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Millennium coming to ITV4

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  • Elders (Admins)

I almost choked to death earlier when I saw a promo for coming shows on ITV4. I glanced up and saw Lance looking at me, I had to rewind ye olde Sky+ and yes, there he was. Frank Black returns to UK tv soon in Millennium. I wonder which ungodly hour they'll screen it, how many episodes they'll play in the missing or wrong order? Or will they be kinder to old Frank than ITV were when they killed any major chance of it being popular in the UK?

Hopefully it will spur a few new fans onto the show. :ouro:

Guest ZeusFaber

I saw those commercials too and had the same reaction.

Great to see some UK exposure for the show, even if it is far too little too late.

Guest Frank L.
I wonder which ungodly hour they'll screen it, how many episodes they'll play in the missing or wrong order?

This is always a big surprise. I remember when they aired the first season of The X-Files out here. They started with the pilot, then episode 18 or something. Two weeks nothing, then started again with episode 5 from season 8. In the TV-guide they just listed "The X-Files - Season 1". They don't bother to get an episode guide or something. They just play the first tape they find. :angry:

Guest tempusfugit

Lucky you!

Even with the dvds, I still get all tingly when I can tune into favorite shows at a scheduled time. Part of me hopes this is some marketing strategy; bring it back to test the fanbase to see if it's worth making a movie. [/wishful thinking]

  • Elders (Admins)

Yes its frustrating and really winds me up when I think about ITV scuppered Millennium's chances in the UK. There again Sky despite showing it a reasonable hour (I first saw the show on Sky and got hooked from the first episode) ruined it by refusing to show S3 and then moving it to 4am years later!

SCI-Fi UK are to be congratulated on their treatment of the show, they went all out to bag every season and to show them all back to back. Sadly this was years after the show was made but I'm sure it led to a lot more fans of the show.

Guest betweenthelines
Yes its frustrating and really winds me up when I think about ITV scuppered Millennium's chances in the UK. There again Sky despite showing it a reasonable hour (I first saw the show on Sky and got hooked from the first episode) ruined it by refusing to show S3 and then moving it to 4am years later!

SCI-Fi UK are to be congratulated on their treatment of the show, they went all out to bag every season and to show them all back to back. Sadly this was years after the show was made but I'm sure it led to a lot more fans of the show.

I wish the Sci-Fi network in US would play "Millennium". I can watch it anytime I want since I have the DVDs, but it would be neat to just catch an episode on TV every once in a while.

Guest MillenniumIsBliss
i remember once a long time ago when F/X aired MM at midnight

I seem to recall it being on from 1:00 AM to 2:00 AM about 6 years ago. One of the positives of being laid off from my job at that time was that I could stay up and watch it. By the way, did FX ever show any of season 3? I don't really remember seeing season 3, other than the original airing and the reruns later in the season on regular TV.

Guest ModernDayMoriarty

Thank God.

I thought I was the only one who actually got excited when Millennium came on TV whilst being in posession of the DVDs. I mean, I could and watch it anytime right? But I too saw those ads and I practically fell off my chair when I saw Frank! I immediately started scanning Sky and ITV4 for when it was on - no joy.

It's very, very strange but I confess that I can't wait to see it again on TV. I think I remember saying at the time that when I got Millennium on DVD, it just didn't feel quite right. Tuning in to the show at the requisite hour forsaken by man, gave you the feeling you were 'keeping the faith'; watching something truly important.

I think it all comes down to convenience. Millennium is a show that should be watched from beginning to end, 1st Season to 3rd Season. DVDs however, pass along so many temptations to skip episodes you don't like so much and not pay as much attention as you'd like to.

I really empathise with (Brian Dixon's?) comments on the Millennium Abyss front page at the moment - some days I do miss Frank Black more than I could ever say. How many times (and be honest now), have you wandered into the shops and cursed the fact that you own all the DVDs - because it means you can't buy them again! You feel you want some Millennium and know you could just go home and watch it but that isn't good enough.

I am not given to these fancies idly. Millennium is the only show that has had this effect on me, and scarcely a week goes by when I don't wish I could go back to that Sunday night when I first decided to sit down and watch the first two episodes of S1 when they came on Sci-Fi. I taped them because I had this feeling that I was going to like it based on the only two episodes I'd seen previously ('The Mikado' and 'A Room with No View'). That video remains a treasured posession.

  • Elders (Admins)

I know exactly what you mean. By the way I still can't find any sign of the show on ITV4's listings, perhaps they are reserving it for the autumn schedule but thats a long way off.

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