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Real condition chemical tests

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Guest Wellington


I have just read an article in Le Monde, so it may be a bit since the whole story came out... So it seems that the US government made tests with potential chemical warfare, in the 60s and 70s. I like the name of these products: e-coli bacteria, sarin, neurotoxic gases etc... There were used in open space to validate many parameters, like the way aerial "things" dissipate (in air or sea), survive in Russian-like winter conditions (in Alaska), are efficient in forests (in UK and Canada, nothing too much for the ease of mind of the US of A intelligentia), or can be launched by submarines. Well, to sum it up, some people found that the planet were their playground. I would now think twice before going to Hawaï or Alaska (if I had to, that is).

The file was so deeply classified that even the higher brains in the Pentagon did not know about it (of course), but that may well have been sponsored by a Group-like task force (let's take the affair our way). It is publicised now in case complaints arise about health issues, and it seems they do not know wether people were exposed or not. I guess no one there wants his daughter abducted by a former guinea-pig!

Now I wonder what we will find out in 40 years from now, about what is done now...



Can you get us a link to an article on this.  I would definitely like to read about it.  And this is definitely an example of real world millenniumistic situations.  This sounds exactly like the activities of the Group or perhaps one of the rogue government groups or indirectly/secretively government/military sponsored projects featured in episodes of MLM (like the rogue group of the Human Genome Project in Sense & Anti-Sense, or the drug experiements to create a supersoldier serum, which showed up in the tainted heroine in Human Essense).

:hands3: Scott

Guest Wellington

Hi Scott

Sure, this is a link: Article. I particularly enjoy threason why the affair comes to light: it is so unbelievable!!

I am afraid it is in French, and if you wish I may try a translation during the lunch break.


Guest Wellington


So, here you are! I would suggest this translation. I think that I overall succeeded in avoiding double meaning translation so as not to betray the original text, but I am far from having any journalistic syntax subtlety. I read The Times every day, but I am more interested in Premier League results than in international politics!! :rofl:

The Pentagon unveils biological and chemical tests

The investigation was about finding out how many people may have been exposed to noxious substances during those tests, so as to answer to probable complaints about health issues.

The Pentagon revealed on Monday, 30th June that in the 60s and 70s, the US Army underwent 50 biological and chemical substance tests in the utmost secret, so as to evaluate their impact in different environments and weathers. This news is the fulfilment of a nearly 3 year investigation about a military project, "project 112" and its successor "project SHAD", which were secretly executed by land and by sea, in different parts of the world - from Marshall Islands in Micronesia to Panama, Canada and Great Britain - involving a total of 5842 american soldiers.

The birth of the program dates back to 1961, when Robert McNamara, the then defense state secretary, ordered a series of tests to determine whether chemical and biological weapons could be parts of the national defensive warfare. "We were lucky to find out reports", stated Dee Dodson Morris, head investigator for the Pentagon, revealing that the project was so precautiously classified that it had been unknown to even main executives at the ministry.

In June 1962, the interarmy staff created a center in Fort Douglas (Utah), in charge of "project 112". Six months later, in January 1963, the Navy launched the "Eager Belle" tests off Oahu Island (Hawai) to test whether biological agents contained in an aerosol could get into buildings. A remorqueur sprayed Bacillus Globigii, a non lethal bacteria, on a ship, "in order to gauge the safety measures".

Tabun, Sarin, Soman and VX

Deep into Cold War, American strategists wanted to find out how lethal substances like sarin gaz (which paralyzes the nervous system) and VX (another powerful neurotoxic gaz) would react in below 0 C temperatures, like winter temperatures in many parts of the ex-Soviet Union. The "whistle down" tests were made from December 1962 to February 1963 at Fort Greely, Alaska. Bombs, rockets and mines filled with sarin and VX were detonated in a forsaken region near Gerstle River.

In order to see how weapons of mass destruction could be used in jungle environments, the Pentagon launched the "black Jack" exercise in early 1963 near Panama. Chemicals were sprayed on Fort Sherman military site by plane.

Great Britain and Canada were chosen for "rapid Tan", the goal of which was to find out how long tabun, sarin, soman and VX neurotoxic gazes would keep their lethal properties in forest environments and in open spaces. Many times in 1968 and 1969 were lethal chemical weapons tested on military sites in Porton Down (Great Britain) and Ralston (Canada).

"Blue tango" was composed of 20 experimentations in Hawai, where a potentialy man killer bacteria (E.coli bacteria) has been sprayed between January and March 1968. The Pentagon launched bacteriae at sea too, in order to see if biological weapons could be efficiently launched by submarines.

In 1968, for "Folded arrow", the USS Carbonero submarine sprayed bacillus globigii into the sea, at Oahu Island, "to prove the ability of the submarine weapon system to launch a biological attack against facilities in an island and in a harbour".

The Pentagon investigation aimed at determining how many people could have been exposed to noxious agents during those tests, in order to answer probable complaints about health problems. William Winkenwerder, deputy defense secretary, was glad that the "investigators were able to fulfil this deep investigation, and to confront speculations and uncertainties with facts, in order to give a well deserved ease of mind to the former participants to these tests".

From AFP, in Le Monde - 1st July 2003

I just hope it still has some meaning. I do not know the English words for the gases, so I let them as I found them. Anyway, I would not know more about them even if I knew how to translate them...



........the basic gist of this story also appeared in the wall street journal in some form or another. this was a while back though and recollections are a bit hazy. i have to be honest and say that this story does not shock me in the least.-(and that fact alone bothers me.)

                                        ~se7en :ouro:

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