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Roedecker Moments

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Mine would have to during The Mikado, when Rodecker is explaining to Frank and Peter about the anonymity and pleasure people derive from taking on various identities on the internet.  He is going on and on for a bit,,, then he talks about how he, himself, has often taken on different identities in cyberspace, and concludes with the revelation that he has even taking on a different sexual orientation or gender - whereupon he sticks his tongue out and curls it suggestively.  Imediately, Peter Watts responds with that look on his face and the hesitation in his voice, something to the affect of "Brian... that is really more personal information than we needed to know..."

Oh my gaaaaawd!   :rofl:  I am laughing just thinking about it!  I just died laughing when I saw this scene the first time!

As I do whenever I see Roedecker in action!

So what is your favorite Rodecker moment?

Upbeat and Surely Waaaay Over the Top,

:bigsmile: Scott

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Come on!  Don't tell me that no one has a favorite Roedecker scene, moment or episode!  Come on, you can't be serious!  "... you damn dirty apes!"  :laugh:
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Guest LauraKrycek
LOL, I just love Roedecker period!  Whenever he came on screen, it made me happy.  Too bad Alan Zinyk hasn't done much in a while now.  I love his scene in "Midnight of the Century" -- never fails to crack me up.
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Laura, I guess you are talking about when Roedecker gives frank two movies about people who kill around Christmas times.   roedecker insists they are serial killers where Frank corrects him and tells him they are spree killers.   Then of course Roedecker gets the present intended for Jordan because Catherine's mom gave Jordan the same thing.    Of course, i did watch the first half of the Milkado.    Frank comes over to Roedecker's apartment and Roedecker mentions it is the maid's day off where Frank replies this is how he pictured the apartment.   Have a better one.

Be Seeing You,

David Blackwell

:ouro:  :santa:  :ouro:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Okay, folks...

I love that scene when Frank and Roedecker argue over the horror movies.  Kind of reminds me of the scene with Frank in Emma in 13 Years Later, when they are viewing the horror films to perhaps get a perspective on the case.  I love when Frank just completely simplifies and analyses the case, and Emma has that look on her face and says hesitantly, "It supposed to be scary..."  :laugh:

How 'bout the Roedecker scenes in The Hand of St. Sebastian when he is assisting Peter Watt's with trying to figure out what Dr. Schlossburg's password was for his computer... starting with the first Roedecker scene where he is watching and quoting verbatim lines from Planet of the Apes...  I just love when the juxtapose Roedecker ecentricity and perversity with Watts straightlaced singlemindness and facial experssions. Also, gotta love the Monty Python reference...

Here's the transcript of the 2 scenes (courtesy of the Millennial Abyss, Transcribed by Emmet Land).  Enjoy:

1st scene:

Peter pulls out his cell phone and makes a call.  We then see Brian Roedecker laying on a hide-away bed eating snacks and watching the movie "Beneath the Planet of the Apes".  As his phone rings, Roedecker says the words to the movie as the actors speak.

Roedecker:    "Help me... You ask me to help you? Man is evil, capable of nothing but distruction."

In the movie, Charlton Heston gets shot by the apes.  Roedecker picks up the phone and says these words as Heston says them in his death scene.

Roedecker:    "You... bloody b*******."

Peter:  "Roedecker, this is Watts.  I need you to connect with the networking system at Hamburg University Science Department.  The terminal in question is located in Bremerhaven, Germany.  FTP -"

Roedecker:    "I have office hours."

Peter:  "The files are protected by a password system.  How quickly can you bypass security and access the files?"

Roedecker:  "I believe the work you're requesting is illegal under international, federal and state statutes."

Peter:  "Are you saying that you wont do it?"

Roedecker:  "What I'm saying is GOLDEN TIME.  What files are you looking for?"

Peter:  "Just get in and then contact me.  You can reach me anytime on my cell."

Roedecker:  "Oh, my God.  Don't tell me we had this conversation on an unsecured line, because in a court of law, this could be construed as a de facto admission of guilt."

Peter:  "What conversation?"

Roedecker:  "Gotcha."    "Wink, wink, nudge, nudge. Say no more."

2nd scene:

The elevator door closes.

We now go back to the elevator that Peter is in.  His cell phone is ringing.

Peter:  "Yeah?"

Roedecker:  "It's Hacker Man."

We see Roedecker at his computer desk shuffling through papers and reading from his computer screen.  He is online.

Roedecker:  "Uh, I been working on this little problem of yours, Mr. W."

Peter:  "Go ahead."

Roedecker:  "Did the background check on herr doctor-- Got his important dates, significant numbers, names of his relatives.  I've already tried a dozen algorithmic combinations.  So far, not even a nibble."

Peter:  "This is time-sensitive material.  People are trying to shut us down.  I need to get through as soon as possible."

Roedecker:  "I've done a little research on the Internet.  Our man has been a naughty little doctor.  From his terminal, he has logged hundreds of hits on adult video web sites, online sex chat-- you name it-- all American-made.  Probably prefers the production value and galaxy of stars available to satiate his, uh.. " "..unique perversity."

The elevator door opens and Peter starts to walk out.

Peter:  "Get to the point, Hacker Man."

Roedecker:  "A guy who uses his work station for porn would most likely have other salacious material for use on hand, if you get my drift.  It's a long shot, but maybe that's the key to his password."

Peter returns to Dr. Schlossburg's lab.  He bustes through the door and tears away the yellow crime scene tape.  Once inside, he looks around and finds a small metal box.  The camera returns to Roedecker who is now asleep.  We see his computer screen saver which is the ouroboros.  Its head starts eating its tail and continues eating until it makes a complete circle.  Then the body returns and it repeats. Roedecker's phone rings.

Roedecker:  "Suicide hot line."

Peter:  "I found his stash."

Rodecker:  "Mmm.  Anything juicy?"

Peter:  "A couple of the magazines appear to be older with dog-eared pages-- personal favorites, I presume."

Roedecker has drool in the right corner of his mouth.

Roedecker:  "Some of these stars have attained one-name status, kind of like, uh, Madonna or Cher in the mainstream.  Ten to one he used a name for the password."

Peter pushes some keys on Dr. Schlossburg's computer and the password prompt pops up.

Peter:  "I'm trying... Ginger."

Roedecker:  "Hmm... enthusiastic."

The computer says access denied.

Peter:    "Tracy."

Roedecker:  "Jail bait."

The computer says access denied.

Peter:  "Seka."

Roedecker:  "Whoa, a blast from the past."

The computer says access denied.

Peter:  "Wait a minute.  Here's one."

Peter unfolds a page that has a picture of the porn star Christy Canyon.  The bottom right corner of the page has the name of her fan club, The ChatterBox Club.

Peter:  "He's a member of her fan club.  Christy."

Roedecker:  "Oh, yeah, she's hot-- an ultra-babe-alicious, or... so I've been told."

The computer beeps and files begin to open and display on the screen.

Peter:  "I'm in."

Roedecker leans back in his chair.

Roedecker:  "Ah... that was good for me.  Was it good for you?"

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  • Elders (Admins)

Hey man, they were some great scenes!

I also loved the professional imperative attitude of Watts chaffing against the cool geekey style of Roedecker.

It was a pleasure to read those scenes!

You can find images of those scenes adourning the "Roedeckers Internet Bar" Forum's.

All of Roedecker's scenes were exceptional except his first when he was caught by Frank installing PC upgrades with Dickie Bird on his PC. he came across then as an ass-hole.


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It was a pleasure to read those scenes !

The better Roedecker scene is the viewing of Planet of the Apes in "The Hand of Saint Sebastian" :)

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also loved the professional imperative attitude of Watts chaffing against the cool geekey style of Roedecker.

Well put, Gra, well put!  That is exactly the perfect description of their interactions!  And "cool geekey style," that is such an apt description of Roedecker.  Sad he was not a part of S3  :cry:

It was a pleasure to read those scenes!

I am truly happy to oblige!  And thanks for letting me know about the images.  I saw the one image that's with the forum guide lines, etc.  I didn't realize there where more.  I will have to stop in again at the "Bar."

The better Roedecker scene is the viewing of Planet of the Apes in "The Hand of Saint Sebastian"

That was such a cool and hilarious way to start that scene!  And what a perfect MillenniuMistic line to quote: "Help me... You ask me to help you? Man is evil, capable of nothing but distruction."

Love it!

:ouro: Scott

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  • Elders (Admins)

I saw the one image that's with the forum guide lines, etc.  I didn't realize there where more.  I will have to stop in again at the "Bar."

Sorry mate, those were the ones to which I referred!



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  • 3 months later...
Guest Polaroid Stalker

My personal favorite is his appearance in "The Beginning and the End." Here goes...

Roedecker: Double click on this icon when a file is designated compartmentalized, speak

clearly into the microphone and say ‘Soylent Green is people’...

Watts: Couldn’t he just say his name?

Roedecker: He could.  But I was under the impression that security was the priority. ‘Soylent Green is people’ is not only an obscure reference to the last great American film and therefore unlikely to be cracked by a hacker attempting random code phrases, but the six syllable pattern encompasses each frequency and vocal intonation unique to Mr. Black, therefore making replication nearly impossible and thus foolproof.

Black: Soylent Green is people.

Dicky Bird and Roedecker: heheehehehehehe

Watts: Guys!!!

HA HA!!! :D

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