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The History Of Lucy Butler

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Yes, but in the sense that Frank saw him go through various incarnate forms. The way it was shot and presented seemed to indicate that only Frank had the capability to see any form other than Pepper.

Yes, and we know that part of Frank's gift is that he sees the true nature of evil (Somehow Satan). So he is seeing all the forms of the evil being can take?

Guest SouthernCelt
Yes, and we know that part of Frank's gift is that he sees the true nature of evil (Somehow Satan). So he is seeing all the forms of the evil being can take?

Yes, I think the point of that scene was to show the audience via Frank that the "same" evil that was or was in Lucy was behind Pepper as well. Otherwise there would have been no point to the brief appearance of Lucy in the supermarket.

Let me hasten to say that I don't have a lock on the truth of all the hidden/implied meanings in this episode; I'm giving my opinion and trying to explain how I saw the details. Anyone is free to disagree...

  • 6 years later...

Hi, I'm new to this site and find it to be very cool.

I thought I might add my two cents regarding Lucy Butler.

Given the end-of-the-world scenario permeating the series and the many Biblical references, I thought it might be interesting to note that the Bible says that "as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man" (Luke 17:26), regarding Jesus's return to Earth.

As for the period just before Noah's Flood, the Bible states, "The sons of God saw that the daughters of humans were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose" and "The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them" (Genesis 6:2&4). Some Bible scholars see "sons of God" as children of Seth, but others interpret the phrase to mean demons, who were angels before their rebellion against God. If the latter is considered, then the later phrase that Noah was "perfect in his generations" could imply that only his family was not a demonic-human hybrid.

As a result, some Bible commentators theorize that, just prior to Jesus's return, the demons thus sexually involved and chained for a period, would be released for a short time in the last days, and therefore the Earth would be again "as in the days of Noah" with demonic-human hybridization. Lucy, as succubus/incubus could fit the bill very well-- and if she is part of Legion, could represent others of her kind contaminating the human gene pool.


(Oh, I forgot to add that Lucy's claim, "The fruit of our union populates the Earth" would make more sense given this interpretation-- if all of this has already been covered, please overlook my error as a newbie on the site.)


IF Lucy is legion, then the judge, having called himself Legion when Frank asked him his name, would be one of Lucy's many forms. OR she inhabited him .. the Judge knew way too much about Frank and offered him a job. He left him the note on the door too, implying that he was in fact not dead. I believe whatever the judge was, the body in the pigpen was the shell he inhabited and he left, only to return later as Lucy, and possibly that lawyer that wanted to hire Frank and who also knew way too much about Frank.

Lucy is something else. She was the serpent that ate the real Divinia, the sickly child, and then replaced her with her own offspring I think. She has male and female forms. She is a shapeshifter, a succubus, and I'm not sure what she was up to in the room with no view. I still don't get that one. Seemed like small potatoes for her. So did her relationship with Fabricant. I don't think she was the devil. In the scheme of things, her machinations were always small. a murder here, a murder there... kidnappings, replacing a child with perhaps a demon child. I'm still pondering her.


I think what she was up to in "Room" was to break the special kids, the supergifted, good kids and turn them into "normals" who mostly care about themselves, cause love for others will make you feel blue...

As somewhere else written, real evil doesnt only want to kill off people, but wants to conquer their souls and to possess them, as it probably did with Annie Martin when she became the devils servant. Just the newspaper article showing she was missing doesnt have to mean, that this was the beginning of her "career". Maybe this incarnation is even older, but this is the first information about her that she wanted to be found by Frank giving him a glimpse of an idea of what she really is. I also dont think Lucy IS the devil, but at least she is his right hand, his will walking the earth.


I always thought Lucy was one aspect of Legion who was a multi-faceted demon. Legion is one demon but could occupy and manipulate multiple humans. This is in line with Legions introduction within the Bible "My name is Legion, for we are many". This would mean that Lucy, The Judge, Alistair Pepper where all under the influence or control of Legion who was a singular entity. This would also explain how they all seemed to know so much about Frank.

@seesthru: In regard to the serpent, I think the serpent consuming Divina was more metaphorical for Evil consuming her. Serpents have been used within the Bible to represent evil temptation such as the Serpent who tempts Adam and Eve within Eden.


The evil consumed her and turned her into something evil, maybe not quite aware of whats sleeping inside her or what she has become (just like Damien in The Omen part 1). She then was reborn as Lucy's Divina.

Frank didnt get that, because at the end of Antipas he said "you can not affect the innocent". Lucy (Legion) did that again in the next episode "Mercury..."

Thats why she showed up at the end of the epsiode. To proof to Frank that she can.


Na, i dont think so, but maybe she was that one particular tree in the forest. You know which one? The one next to the tree with all the leaves...laugh.gif

Or were you serious about that dog theory?

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