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Did Frank ever use a cell phone?

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  • Elders (Moderators)

I was watching one of my lecture courses on DVD today. It’s called Everyday Engineering, and I’d got to the lecture on cellular phone technology. Then the thought popped up: did Frank use a cell phone?

1G phones were launched in 1979, 2G phones in 1991. So, were around by the time that MM started in 1996. X-Files started in 1993, and it became a running joke that M&S either had or didn’t have a cell phone signal, depending on what the plot required.

The Millennium Group could have used cell phones, but seemed to rely on pagers. They did use computers, and even The Old Man had a fax machine in his cabin.

I wonder if that was just a style thing by Chris Carter et al, or if the MM Group were ahead of the game in terms of hacking?

(Alternatively, it could just be that my memory is at fault, which wouldn’t be the first time!)

  • Elders (Moderators)

Thanks, Jason. I'd forgotten about that episode. The story wouldn't have worked without the use of cell phones.



For sure the group was ahead of modern technology and definitely aware of hackers, after all, they were/are hackers themselves.  Pagers give no information.

Appreciate the trailer of "Millennium Apocalypse."  Time to watch it again.  There appears to be multiple sites where you can either watch the movie or download it.

Great question Libby, and MovieMaker, great reply.

  • Elders (Moderators)

The only pager I ever used was decades ago in an office building. From memory, that system worked via radio frequencies, but was very limited both in the frequency used and how far the signals were broadcast (not very far at all).

But, now I think a bit more about it, there was CB radio, and walkie-talkies, and taxi radios. Old-fashioned technology in a way but, as you say, Earthnut, it's not traceable like a cell phone's location from towers, and all that's broadcast is a number.

I guess I've been so busy trying to keep up with the latest technology that I hadn't thought that sometimes the old ways still have an advantage.


You're not the only one that's not of fan of someone being able to reach me whenever.  But, once we get older, our kids want to be able to reach us at any time, and it's good for safety and emergency reasons for all ages.  Always had a pager until cell phones, and now have one of them, per kids.

Really like the screen shot Frank.


yes, I can understand that. Also, I have no sense of orientation, so the cellphone sometimes have saved me.
The pic is very good. I found it sailing through the web. It didn´t have a name (https://media.hollywood.com)

 Sometimes I look for news about Chris Carter regarding the show and I ran into those pics. Like this promos.



  • Like 1

WOW, awesome images.  Love the season finale, killer virus image.  5.9 billion people may very well have been the planet's population then, with it now over 7 billion, which is way over what our planet can sustain.


Got rid of cell service.  I have long distance  via home phone.   The cell can  still dial 11 if I need it to, so I still take it with me. Yes it's a pain trying to find a phone to make a call when I am out and about.  No pay phones! But,  to keep expenses down and keep the internet?  I'd toss out the cell any day! I also hated people calling me  no matter where I was.   I'd tell everyone I was hanging out at a friends.  They'd call me and I'd feel rude talking on the phone  while a guest at someone's house. I"m old school that way.   Or I'd be out somewhere and  my brother would want me to go home and meet him for one of his  crises, and he'd   badger me until I did.  


There is a reason we didn't come with cell phones originally.  Sometimes, you just need to  be alone, and not worry over what's ringing.  But yep,  they are really handy too. so it's becoming a necessary evil.

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