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Thomas J. Wright spotted

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I´ve been watching the mini-series "Taken", executive produced by Steven Spielberg. Episode 5 of 10 is directed by Thomas J. Wright, well known for his contribution to MillenniuM. "Taken" is about a group of people and their kids and relatives being "taken" by aliens. The series starts with the end of World War two and the UFO-Crash at Roswell and goes into the nineties, showing what is happening to the people and their children. It seems to be a long way, each of the ten episodes is 90 minutes long, but it´s worth it. Thought some of you might be interested.

Alex :ouro:

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I did seea couple of episodes of that and I really liked it; I missed seeing Thomas J Wright's name in the credits, maybe I didn't see that epsiode. i usually read the credits in the opening act (call me sad!) to see if I can spot any names. i've seen Ken Horton's - i think in Roswell. or maybe superman, can't remember now.

The only thing I didn't like about Taken was the Roswell explanation. I've seen so many programmes/films that tell you what happened at Roswell, it gets boring after a while. My favourite explanation was Little Green Men in Star Trek:DS9 (an episode which guest starred Megan Gallagher). If you're gonna make a series about aliens and earth, you can't really ignore roswell though!

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