I buy from here: https://www.thegreatcourses.com/.

There aren't many movies I've enjoyed, but those I do like tend to have more of the "think" factor rather than the "feel-good" factor. I guess Millennium set the bar too high.

For humour, I like "The Big Bang Theory" but not much else. I also like Terry Pratchett's books which combine humour with often dark commentary on human society.

I dislike most literature - even the "classics". And most especially the Mills & Boon type.

I think I'm a geek at heart. wink.gif

Anyway, I'd be interested to read what other people's likes and dislikes are. I might discover some treasures I haven't heard about.

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TV shows I like are almost all sci-fi or similar. Firefly,The X-Files, Millennium, and so on. Sitcoms just don't do anything for me as of late. The last one I faithfully watched was Frasier. I do like some cop shows like Castle and NCIS but most seem to repeat themselves.

Movies are the same way. I used to watch a lot comedies but they all seem a bit crude anymore. I love TCM and can watch movies from the 30's and 40's all day. Last movie I saw that I really enjoyed was X-Men Origins Wolverine.

I read a lot and most of them are in the science fiction or fantasy. Mostly the sword and sorcery type. Throw in a Robert Parker novel or some pulp novel that's from the 30's or 40's and I am one happy reader.

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Well, besides the obvious... (Millennium, X Files) I've long been a Star Trek and Dr. Who fan. (yep, I'm one of "those") Not much of the current stuff interests me. I think the only current show I watch is "Family Guy". That's why I was perfectly content, these last few years, without cable tv. Had MM and XF on DVD, as well as movies, so who needs anything else?

As for movies.... Well, here's my big confession.... I'm a "Pirates of the Carabeean" junkie! LOL Oh, so I guess that's the other item I'm bringing.... RUM!!!!

Books? I used to read a LOT more than I do now, to my great regret. I wish I still read like I used to. The Hobbit/Lord of the Rings were favorites. I just have a hard time reading for long now, due to some weird kind of vision problem or something that makes me VERY tired when I've read for more than about 10 to 20 minites. I can manage it on a computer, because I keep changing pages. But, if I start to read a long article online, the same thing happens.

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Guest Sidewinder

Nice topic but impossible to give an adequate answer. I watch a lot TV, tons of movies and also read as much as I can. Generally I'd prefer in reality rooted fictional stuff because reality is what I'm living in every day. Movies and books still remain something more to me, something..."magical". At least something beyond the everyday routine.

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Nice topic but impossible to give an adequate answer. I watch a lot TV, tons of movies and also read as much as I can. Generally I'd prefer in reality rooted fictional stuff because reality is what I'm living in every day. Movies and books still remain something more to me, something..."magical". At least something beyond the everyday routine.

Imagine how I feel, I started the topic and haven't answered it adequately myself. As I said, all of the above, and below, and that's not adequate. Maybe I should have separated the topics. Oh well.

TV (still airing) - NCIS, Criminal MInds, Hawaii Five-O, Mad Men, Lie To Me, So You Think You Can Dance (don't like the others), Walking Dead, and looking forward to Tera Nova.

Movies, oh my, the list goes on and on and on, like the Energizer Bunny.

Books - Bible, The Prophet (anything by Khalil Gibran), North Face of God (anything by Ken Gire). Think I will list authors; it's easier. Carlos Castaneda, Richard Bach, Norman Mailer, Taylor Caldwell, Richard Mathison. Love poetry by the older authors.

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  • Elders (Moderators)

Yep, it's not an easy topic, really, because we're such varied individuals. And also that tastes change over time.

I'd heard good reports about "Breaking Bad", but I couldn't really get past the premise - I mean, how unrealistic. But then I did watch all nine seasons of a show about two FBI agents investigating the paranormal and all three seasons of a show about a serial killer investigator who sees what the killer sees. I should have more respect for Vince Gilligan's talent. The first two seasons are available on amazon uk, so I've added those to my wish list.

I had thought of asking something like "What are you watching/reading at the moment", but my honest answer to that just half-an-hour ago would have been the latest episode of "Bondi Rescue". icon_redface.gifwink.gif

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Guest ZeusFaber

Did you watch the pilot episode of Breaking Bad? I think that alone would be enough to get you hooked and assuage any doubts about the premise!

And hello everyone, by the way. Nice to get the email about this little reunion of sorts.

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Guys, I am reading a book on ancient kingdoms of the Indonesian archipelago. My interest was partly raised by a statement by Catherine's abductor in Season 2 episode 1 when the abductor is parked, watching the stars and

talking to the cop, who has parked up alongside. He talks about the comet and that how under its passing the Sailendra dynasty were forced to relocate by the eruption of the Tangkuban Perahu volcano in West Java. Well, Indonesia is an interest of mine anyway and I am enjoying the book. Fascinating. Other than that I am waiting for Amazon to deliver my copy of the biography of author Jerzy Kosinski. Disgraced for alleged plagiarism, author of "being There" among others, acted in "Reds"N suicide. Anyone else read his books.

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