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"anamnesis" (2nd Season)

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Guest ___ L@the_of_Heaven___

Does anyone else think that this episode kicked some SERIOUS @ss?!!!

(I hope I can say it this way, if not please tell me...)

And also REALLY deepened and increased the background Religious Mythology of the show, tying it into The Bible and hightening the sense of the Fight of Good vs. Evil and an impending feeling of Divine / spiritual confrontation? Do any of you think that this particular element of the show REALLY gave it it's strength and truly tied into the whole 'Millennium' / 'Impending Doom' theme of the series?

I sure did; it's what really made the show LIVE to me. The strong feeling that powerful forces were at work and the effects of these forces on Frank and The Millennium Group and of course the approaching Millinnium itself. Do any of you feel that this was lost in the 3rd Season? I wonder why this was changed...???

Guest SouthernCelt
Do any of you think that this particular element of the show REALLY gave it it's strength and truly tied into the whole 'Millennium' / 'Impending Doom' theme of the series?

I sure did; it's what really made the show LIVE to me. The strong feeling that powerful forces were at work and the effects of these forces on Frank and The Millennium Group and of course the approaching Millinnium itself. Do any of you feel that this was lost in the 3rd Season? I wonder why this was changed...???

I personally liked the apocalyptic/religious trend of the 2nd season the best of all the lines of plot that the series took; however, I understand that Chris Carter didn't particularly like the religious mytharc that Morgan and Wong took the show down that year. When he came back more involved in the third season, he reduced the number of episodes that were grounded in religion and made some changes in the way the Group did business, e.g., Mabius who did a lot of the dirty work. I thought the third season moved a bit toward the kind of topics that X-Files was famous for (short of the aliens, however).


in Season one there was a hint of impending doom. For example some of the bad guys felt as if the end is coming soon. I believe the Frenchman felt this way. Iron Lung Man in Force Majure thought the end was coming soon. One had the elements that had Frank thinking...whats going on? and there is something much deeper going on here regarding evil

Guest ___ L@the_of_Heaven___
in Season one there was a hint of impending doom. For example some of the bad guys felt as if the end is coming soon. I believe the Frenchman felt this way. Iron Lung Man in Force Majure thought the end was coming soon. One had the elements that had Frank thinking...whats going on? and there is something much deeper going on here regarding evil

Yes, yes, YES! You have hit it; that was built up SO nicely (LOVED that Iron Lung Man episode : )

VERY sad indeed that this was all but thrown away by the third season...

Guest ___ L@the_of_Heaven___
I personally liked the apocalyptic/religious trend of the 2nd season the best of all the lines of plot that the series took; however, I understand that Chris Carter didn't particularly like the religious mytharc that Morgan and Wong took the show down that year. When he came back more involved in the third season, he reduced the number of episodes that were grounded in religion and made some changes in the way the Group did business, e.g., Mabius who did a lot of the dirty work. I thought the third season moved a bit toward the kind of topics that X-Files was famous for (short of the aliens, however).

Yes! Thank you VERY much for your excellent input (I think this is SO dang great to be able to discuss this awesome show so long after it has left us : )

I REALLY agree with you tremendously; as I mentioned in reply to the other good person who also kindly replied to this post (and the other one) I just think that after so much great buildup in the first and second season it seems like such a dang shame that this was veritably thrown away by the last season. I can understand that Mr. Carter may have felt his intitial vision impinged upon somewhat by Mrs. Wong and Co, however such a TERRIFIC groundwork and mythology was laid, why would anyone wish to throw that out the window especially when I'm sure by then it MUST have been apparent that MANY fans were really getting into this mythology. I mean C'MON! Look at extremely successful games like D&D for goodness sakes or maybe in a broader way "Lord of the Rings". I mean did Tolkien set up all this awesome stuff about The Ring and Gandalf simply to toss these concepts away in the third book??? Maybe a lousy example, but you would think someone as obviously talented and brilliant (and likely aware of fan's involvement) as Mr. Carter would have taken these factors into consideration.

I don't know, sorry to p*ss and moan so much... Maybe I should just shut up and watch the rest of the 3rd Season : )

And yes, I FULLY agree with you that at least the few episodes that I have seen so far of the 3rd Season they do indeed remind me of the X-Files [which I also love, probably MORE so overall due to staying more faithful to the characters and the consistant story line - which is the VERY thing I'm b*tching about here : ) Especially "Human Essence" - which I guess I've read is about the all time LEAST liked episode of the series - It REALLY struck me like an X-Files episode considering the hinted government involvement and experimentation angle]

Thanks again you guys; this is awesome!


to tell you the truth, i like MM over X-Files. Season Three had some awesome episodes but i thought the first two epis where awful. The ones lilke to watch over and over are: Through a Dark Glass............Borrowed Time.....Sound of Snow.........Anitpas...........Darwins Eye........Seven and One........Nostalgia........Goodbye to All That

One of my fav. scenes was Frank throwing a chair through Peters glass door in Goodbye.

Guest ___ L@the_of_Heaven___
to tell you the truth, i like MM over X-Files. Season Three had some awesome episodes but i thought the first two epis where awful. The ones lilke to watch over and over are: Through a Dark Glass............Borrowed Time.....Sound of Snow.........Anitpas...........Darwins Eye........Seven and One........Nostalgia........Goodbye to All That

One of my fav. scenes was Frank throwing a chair through Peters glass door in Goodbye.

I'll hafta get further into Season 3 to get to most of those : ) I will say that MM DEFINITELY had a much more INTENSE premise and a far edgier presentation which really grabbed you; and you gotta love Frank. I guess I just liked the interplay and humour (and very clever dialogue) in XF; also too, overall the show (which of course did run much longer) had a LOT more versatility which by comparison did kinda make MM seem a bit more one-note.

I suppose in all fairness it might be better for me to say that each show had it's strengths; but MM could be WAY more intense at times. I'm finding with the 3rd Season that the sheer intensity of the episodes, even the poorer ones have a very stomach churning quality which the XF RARELY achieved. Also too, I do feel that the production value and pure technical quality of the 3rd Season was very, VERY strong. I don't know, maybe each Season had it's own character in different ways and maybe certain things about each season had it's particular appeal.

I'm looking forward to getting to the later episodes you are recommending (the last one I've seen so far is this one that I originally commented on, "Borrowed Time". It's already bloody 12:30 A.M. or so, but I GOTTA watch at least ONE episode tonight : )

  • 3 months later...
Guest ed2damund

This was by far one of my favorite episodes. Not only did it show that the show could function without its main character (which was more of a flexibility thing than a quality thing--by the end of the episode you really start to understand what makes Frank so amazing), but...oh man, the teaser was so amazing. The song used just fit PERFECTLY, and the direction used was amazing. I love how they didn't go too far into the whole conspiracy over whether it was fake or not, but still had enough of it for it to linger over your head far after the episode was over. I did think that the man wielding the gun who failed (I forget names, I saw this ep. I while back...right now I'm on Bardo Thodol, and I can't help but think back to the better episodes of the series) performed very well, but his words after he failed sort of bothered me...but I guess if they had to choose something for him to say, that would be the best. Still, I would've preferred just silence, which can say so much more.

Guest ___ L@the_of_Heaven___
This was by far one of my favorite episodes. Not only did it show that the show could function without its main character (which was more of a flexibility thing than a quality thing--by the end of the episode you really start to understand what makes Frank so amazing), but...oh man, the teaser was so amazing. The song used just fit PERFECTLY, and the direction used was amazing. I love how they didn't go too far into the whole conspiracy over whether it was fake or not, but still had enough of it for it to linger over your head far after the episode was over. I did think that the man wielding the gun who failed (I forget names, I saw this ep. I while back...right now I'm on Bardo Thodol, and I can't help but think back to the better episodes of the series) performed very well, but his words after he failed sort of bothered me...but I guess if they had to choose something for him to say, that would be the best. Still, I would've preferred just silence, which can say so much more.

Hey there Ed! How nice of you to find one of my very first posts here! And, better yet, someone that ACTUALLY feels that same way about the episode that I do! WOW!!!

As I had mentioned, to me personally, the song was TOTALLY right for the teaser; something about it just REALLY grabbed me. Others here have said, 'What was up with the song...? It had nothing to do with it. Or, 'The teaser really didn't fit the story...' NOT TO ME though! :nope: It had almost a magical quality that fit the mood PERFECTLY!!! But, like I've mentioned here before, ART is completely subjective; and what might send one person into orgasmic ecstacy (and I have NOT mentioned Japanese Schoolgirls anywhere!!! :nope:) may leave someone else completely cold... So, there you go...

Thanks again for the nice thoughts; have fun on the board!!!

Guest betweenthelines

I liked the religious/mystical angle the second season took. I think it was pretty much needed after Season 1, which at times felt like a darker and creepier version of your average cop show. Besides, with a show called "Millennium", it makes sense that religion and theology would play an important part in certain episodes. Too bad most of TPTB and Lance Henriksen were less than fond of the direction Season 2 took, because it really rejuvenated the show in my opinion. There were some great episodes in Season 3 but Chris Carter's "need" to go backward instead of forward with the storylines weakend the third season considerably.

One can only wonder what a fourth season would have been like. Since a fourth season would have aired closer to the dawn of the new millennium, I think a return to the type of plots seen in Season 2 would have been in order.

And to answer your question, I'm not sure if 'Anamnesis' kicked serious :boody: but I sure did enjoy it.

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