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Guest psyconium

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Guest amnesic

See, I could buy that if we were talking about one, two, or a few threads of prophecy.  But we're not.  We're talking about all of them at once.  

And yes, that is unique in history.  

There was an Austrian biologist called Kammerer who suggested that coincidences were the result of the law of seriality - a principle independent of, but similar, to that of causality. As a result, similar or related events would cluster together in time even though there is no causal connection to them. This law can be seen in Jungs work, as well as much modern science and philosophy, all which believe meaning/causality do not exist in external events but rather exist in individual's subjective interpretation of those events.  If nothing else, Kammerer's work is very interesting (well, I find it interesting!)

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Guest Sixth Seal

There was an Austrian biologist called Kammerer who suggested that coincidences were the result of the law of seriality - a principle independent of, but similar, to that of causality. As a result, similar or related events would cluster together in time even though there is no causal connection to them. This law can be seen in Jungs work, as well as much modern science and philosophy, all which believe meaning/causality do not exist in external events but rather exist in individual's subjective interpretation of those events.  If nothing else, Kammerer's work is very interesting (well, I find it interesting!)

Hmmm . . . interesting.  Allow me to step back from my real beliefs on the origin of true prophecy for the moment and throw an idea into the ring:

Perhaps apocalyptic prophecy stems from the collective unconciousness' awareness of the grouping of events that you suggest.  In which case, it's not that the prophecies are false or made up--they're true, but for a different reason than most people suppose.

Just food for thought.  Anyone want to expand on that idea?

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Guest The_0ld_Man


   Two aperatif's for thought:

1) Morpheus: You take the blue pill and the story ends. You wake in your bed and you believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill and you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.

2) Morpheus: What is real? How do you define real? If you're talking about your senses, what you feel, taste, smell, or see, then all you're talking about are electrical signals interpreted by your brain.

Reality is equivalent to each person's perspective. We only can come to "some" agreements as to a "shared" reality...just ask any phychologist/psychiatrist just what is "normal"


T_0_M :Owls_Ouro_Large:

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Guest The_0ld_Man

What I say does not preclude the possibility of there being a prophecy that is coming true...What I do say is to each his own...and those with differing opinions should not be scolded for having them nor discounted. Your belief is as good as the other...To slavishly hold to only one idea is to limit ones self to enlightenment.


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