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Millennium Group...illuminati?

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depends, i'd have to hear the fruit of his thinking first, then decide.

and until it is proven, it is fiction.

Gotta pick out this one part here and call you on it. Until something is proven, then it should simply be labeled unproven, as there is still room for it to go one way or the other. "Fiction" is a definitive finding, which really doesn't fit at all.

Guest fledgling666
Gotta pick out this one part here and call you on it.  Until something is proven, then it should simply be labeled unproven, as there is still room for it to go one way or the other.  "Fiction" is a definitive finding, which really doesn't fit at all.


"unproven" implies that it CAN BE proven. also suggests that there is harder evidence than there is.

"fiction" tells what it is until proven one way or the other and that is someone's story, someone's imagination or the collective imaginations of multiple people.

yeah, sometimes i'm bullheaded, sometimes i don't allow the room for changing my mind on certain subjects, well, in this case, i have good reason, i have studied this crap as much as i think i CAN study it and i've still never found a conclusive link between the illuminati and the really real world.


before gravity was proven it was fact not fiction... our awareness of something is not what makes it true

just because I am not aware of the big, ugly, green, monster that lives in under my bed does not mean it is fiction

a reasoned judgement;however, tells me that in is a gob of nonesense not a gob of evil green goo that is going to eat me at night

when the data is based on scant evidence, limited historical recordings, and mixed in with a lot of hysterical nonesense it is hard to arrive at a definative conclusion on topics like the illumnati

that's what makes it so interesting

on another note, too often open minds need to be closed for repairs

before gravity was proven it was fact not fiction... our awareness of something is not what makes it true

And at one time, people thought the earth was flat. But somebody blew THAT one outta the water! :gaba:

And, at one time, the word's greatese scientists thought that the atom was the smallest thing....Untill somebody split it open and a whole mess of crap came out! :wtf::wacko:

Guest fledgling666
before gravity was proven it was fact not fiction... our awareness of something is not what makes it true

ok, so if a tree falls in the woods and no living creature, other than other plant life is there to witness it, did it make a noise?

the question here is unless we are there, or some animal with noise-sensing biotechnology, is there, is there a sound? are those soundwaves anything other than inaudible waves if they are never converted to audible tones by such a mechanism as an ear? is gravoty really a fact if there is nothing to prove it's existence? is it a fact if there is nothing being affected by it?

gravity is "FACTUAL" in nature, but before it was proven, it wasn't a fact, it wasn't even imagined. it just existed, and then we noticed it, and then it was hypothesized, and then it was proven.

when the data is based on scant evidence, limited historical recordings, and mixed in with a lot of hysterical nonesense it is hard to arrive at a definative conclusion on topics like the illumnati

on another note, too often open minds need to be closed for repairs
Guest Seraphim

For all we know Gravity did not exist until man dreamed it up. Then "Reality, God, The Universe, etc.." made it so. It's been an interesting posibility. That reality is not absolute. That all of man's "scientific knowledge", is just illusions to pacify him. Things are not easily proven or disproven despite what some people like to think.


"First I'd put gravity in the basket with factual, but unproven facts of life. It's a great theory, but not yet a 'complete' scientific theory (bogeyman might still be revealed to be the true reason why gravity exists). About the tree in the woods we can state that it is a claim, and can't really draw any other conclusion about it. Same goes with most undefined stuff, in this respect illuminati included."

You are so right. We have some understanding of what gravity does, but we don't really know what it is. Just like the moster undermy bed; I know what it does (scares me), but I don't really know what it is (my imagination)

I accept that gravity was exerting force before we knew what it was. The moon was revolving around the earth and not painted on a glass sphere until gravity was understood.

The tree? All depends on your definition of sound. Does it send out vibrations? absloutly. If sound is only precieved vibrations, then no it does not make a sound.

But if you aren't there to hear it, then you probably can't see the tree for the woods anyway.

Guest Seraphim
........I feel like I've walked into an episode of F.R.I.E.N.D.S  :wacko:  :wtf:


I hate that show with a passion >.<

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