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Something I Did: No One Knows About

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During my darkest hours regarding the fate of my son, and the chance of losing him due to my brother. I had no where to turn. As i shared my feelings and thoughts on this message board last year, i decided to write a letter to Lance Henrisken. I told him about my problem in which we did not have enough money and what had happen to me. I even included a picture of Gabriel. I had asked for assistance from him, i know celebrities are leary of this but i had to take a chance. I never heard back from him......i hope i sent it to the right address. Well anyway we all know abut the happy ending. If Lance prayed or just had us in his thoughts.......that was just good enough.


We do whatever it takes for our children. I have prevailed upon family and friends many times for the sake of my boys. But I am lucky enough to have a caring family.

The worst was when my sister-in-law was undergoing chemo after breast cancer surgery, but despite that she still would drive me to work when my car was out of commission. I’ll never be able to repay her for things like that and in the darkest moments you despair of having to ask.

The emotional turmoil Lance went through with the show - I’m sure he realized the impact it had on people. Celebrities are a special people because of the work they do - they train themselves to be skeptical of some things they get from fans. But no one with any humanity could reject a letter like that outright, Joe. If he responded and it was lost, who knows? But I’ve no doubt he was touched by it.

Gabriel is a very lucky little boy, with a dad like you!

~ Bonnie


Well said, ein.

I appload your bravery in sending such a heartfelt letter, Joe. If I HAD his address, I'd have a hard time getting myself to actually write to him.

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