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General musings, millenniumistic & otherwise

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Well, I've been expecting this...

I've been expecting that the American public was going to be led down the garden path with all the assurances being given after the Patriot Act went into use and more electronic surveillance was being done. Everyone kept hearing how the average person WASN'T the target of the surveillance and need not fear that their conversations and e-mails would be "stolen" and potentially passed on to others. Well, now comes the first "official" to take the next step and say that the citizens need to accept



Just staying in touch

I can't believe that it has been over 3 months since I posted to the blog...so here are a few links for anyone interested: Best Movie Blunders Deaths by unusual means Openly gay celebs 100 Best Movies of all time (the AFI list). Note: the page has links to two other pages of "good movies too". All these are slideshows on WCBS.com for anyone who has time to kill on the internet.



Boy, am I pissed!

My employer has decided that TIWWA should be an off-limits web site on the internet at work so now it's blocked. Of course, the silly sites that a lot of the women like such as recipes, crafts, etc. are still ok. It might have been different if I used work hours to access the web for personal reasons, but I never went anywhere during work that didn't have some connection to work. May put a dent in my posting of unusual internet news and jokes since I may not have time to do all that



More good editorials

Charley Reese in Lew Rockwell's internet publication. Reese again. "Uncle" Ted Nugent opines on CNN. http://www.millennium-thisiswhoweare.net/tiwwa/uploads/emoticons/TIWWA_kicking.gif' alt=':kickin:'> Way to go Uncle Ted!



Some thoughts...at the risk of offending some

Once again a tragedy of record-setting proportions has been inflicted on innocents within our country. And just like clockwork, the liberal media decries the event and hurriedly offers that increased control of firearms is the preventive for future events. I personally find most of the media reporting just 24 hours after the event to be sadly lacking in facts and heavy on the finger-pointing which, at this early hour, is a totally useless exercise. Already the media in Europe are giving all s



Boy, talk about a news item out of left field!

On the internet:American radio icon Don Imus disgraced, fired after threat to reveal 9/11 secrets Now, does Pravda think that every American news service got the wrong impression of why Imus was fired? Note that the whole 'blow-up' over his on-air comment isn't even mentioned in the Pravda article. I noticed before that Pravda seems to have switched to tabloid journalism since they lost their stature as a news organ for USSR propaganda. They've been going for the celebrity news and the re



Political bravado or just extemporaneous comment?

A metaphorical headline for articles on this might ought to be "Tony Blair Seeks More Nails for His Political Coffin". Considering that the UK politicos' concept of social consciousness is even more PC than that in the US, I wonder if Tony Blair knew the possible outcome of his comments. Blair blames spate of murders on black culture



Way to go Dr. Gray!

Forecaster Blasts Gore on Global Warming "He's one of these guys that preaches the end of the world type of things. I think he's doing a great disservice and he doesn't know what he's talking about," Dr. William Gray said ... (about Al Gore). Well said, Dr. Gray. I've been pitching this for a couple of years now. Why should any rational human being take what Al Gore says as scientific truth when he has no credentials to support how he arrived at his opinion and has no response exce



Is the tide turning?

There seem to be more people willing to buck the current trend toward celebrity-inspired panic over "global warming" and willing to at least question the science behind the claims. See these: Global Warming is Not a Crisis =============================================================== Sun Blamed for Warming of Earth and Other Worlds =============================================================== Scientists threatened for 'climate denial'



More of my political incorrectness...

Read the following article: Gang crackdown raises touchy issue Can someone please explain to me why a person's immigration status wouldn't be a factor to be considered by the police in the investigation of criminal activity or arrest for crimes? I can see that a local police authority may not be able to charge someone with a violation of federal law, but why would they be barred legally from knowing about such violations? Local and state police agencies provide information and evid



YouTube Music Videos

Anyone who appreciates good guitar playing or is a fan of Jed Marum needs to see these videos: Jed Marum Jed Marum Jed Marum "Come by the Hills & McPherson's Rant Medley"



More about my 'global warming' pet peeve...

I wonder how long this fellow will last in his op-ed job if he bucks the current liberal media trend like this: An experiment that hints we are wrong on climate change And he's apparently in the UK!!!



A belated birthday wish to one of my heroes

Happy 200th General Lee! "Remember that Lee was dignity, grace and courtesy personified without a touch of surliness." -- Lee biographer, Douglas Southall Freeman "It is well that war is so terrible, or we should grow too fond of it." -- Quote attributed to Robert E. Lee upon observing carnage in a battle.



The Battle of the Meteorologists

Check these out: ABC weatherman says he doesn't know any in his profession that believe the global warming hype pushed by the politicians. Disagreement between Weather Channel "expert" and other meteroologists.



Idle Pre-Christmas chatter

Plan to do some music at a meeting I'm attending tonight. Going to try to do an acceptably on-key rendering of "For the Sake of Our Brother" from the Trans-Siberian Orchestra's album, The Lost Christmas Eve. Edited for updating: Well, 'the best laid plans...' don't always work out. Couldn't do the song, did do a couple of other, non-seasonal tunes. The meeting/Christmas party was a bit of a bust with only about half the expected attendance. Did meet a friend's son-in-law, who hails from Manc



Another 'must-read'

Here's another 'global warming' article that everyone needs to read: Media Shows Irrational Hysteria on Global Warming



A Dog-lover's story

Here's something to warm the cockles of dog-lovers' hearts everywhere ... and make you want to say, "See, I told you dogs were smart!" Dog tunnels through snow to save owners



Gaited horses -- beauty in motion

Check out this video (it's an ad for a Tennessee Walking Horse stud service) if you like to watch a TWH move. It's all set to the rock song "I Like the Way You Move." VIDEO



Sick, sick, sick!

Some things just aren't subject matter for cinema in my opinion: Sundance picks Seattle film on horse-sex case SICK! SICK! SICK! SICK!



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