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Guest Blueboy

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I'll come back to this, when I've had time to organize my thoughts. People have been heralding (sorry for the spelling) the end of the world for thousands of years. Every generation has it's own "doomsday". And, to refer to a Millennium line, every culture has it's own view on who's out to get them. "Black People say it's white people. White people say it's extraterrestrials...."

I'll come back to this topic, and filter everything through a "spell check", since I tend not to pay attention to typos when I'm following a train of thought. Oo.gif

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Guest Blueboy

from bath salt deranged flesh eaters to anomaly strangeness, here's one for the x filer in you

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Wow, the Hopi video is amazing. Again, it goes back to the three mind-sets about Dec 21, 21012. One, total disaster and destruction. Two, nothing will happen. And three, a new spiritual awakening of mankind. I lean towards the third.

In Rev. it speaks of the three great earthquakes, right now they are shaking big time, and more every day. Economy, politics, and religion.

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Guest Blueboy

For the last time in your lifetime, presentiinnnnggggg the sky portent of the week! ---The Transit of Venus.

Depending on your location, this week, June 5th and 6th you will likely be able to witness this amazing event, for only the 7th time in recorded history.


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Guest Blueboy

for anyone interested, what im chugging along here is following the millennium clock, which is set to ring on the Mayan end of the world date. Science has rebuked this particular theory, yet around the world there are preparations being undertaken. I am not taking a side in the presentation, simply noting strange stuff that is happening during the time leading up to the supposed big bang. My postings include strange phenomena, UFO, abductions, and world events that summarize our rush to the end. Here is alink that will bring anyone so interested up to date.


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