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Hollywood (PDF) Script Shop: Millennium Scripts

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I'll freely admit to not being a fan of this seller because a few years ago they swiped all the Supernatural scripts from TV Writing and they were selling them (everything except two of the pilots, asylum, playthings, and bloodlines was donated by me and my buying group) and they sell those trashy color copy "signed" scripts...but since it's them for $17ish/PDF or your choice of 3 scripts for $40 ($120 for all 3) 🤨, here's what they have that isn't already here:

1ST SEASON: 522666 * blood relatives * kingdom come

2ND SEASON: anamnesis * in arcadia ego * the pest house

3RD SEASON: antipas * bardo thodol * closure * darwin’s eye * exegesis (part 2 of 2) * forcing the end * goodbye to all that * the innocents (part 1 of 2) * nostalgia * omerta * saturn dreaming of mercury * teotwawki * …thirteen years later * through a glass darkly * via dolorosa


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I have ordered a few of these from this source, and will be making a repeat order soon. Currently, I have copies of "Weeds", " Wide Open", and "Anamnesis" waiting for me in New England, although I won't be picking those up until I visit later in the year. I'll happily share copies of those here as and when I can, as well as any others I may pick up in the meantime.

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  • 2 weeks later...

When you do order can you please list the eps so I don't order the same one (or ask for a pdf from another collector since I added two and a page from a third to their collection).

Looks like no one has Goodbye to All That so that looks like a good test sale for a PDF

Edited by Eve Nescio
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Boy howdy I'm glad I requested an invoice from Planet Megamall (buy 3 get 1 free, hard copy only, mostly s1-s5 TXF but a few MLM: invoice not sent yet so I can still switch it to one MLM + TXF for the other 3:

- 4C05 "522666"

- TBD TXF ($10 each this way...c'mon universe, drop a link on reddit to the rest of the fan club TXF scripts or can a cheaper pdf shop "magically" appear)

Edited by Eve Nescio
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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm afraid it looks like "Goodbye to All That" isn't available from the Hollywood Script Shop for now after all, as he's not been able to locate it! That may change in time, and he's been quite responsive over email, but for now the search goes on...

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Did that seller have any of the other PDFs or just Dead Letters + Gehenna?

Planet Megamall has some, they do buy 3 get 1 free (buy 6 get 2 free, etc).

This is what they have that isn't already here:
[Anamnesis - if it's in Connecticut I'll fall over laughing]
Pest House, The



If you did get Blood Relatives, In Arcadia Ego, and Kingdom Come I can order 522666 + The Pest House, I'll have no trouble finding two more scripts for that order.

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I'm not sure about the PDFs, but it does seem that the online listings can't be entirely trusted! I have checked out Planet Megamall, but I haven't had an entirely successful experience with them to date.

"Anamnesis" is waiting for me in Massachusetts, although I will also be spending time in Connecticut when I visit!

As for "The Pest House", I actually have a copy of that already. The scanned version I have is too high resolution to upload here, but I'll figure that out and share it in due course.

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Howdy (occasional) neighbor!

Wild guess: "The Pest House" is a full color scan? If that's the case you can open it in Genius Scan + throw a black and white filter on each page (cropping background if needed), make sure everything is letter size, and you'll probably drop the file size to at least half or sometimes down to quarter. Weirdly exporting it from that app then importing the same file it into the app can make the file smaller. 

The first SPN my friend + I bought on our own was a green draft so she scanned it in green...it's, like, 44mb and I refuse to swap the file for the 1.8mb ocr rescan, that green monster is Art.

Tried emailing Planet Megamall + never got a reply.

Maybe if a previous customer who threw quite a bit of money at them did the order it'd be a success ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

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