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Mabius equals Gehenna Cult Leader

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Guest RodimusBen

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Guest tjmasiakowski

Good thread Rodimus.

In my opinion in Season 3 it is intended to be shown that The Group is pretty much corrupt as opposed to earlier seasons. It is clear that The Group changed itself in many ways (approach, intentions). Perhaps it is the fact that with the incoming Millennium members of The Group start losing somehow their faith, and accidentally they are taken over by evil factor. That's just my thing and it is only a speculation. Yet I still wonder was it actually initiation that sent Lara Means crazy? Or was it evil that messed up with her...

Best regards,


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Yet I still wonder was it actually initiation that sent Lara Means crazy? Or was it evil that messed up with her...

I think it was a little from column A and a little from column B as far as Lara goes. Thematically, the idea of someone with a gift similar to Frank going mad shows off both how strong Frank is to be able to have the gift and still function and also how dangerously on the precipice having a gift like that is.

As to the original question in the thread, while I believe that both the Gehenna Cult Leader and Mabius are manifestations of evil, and both are played by the same actor, I don't buy them being the same "person or entity". It does lead to a lot interesting fan discussion, but I don't believe Peter would work with the Gehenna cult leader. Even though Mabius is actually on screen even more evil than the Gehenna guy, to Peter's rationalization if not honestly held belief, Mabius is doing "good" by eliminating "threats". By the time he figures out the truth he is most likely the body behind the desk in Peter's house at the end of GAAT.

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