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The Corporate BLANK in Walkabout

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I just have to say this.  In the first season episode, Walkabout, there is a female exec at the drug company, that takes Geiblehouse and Frank to Ingrams office... she is a total snootty BLANKIN' *****!!!

Wow!  I mean, the actress played that snootty corporate attitude so BLEEPIN' perfectly!  What a complete and totally *****!  I mean she plays it so realistically.  And perfect type casting to.  She has the EXACT look for the part with those snootty facial expressions.  And that incredulous and arrogant tone of voice she has when she is confronted with the facts about her "model employee", Hans Ingram.  I guess it is just another example of the MLM writers and producers attending to the details.

What do you think?


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Yes, Scott...once again...hats off the the writers, casting directors, WHOEVER was in charge!  They always have a way of finding the PERFECT actor/actress for the part! :yes_big:

~RavenWolf :devil01:

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  • Elders (Admins)

Scott, are you opening your own Selfosophy Institute?!

I watches your favourite ep again last week. Not seen it for some time. I got a lot more out of it and your jokes/witticisms/references for having watched it again.

This time I only replayed the punch in the groin scene 10 times! LOL!

Graham. :ouro:

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Oh, most definitely!  Like my buddy, L Ron Hubbard says, "The way to make a million dollars is to start a religion."

Religion is truly a lucrative business.  And they really have great marketing, and customer "buy-in" techniques.  Brilliant really.  Religion truly is one of the most successful long term status, wealth, and power generators, and inventions that human beings and civilization have ever developed!  


I am glad you enjoyed Doomsday Defense again!  There really is sooooo much packed into that episode, and all kinds of subtle and not so subtle jokes and sarcasm about a lot of things!  And I am definitely glad to hear that your latest viewing lets you get more our of my "jokes/witticisms/references".  It's like Andy Mc Laren said to Frank about his smile, "It's what I live for."

:smily_tooth_big:  :wink_big:  :laugh_big:

:hands::hands3: Scott

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 I knoe you started this thread about Walkabout, but now that Graham brought it up, I just was fortunate enough to see Jose Chung for the first time last night... after talking to you on the phone, and I must say, now I "get" all your jokes and refferences too! :thumbsup_big: Hats off to ya' mate! :cool-big:

~Erin (Raven Wolf)

P.S.  Scott.... A gift!  Enjoy! :wink_big:

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