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The Innocents- here's my thing

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Guest Sinestro

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Guest Sinestro

I always thought it was semi connected to Force Majuere with the blonde sisters.

Anyone else thought this?

I say this because after years of lying dormant, I am rewarching my sets.

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  • Elders (Moderators)

I've always thought that the blonde hair/blue eyes motif was a nod to the Nazi "master race" beliefs. And given that both blonde hair and blue eyes are carried on recessive genes, that's also a pointer to genetic manipulation or cloning. It's also a theme that came up in the X-Files.

I guess if a writer needs to allude to hidden forces controlling the production of offspring, then the visual clues of blonde hair/blue eyes is the best way to go.

I don't recall making such a clear connection between those two episodes, maybe because one was in season 1 and the other in season 3, and maybe because I've known for a long time that recessive genes aren't that simple.

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Nice to see you back Caleb. Hope you make it back again soon.

My connection, Force Majeure is one of my favorite episodes. With auburn hair and hazel eyes all of my life, I don't connect to the younglings in the episode, but getting somewhat closer since the gray is replacing my red. Eyes on the other hand are still hazel with an occasional droop from lack of sleep.

Libby, I agree with the writer creating a more visual clue with the off-springs being blonde with blue eyes.

The X-File clones were all different sizes, shapes, and colors, identical to people that had actually existed at one time, like Fox's sister.

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Guest Sinestro

In The Innocents/Exegesis they explained the same reason from Force Majeure why the sisters could be coceived simutaneously by the same same woman.

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You are very welcome Caleb.

Here's the link to an article I wrote about The Innocents and Exegesis titled, "Butterfly Exegesis of Innocents." It's not about the blondes and blue eyes, but I trust it will be an enjoyable read.


We all boo boo while typing, no apology necessary.

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Guest Sinestro

Very intriguing, Earthnut. I would like to say that the number 4 is Biblically ascociated with spiritual concerns- 4 Gospels (like you mentioned), 4 Horsemen ( who ARE real and locked up right now), 4 men in the furnace (the 4th being Jesus), etc.

Mike Hoggard has a great 4th Kingdom teaching.

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There are many inspired teachers, and those led of the spirit walk in the shadows, not in front of a camera.

I believe I mentioned that 4 is the number of stability, the four corners, directions, seasons, and man being a 4-fold being, spirit (higher connection with the Great Spirit), soul (emotions and feelings), mind the Mind of Christ) and then the flesh, the body. Get these parts of your being in line and proper order, and immortality awaits. ouro.gif

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Guest Sinestro

I understand where you are coming from, but I respectfully disagree on how to gain immortality and I am intimately familiar with that spirit in the shadows and he is quite a liar.

I still think that the episodes in question hearken back to season 1 without explicitly saying it.

That's how the third year of the show came off to me, like a marriage of the first two years and while some hate the last season, I like it a lot. I can't choose a favorite year because, to me, it's all one brilliant story INCLUDING the X-Files episode.

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