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MillenniuM Referrences to The X-Files

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Guest Justa Fan


As a MM reference in an X-F episode, I remember one featuring Lance as a broken-down character under psychiatry care, and he was even named Frank Black! It was an obscure story about zombies bringing the End... No wait! Wasn't that the final touch on MM?  :thumbsdown_big:  :angry_steaming_big:  :arghhh-big:

Rather think of it as a MM big cameo in X-F...


PS: sorry, could not resist the temptation... :angel:

Wow...everybody throws darts at that episode!!

The "Millennium" Ep really wasn't that bad was it?

Didn't Mulder say that Frank Black was generally

regarded as the greatest criminal profiler EVER to

come out of Quantico?

Didn't Frank and Jordan have a happy reunion?

Didn't Mulder and Scully lip lock?

Didn't the bad zombies get shot in the head just

like "Night Of The Living Dead?"

Come on Wellington....didn't ya like it a little bit?

Just a little?  Huh? A teensy, weensy, little bit?



I am with Justa on this one, for all the same reasons, and more.  I actually enjoy many aspects of this episode, including the unitended campiness of the Night of the Living Four Horseman!   :laugh_big:

There are also some great Frank Black moments in this.  Particularly those amazing Frank Black facial expressions and emotations!  Someone at the the X-Files forum last year reminded me of one set of them (Was it you Agent Crane?).  It happens toward the end, during Franks dialogue with the Taxidermist.  While he is feigning his aquiessence and surrender to the "inevitable" (becoming the 4th Zombie-Horseman), it almost seems like Frank is expressing his own exhaustian and resignation to the pain and events of his own life.  AND THEN, watch when he suddenly turns the gun on the Taxidermist!  Truly amazing and classic Frank Black facial expression!

There are several others throughout the episode.  But this one tops them all!

And, I had forgotten about the Ouro tatoo that Skully got in that other episode.  Interestingly, it occurs to me that this episode is sort of MLMistic, because, in a way, it deals with the possession and control of someone by forces beyond his control... even it is was a powerful hallucinigen.



:thankx-big: Scott and Justafan! :thumbsup_big:

I feel so validated!   :eyebrows_big:

I loved the scene Scott refferences as well... the gun-pulling scene.  Very  :cool-big:  And, it kinda left things open, the way MM always did.  We have a renewed sense of hope, that Frank is NOT throwing in the towel after all! :praying_big:  So, I tended to realy like it, too!

~Raven Wolf :frank_black:

Guest LauraKrycek
I don't know... I still don't like the episode.  Scully seemed to be treating Frank like he really was crazy through most of it, and Mulder was his usual aren't-I-so-smart-because-I-always-figure-out-everything-even-though-Scully-doesn't-believe-me.  Of course, when it first aired, I spent the day watching the MM marathon that FX had of a number of the main plot eps (including Fourth Horseman\Time is Now, which I'd never seen before), so I was totally MM'd out and all on Frank's side.  And I went into it still wiping tears off my face from Catherine.  And I was happy that Jordan was in it, but for listing Brittany's name up in the guest stars and everything, I was disappointed she wasn't in it more.  And I hated it when I found out about how they came up with the zombie idea -- they thought about it for the episode Hungry, with the guy who eats brains, but when they decided to make him a monster, they said "Hm... I still like the zombie idea.  Wait, let's use it for the MM episode!"  Like they couldn't come up with anything better.  Oh well... it's late, I could rant, but this isn't the time or place.
Guest David Marx

But Mz. Krycek!

If not now, when?

If not here, where?




I hear your pain, Laura...

The quality of MillenniuM has made us all see other shows through "MM-Shaded Glasses"... :sunglasses_big:  We expect more from shows now.

Guest LauraKrycek
Well, not to mention the whole fact that that was supposed to be MM, but in my eyes (ones shaded by such masterpieces as "The Curse of Frank Black" and "Midnight of the Century"), the XF episode failed miserably.  I try to remind myself that the writers had to write it in such a way as to not turn off the X-Philes who were not Millenniophiles, but then I just say, then why bother?  It didn't further the MM storyline in any way except letting us see, hey, the world didn't end after all.  We knew that already.
Guest Cookyman

OK so we all agree the episode kinda sucked but I'm sure we would all like the episode to be included on the Millenium DVD if Fox ever actually get round to releasing them.



Ditto on that, Cookeyman! :thumbsup_big:

But, hmmm :thinking_big: it's already in The X Files DVD set, so I wonder if they would do it twice? :praying_big:

~Raven Wolf :smokin:

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Yaponchik

Tu tu I think we're getting off topic here, although I agree totally the XF-MM crossover should be included in the set Fox will distribute, of course :thinking_big:

I am thinking of a wink Mr Selfosophy probably didn't have in mind, because it does not concern XF but another Fox series, being "Space: Above and Beyond". Its fate was even more gruesome than MM's: cancelled after one (1, ONE) season. Although a bit slow (it is already pretty dated on the other hand!) and sometimes cheap effects, it was entertaining and even fine compared to all kinds of other science fiction crap that gets aired all the time. Especially the second half of the season was ok, but at that time most of its commercial potential was probably lost. Fox never released this show either, so had to get master tapes onb DVD-R as well. But I am still hoping for MM, they at least got to 3 seasons !!!!

Got carried away here, concerning the crossover, I remember a Halloween EP of MM were Franks car breaks down and he gets out on his way to his old yellow house he had to leave after splitting up with Catherine (so I suppose in Season 3; the dark image of the house is still so vivid; really sad after all those years)

Well, after getting out of his car, het wanders through the mist, and suddenly an alien-like person appears out of thin air and simply walks by. Frank is scared but then again, it is Halloween, isn't it?

Note however, the figure has the height of a full grown male, and when passing by, is producing the noise of some kind of a mechanical breathing device, plus: he was acting really serious. Both the costume as the noise are exact copies of the aliens' outfit in Space Above and Beyond. So in fact they seem to have taken a costume from the cancelled show and introduced it in Millenium in an unearthly fashion; an astonishing scene. This wink was certainly not intended to

suggest the MM and Space universum are the same, as one might still believe concerning the XF and MM.

And still another wink to another series regards the XF wink mentioned earlier: "In "Jose Chung's 'Doomsday Defense,'" the Selfosophist spokesman, a guy called Robbinski, mentions the work of actor "Bobby Wingood." As he talks, he gestures to two posters -- both of whom reveal David Duchovny holding a gun and grinning like a deranged idiot." The Robbinsky person mentions this actor used to be a cheap wannabe starring

in an erotic series whereas he became famous and much wanted thanks to him. David Duchovny used to start out his career that way (sorry for all of his fans 'out there') in a boring erotic series called 'red shoe diaries'. This wink also isn't compatible with the XF-universum, but with the real one. I think Carter consciously wanted to place Millenium closer to reality than XF (certainly when looking at the later XF seasons !), don't you think? I mean not only in the wink, but also in general closer to our feelings, worries, etc.

That's it


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