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Sense And Antisense

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Guest The time is Near

During this episode, the guy who was acting insane, was he a copy? because the john doe's looked nothing like that guy.

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I have a lead on this. There's a possibility - remote only - that this episode ties in with Owls and Roosters. Specifically related to Odessa.

This could be just coincidence but if you go watch the episode at the scene where Roedecker maps all the facilities working on the Human Genome Project and then eliminates them you are left with 4 facilities in this configuration...





Look familiar?








Now this could be a nothing lead - afterall who would design the structure of the geographic location of their buildings into that of a norse rune? Coincidence or not - you decide.

On another note, this shape is that of the Norse rune - Sowelu. When consulted as an oracle this rune is associated with wholeness, life forces, and the sun and the sun's energy.

VOICE: The human genome project is a vast undertaking of the scientific community expected to produce a blueprint of the functional and evolutionary history of the human species. The goal of this international 15 year coordinated effort is to discover all of the fifty thousand human genes and render them accessible for further biological study.

I would classify that as a quantitative search for genetic wholeness in an effort to understand human life.

Another coincidence?


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Well that didn't work as well as I'd hoped!

Chris! You wouldn't be able to pull us a quick cap from that scene would you?

Attached you'll find the shape from Peter's drawing in Owls.


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During this episode, the guy who was acting insane, was he a copy? because the john doe's looked nothing like that guy.



Sorry about hijacking your post like this. I figured it was a logical place to post my message though since it was related to the same episode.

With respect to your question John Doe is a designation given to any male corpse (Jane Doe for female ones) for which the identity of said person is unknown. So the fact that they all had the same name is irrelevent as is the fact they looked nothing like each other. They weren't meant to be copies. The only significance was the eye with the oddly coloured irises.

Hope that helps.


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By his will to power, manifested destructively in the rejection of, and rebellion against, old ideals and moral codes


You are so right - the symbol formed by the potential research sites is the 'Single Sig Rune', the emblem of Odessa. This episode, and the truth that that caveat may have hinted at have become my Holy Grail and the answer to many unresolved conundrums that I cannot believe I didn't notice before but to make sense (appropriately) of what is contained therein you have to trawl through the quagmire of two seasons worth of hints and intimations. The appearance of the sig rune alone may be scant evidence on which to assign an 'Odessa' element to 'Sense and Antisense' unless you look at the bigger picture, what the episode and others like it reveal.


The United States and its western European allies agreed after World War Two to deny immigration rights and work opportunities to Nazis with scientific and technological expertise who were more than trivially connected to the Third Reich. Those who joined the party before 1933 or advanced in the SA (Brown Shirts) or the SS or were identified by credible witnesses as participating in atrocities were included in that category. Contradictions arose, however, after the war. Denying German scientific expertise to the Soviets and using it became primary motivations for US interest in them. Over time the need for German proficiency in aerospace design, lasers, and other advanced research superceded moral concerns for what they had done during the war. Operation Paperclip was the name of the project that assimilated Nazi scientists into the American establishment by obscuring their histories and short-circuiting efforts to bring their true stories to light. The project was led by officers in the United States Army. Although the program officially ended in September 1947, those officers and others carried out a conspiracy until the mid-fifties that bypassed both law and presidential directive to keep Paperclip going. Neither President's Truman nor Eisenhower were informed that their instructions were ignored.

Historians have concluded, and there are as many detractors as there are supporters, that Operation Paperclip was not the only post-war utilisation of Nazi intelligence and similar tales are told with regards to the end the Third Reich and the aftermath, including "The Spider", ODESSA, and the Fourth Reich but the intriguing thing for us Millienumists is the fact that Los Alamos was one of the research facilities that provided haven to the Nazis in exchange, or so it goes, for atomic knowledge and it was this atomic know how and this particular base that provided the backdrop to the episode 'Matroyska' that depicts the birth pangs of a new era in the Millennium group as well as the origin of it's third eschatological theory: that man is heading towards an apocalypse of his own making.

So, to backtrack a wee bit, In the post-war days of WWII Nazi scientists were offered safe haven from prosecution in a secret US project a fraction of these scientists were sheltered at Los Alamos, sharing their Atomic research, and others were spirited away to Argentina to form Odessa under the auspices of the Peron Dictatorship. If Matroyshka does, and to my mind it does, state that this is the moment at which the Millennium group became changed irreparably, moving further away from it's original theological mandate, then it is fair to conclude that the rebirth of Millennium and the birth of Odessa share a homogenous origin.

Much of what the Nazi scientists were able to share was based upon the experimentation they had conducted in the death camps and 'Sense and Antisense' does seem to imply that this knowledge and these experiments continued unimpeded and, as a alluded to by the Caveat identified by Maxx, if Odessa are the true architects of the Antisense experimentation there is, yet again, clear links to the Millennium Group's intervention also.

The first hint appears during the 'Sense and Anti-Sense' rant, an allusion to the protein making properties of DNA. In double-stranded DNA, only one strand code for the RNA is translated into protein. The strand that does not do so is called the antisense strand. Another way of defining antisense DNA is that it is the strand of DNA that does not carry the information necessary to make proteins. DNA normally has two strands -- the sense strand and the antisense strand. Although these strands are exact mirror images of one another, only the sense strand contains the information for making proteins. Bear this is mind when recalling the specifics of the Marburg Variant as recounted by Peter Watts...."Now in 1982 prions were discovered, and a prion is a protein that has no R.N.A; no life. So it would make the perfect weapon: it's immune to antibiotics, enzymes, can withstand the heat of over 600 degrees. A Marburg variant virus which genetically engineered with the prion..."

If you add to the two together it seems obvious to me that what we are seeing in 'Sense and Antisense' is the embryonic stages, controlled tests if you will, of the Marbug Variant. Both the Marburg Varient and the Sense and Antisense Experiments share a haemorrhagic symptomology but there is a further hint to the Groups involvement in their method of abducting guinea pigs: 'the trucks', which are again seen transporting stem cells, as part of Group experimentation, in 'Bardo Thodol'. A further hint is given in the constant use of the phrase 'switching on' by Patient Zero, this phrase is cryptically echoed by Peter Watts even though he was not privy to the speech in which Zero used it - the next time we are to hear this phrase is in the final episode 'Goodbye to All That' where it is used by Peter Watts again when confessing to Frank the truth behind the nature of the Millennium Groups scientific experimentation: namely that the Group has developed the ability to 'switch on' areas of the human brain which is a word for word description of what Zero allege is happening to him, and others, in 'Sense and Antisense'. This 'switching on' may also explain the 'solution' offered to Lara Means with regards to her visions as this same 'switching on' is the solution afforded James Hollis for his degenerative Alzheimers.

As it seems that the same act of offering haven to Nazi scientists was instrumental in a Millennium Group reboot and the formation of Odessa it may explain why 'Sense and Antisense' may allude to the two of them as conductors of the piece and why it is incredibly difficult to separate Odessa operatives from Millennium Group members in Owls and Roosters. If Nazi science, and logically Nazis themselves, were present during the Millennium Group experiments in Los Alamos it is also fair to conclude that some of them may have infiltrated the group or, at least, have created Odessa sympathisers within the group: Johnston being categorically identified as one of them in 'Owls and Roosters'. If Odessa has infiltrated the Group like a cancer it would not only confirm my 'third faction' theory but explain some of the more incongruent aspects of the Owls and Roosters civil war. Namely:

1) Rudolph Axmann is identical to the man who, historically, initiates Peter Watts. Are they one and the same? Could Odessa, the mystical Teutonic order of Nazis united beneath a banner of the shed blood of sixteen men, have inspired the blood-shedding-lake ritual we watch Peter Watts barely able to recall comfortably. Did Rudolph Axmann initiate Peter in the lake that runs beside his home? Is his initiation in the lake consistent with the Odessa pass-phrase 'Rome lies on the Tiber' and their obsession with the river? And if Lara is simply initiated into the 'mainstream group' why do the Millennium Group place Peter Watts under surveillance and attempt to apprehend her?

2) Why does the Old Man have a framed photograph of Hitler in his shack, incongruent anyway but more so considering what he says to Lara Means "...My mother and father came to me... at the moment Rudolph Axmann had them gassed at Auschwitz."

3) When Frank is being harassed and surveilled by two shadowy operatives why does the driver say "Just let me call Peter Watts..." considering they were clearly intent upon killing Frank.

4) Why is Lara Means so certain that the Owls are not responsible for the internal strife and the civil war? How is she able to conclude that Johnston is not truly affiliated to either Millennium Group faction before anyone else in the group has even considered Odessa as a potential third party. When she describes to Frank the information that Johnston gave her in the library why does it bear no relation to the conversation we see on screen. Are these hints that she has had contact with Odessa member Johnston outside of that which we are shown?

5) Why does Peter Watts only share his knowledge of Odessa with Frank and Lara after the plot to kill the Old Man has been successful. If, as he states, they have "been on the Group's most wanted list for ten years" does he seem unable to identify the Sig Rune earlier on the image he removed from the Group's files.

Well frankly I could go on all night but I won't. I may seem a bit of a loon considering this all came about from three lines of Roedecker's screen but I guess this is who are.

Till then,



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