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Collateral Damage: Taylor's Escape

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Guest bluestocking

She definitely surprised me when she snapped his neck like that, going from victim to aggressor in a split second. I don't know if it's physically possible for a woman of her size and in her physical condition to take out a man, but she had the element of surprise, she may have been faking him out about how sick she was, and Peter Watts apparently compensated for not having a son by having his baby girl trained in lethal martial arts techniques. I'd guess he planned to recruit her when she was older.

I kind of wonder what Taylor's up to now. Did the remnants of the Millennium Group lure her in?

Guest Black's Babe

pretty good episode, I "almost" felt sorry for Peter Watts for a minute.

until he still continued to blow smoke up Frank and the Feds asses.

This would've been a great time to come clean about Desert Storm and other things to Frank.

Jacinda Barrett is pretty much the only former reality show star who became a legitimate actress.

  • 5 months later...
Guest quentin compson

Initially, I also found it strange and rather implausible that Taylor seemingly is on the verge of death just to kill a trained soldier with her bare hands only seconds later.

Well, probably her father had her trained in some martial arts stuff for self-defence. As far as I remember, fear for the safety of his family was always an important reason for Peter in working with the MG. And maybe, it was to remind us that Taylor really is the daughter of her father, and thus somewhat erratic in her actions.

Overall, it was a nice episode. Peter was playing a big part in it, and he continued to puzzle Frank and the viewers by being as intransparent as ever. Somehow, Terry O'Quinn often seems to portray guys with their own agenda - the first X-Files movie or Lost certainly come to mind as examples.

  • 8 months later...

If it had a better ending it may have been my favorite season 3 episodes. The ending works, but I thought is seemed rushedand contrived, as though they were stuck. It is probably the best episode in season 3 as far as having a good portrayal of Peter Watts. I think season 3 would have been better if Peter Watts was more portrayed like Skinner in the X-Files, as being a deeply divided individual, secretly siding with both sides. This came out in "Good-Bye to all that," but it would have helped to see it sooner, instead of the Peter "lurking in the shadows" shown through most of season 3.


I find this episode a little muddy to be truthful. Not only do I find the denouement a little hurried (I don't find Taylor killing Swan with her bare hands whilst being moments from death too satisfying) and there seems to be a fair bit of artistic licence taken with regards to the portrayal of Marburg in the context of how it was previously defined but overall I find it enjoyable. It seems to be the moment when Watts is given a little three-dimensionality that has thus far been lacking in his character this season and he's closer to the conflicted-but-loyal-but-essentially-good person we have been used to rather than the boo-hiss villain that was unveiled in Skull and Bones.

And, as always, Lance gave a sterling performance which nullifies any other issues I have with the episode.


  • 6 years later...

The darkness of the group, the threat that they represent is almost dragged out of the shadows on this one...yet Peter is clearly still with them at the end even though it nearly cost him his daughter. He is torn by his loyalty to the group and his love for his child throughout the entire ordeal, yet once she's home safe he has gone silent again, literally and figuratively. His wife can only offer a loving smile from across the table to his prayer of thanks, and one can only imagine that she has long since buried any questions, any doubts any fears so deeply she could not ever let them see daylight even if she wanted to.

The silence that follows Taylor's last question to her father is almost deafening....


I liked that episode...yes the girl was kind of Jason Bourne suddenly...but her dad worked in the FBI so let´s think that maybe she knew stuff.
Thinking about that scene, the cool think about it is that once again the Watts seemed like regular people but in a second they are danger. Even Peter´s wife looked weird in my opinion sometimes...So I guess the daughter was no exception.

Anyway I liked it because we got to know more things about the MG and we could see also Frank helping his friend. Yes, they had conflict but they always helped each other when times got really bad. And that is what friends do.

The scene that finally Watts ask Frank for help was great acting. Terry and Lance were fantastic. And the last scene was strong. No words. Everybody knew what was going on. But they choose not to say it. That kind of things made the show special. They trusted the audience. We know what was going on.
So, they don´t have to explained everything like most movies or shows that explain 10 times what you just saw (I hate that XD)

ps: it´s been a long time since I can´t attach images :-(  don´t know why


When I have a problem attaching images I will sometimes try to just copy and paste.  Libby or Graham might be able to fix the problem for you, so I suggest contacting them.  They might even read this and contact you.

As far as the Watts family, to me they are a tight unit, and no telling what all Peter taught them.  Yep, normal but dangerous.

Yes, that's one thing Frank and Peter did, even though they had their differences, they helped each other.  I believe they had a common, unspoken understand about the group.

I totally agree, the acting in this show, in every episode, is excellent.  :ouro:

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