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Green Zone

What another Matt Damon movie in which he runs around in military garb and running from the American Government? No not exactly. This superb movie had me hooked at the beginning. Matt Damon plays a captain of a group of soldiers that are sent to find WMD's(Weapons of Mass Destruction) but never finds anything of this sort. I will not give the movie away, but this is a must see movie. The movie also uses real life military soldiers. Matt Damon does a great job in this film. I also need to give




With Halloween around the corner and my brother in town we both took in to see Quarantine. The movie has some familiar faces as in Jennifer Carpenter that playes Dexter's sister and also played Emily Rose in The Exorcism of Emily Rose and Steve Harris that was known as Eugene Young on The Practice. This movie hsa all the elements I look for in a Horror Movie. Scare factor, shock factor and fun factor. I want to be scared enough, that I want to cover my eyes, in which I almost did. If you want to



I Want To Belive

WARNING THERE ARE SOME SPOILERS IN THIS REVIEW: Well just a little With my movie ticket burning in my hand all day, i finally was able to redem it to quench my thirst for the X-Files i have yearned for in over six years. I really liked the movie and enjoyed the storyline. The movie does consentrate on Mulder and Scully's relationship and its problems. The relationship between them is very real and somewhat heart-breaking. You can feel Scully's heartbreak regarding the absence of her son Willi



Californication Season One

I have always been intrested in Showtime's Californication but i did'nt have an intrest in it even though David Duchovny stars in. Well i sat down with my wife to watch the whole season on DVD and now we are FANS. Duchovny stars as Hank Moody a woman chasing, alcoholic drinking drug addict that is still in love with his girlfriend that left him for a schmuck. Duchovny is able to shed his Fox Mulder persona for this very raunchy cable series. This series is very character driven and the plot line




This movie is a documentary that follows Jerry Sienfeld around the New York comedy circuit. I enjoy the banter with Seinfeld and comedian Colin Quinn while they are eating. This documentary came out in 2000. I never heard of it till last week when a friend recommended it to me. This movie also covers comedian Ornie Adams as he makes his way through the Comedy Circuit. Its very slow at times and shows Jerry in some uncomfortable situations like forgetting his jokes. This is what i like about this



Be Kind Rewind

I love comedies what can i say. Well in "Be Kind Rewind" there is a little bit of science fiction sprinkled in it. This movie stars Jack Black, Mos Def and Danny Glover. The story of this movie is very clever and the characters the actors protray is believeable. Without giving too much away, Mos Def and Jack Black try to remake classic movies. In the attempts to do so becomes hilarious. I laughed so hard. I recommed this movie if you love comedies with a strange twist. Black is superb in this mo



Smilia's Sense of Snow

This movie came out in 1997 and its been on my list of movies to watch for the longest time. It is a great movie. One of my fav. ladies of drama, Julia Ormond graced her presence in a very good role made for her. This is a nice little gem if you havent seen it yet. Very intelligent and well made movie. I give this movie 5 out of 5 broken thumbs.




With thoughts of MillenniuM's The Mikado on my mind, i tried to watch this with an open mind. To me the movie worked. I would of like to see more character depth out Diane Lane. I grew to like this movie. It does remind me of the Mikado but the killer is creative in different ways to kill his victims on the internet. I highly recommend this movie to all the MillenniuM fans here. It deserves to be on my Top 20 Millennialsitic Movies. I give this movie 3 and a half broken thumbs out of five. I wou



Kung Fu Panda

If you have children that like this type of animation its worth seeing. I loved it! my son didnt so much. What he did like was the Panda doing crude things i.e farting. He was bored most of the time but did perk up at the end of the movie when the final showdown happen beween Panda and the bad guy. I give this movie 3 1/2 broken thumbs out of five.



The Happening.......it didnt Happen for me

Before i review this movie i want to say i saw X-Files: I Want To Believe trailer and it gave me goosebumps. It looked so natural being on the big screen. I am very excited over this XF movie. The Happening was very dampening. It was bad. To me it look like M Night tried to put something together really fast. The main plot of the story is very intresting. If your into Plant Science you may enjoy this movie because of its content. The film is rated R due to its shocking scenes of harm to one's




Well tonight i took my son to see Pixar's Production of WALL-E. He really got into the movie and enjoyed but it went a little too long for him. He was asking me "when are we going home, daddy" Well for me I LOVED IT! the computer anaimation was wonderful. I recommend this movie more so for adults than kids. Once again, i loved the graphics of this movie. The story was also enjoyable to follow. The movie also had a moral and important message to it. I dont want to give too much away but it all ha



Damn Weather

Here i am finishing up some touches to a paper i am writing for my class. As i look up on the TV i see in blue on the bottom screen that there is a severe thunderstorm watch and warning with flash floods. It was such a beautiful day today and now its 8:45pm and its getting nasty out there. I think i might move up to either England or Scotland. I am taking Etthsnafu advice. Maybe i will move in with him and we can have All Night MillenniuM Parties



Its Getting Really Hot Again

Yesterday was a horrible weather day. We had tornado warnings, flash flood warnings and thunderstorm warnings. Where i live the tornando sirens went off. Me and my dog Kacie headed to the basement. The sky got dark. Kacie was whining and got as close to me as she can. We stayed oin the basement for 30 min. Then we came upstairs and all was fine. To me the skies look like Armageddon. Today it was gorgeous but it was 93 degrees, i was sweating it out. I took my son Gabe to the water park and we b



Ok i am gonna try and stick with this

Still looking for a job. Finally got another call from Special School District for a interview as a teachers assistant. We are getting too close to living on a string. I worry, but i feel something gonna happen soon. Anyway i love spending time with my son Gabriel. He is so loving. Each day is even better with him. I am gonna try and have a entry each day.



Its Getting Hot In Here

Our house has been hotter than the deepest pits of hell. The air conditioner is now useless. The repair man is coming tomorrow. I have been staying away from home. As a side job i do repos and some missing persons. Today i was repoing for a friend of mines store. Its a music store and he rents out musical instruments. While driving around i came across this house. Its my dream home. Ranch style brick. Three bedrooms and two bathrooms. Dining room living room and a Den! Too bad we are not



Ok I Hope This Works

I turned 40 Sunday and i had a blast with all my friends but our air conditoner isnt working properly. I felt so bad that alot of people was hot and sweaty. My buddies even went outside and hosed off my unit, how embarrasing.



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