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Submitted for your approval...

couple of things have come to mind recently and i wanted to share them, whether they be seriously considered or just the ravings of a man deprived of sleep, i will leave it to you...but this is how my brain works...anyway..

In Seven and One...again, i must bring you to the scene in the beginning, during Jordan's party, when, as Frank has his visions, the clock on the wall stops at approximately 3:08 or 3:09...i have spent a good part of the last month researching this in my spare time, using the writings of Nostradameus and the Bible as references, but unfortunately, i cant find anything definitively that points to that particular numerical representation having any relativity to the episode. So, i decided to take another approach, and here is where it gets weird. If you reverse the hands on the clock, using the big hand for the hour and the little hand for the minute, it bears an uncanny resembelance to the scene in Lamentations where the federal judge's hands were placed in the 2:17 position. Now i know this is a stretch, but knowing that Lametations was the first direct introduction we had to Lucy Butler and due to the belief that she was a representation of Legion, could it be that again, as Frank's attention is drawn to the clock at the precise moment it stops in that position, and given that Seven and One concerns the cumulative effect of evil, or Legion in Frank's life, i wonder if THAT was the intent of the scene...perhaps it has nothing to do with anything other than an acknowledgement that once again Frank must struggle against the forces of darkness...

2ndly...when Emma visits the priest at the church, after she introduces herself, and states that she works with Frank Black..i find the response from the priest very strange...

"I'm sorry. I have to tell you the same thing i told the others. I can't help."

Just who are the "others" the priest is referring to? "Others" would seemingly represent more than one. So who was it that had come to the priest prior to Emma? Boxer? Since it is widely believed that Boxer was Legion incarnate, and since Legion spoke as one voice for the 2,000 or so demons cast out by Jesus in Luke 8:30, is this who the priest is referring to?

here is a little treat for those who have been patient enough to listen to my babbling...hope it plays for you...


Guest MillenniumIsBliss

Submitted for your approval...

couple of things have come to mind recently and i wanted to share them, whether they be seriously considered or just the ravings of a man deprived of sleep, i will leave it to you...but this is how my brain works...anyway..

In Seven and One...again, i must bring you to the scene in the beginning, during Jordan's party, when, as Frank has his visions, the clock on the wall stops at approximately 3:08 or 3:09...i have spent a good part of the last month researching this in my spare time, using the writings of Nostradameus and the Bible as references, but unfortunately, i cant find anything definitively that points to that particular numerical representation having any relativity to the episode. So, i decided to take another approach, and here is where it gets weird. If you reverse the hands on the clock, using the big hand for the hour and the little hand for the minute, it bears an uncanny resembelance to the scene in Lamentations where the federal judge's hands were placed in the 2:17 position. Now i know this is a stretch, but knowing that Lametations was the first direct introduction we had to Lucy Butler and due to the belief that she was a representation of Legion, could it be that again, as Frank's attention is drawn to the clock at the precise moment it stops in that position, and given that Seven and One concerns the cumulative effect of evil, or Legion in Frank's life, i wonder if THAT was the intent of the scene...perhaps it has nothing to do with anything other than an acknowledgement that once again Frank must struggle against the forces of darkness...

2ndly...when Emma visits the priest at the church, after she introduces herself, and states that she works with Frank Black..i find the response from the priest very strange...

"I'm sorry. I have to tell you the same thing i told the others. I can't help."

Just who are the "others" the priest is referring to? "Others" would seemingly represent more than one. So who was it that had come to the priest prior to Emma? Boxer? Since it is widely believed that Boxer was Legion incarnate, and since Legion spoke as one voice for the 2,000 or so demons cast out by Jesus in Luke 8:30, is this who the priest is referring to?

here is a little treat for those who have been patient enough to listen to my babbling...hope it plays for you...

Hmm, I never noticed it before, but the comment by the priest is kind of strange. I can't think of anyone else who would have inquired about Frank, so my guess is that it was some bone head writting that nobody ever picked up on.

Guest ein042
2ndly...when Emma visits the priest at the church, after she introduces herself, and states that she works with Frank Black..i find the response from the priest very strange...

"I'm sorry. I have to tell you the same thing i told the others. I can't help."

Just who are the "others" the priest is referring to? "Others" would seemingly represent more than one. So who was it that had come to the priest prior to Emma? Boxer? Since it is widely believed that Boxer was Legion incarnate, and since Legion spoke as one voice for the 2,000 or so demons cast out by Jesus in Luke 8:30, is this who the priest is referring to?

here is a little treat for those who have been patient enough to listen to my babbling...hope it plays for you...

Do we know for sure Boxer is Legion? or did Legion just take on Boxers appearance at the therapists office?

When Emma confronted him about the agent photographing her, He told her then that Frank had been to see the priest. How would they know unless they also interviewed the priest, which would explain the 'others'.

I'm not sure why legion would use Boxer, since his only purpose was to kill her, not gain information.

It's been a while since I've seen it so I may have the continuity wrong.

Thanks for the wav btw :yes:


  • Elders (Admins)

Well I have to admit you've got on this Bonnie. I remember wondering about it when I last saw the episode about 2 years ago.

  • Elders (Moderators)

In Seven and One...again, i must bring you to the scene in the beginning, during Jordan's party, when, as Frank has his visions, the clock on the wall stops at approximately 3:08 or 3:09...i have spent a good part of the last month researching this in my spare time, using the writings of Nostradameus and the Bible as references, but unfortunately, i cant find anything definitively that points to that particular numerical representation having any relativity to the episode. So, i decided to take another approach, and here is where it gets weird. If you reverse the hands on the clock, using the big hand for the hour and the little hand for the minute, it bears an uncanny resembelance to the scene in Lamentations where the federal judge's hands were placed in the 2:17 position. Now i know this is a stretch, but knowing that Lametations was the first direct introduction we had to Lucy Butler and due to the belief that she was a representation of Legion, could it be that again, as Frank's attention is drawn to the clock at the precise moment it stops in that position, and given that Seven and One concerns the cumulative effect of evil, or Legion in Frank's life, i wonder if THAT was the intent of the scene...perhaps it has nothing to do with anything other than an acknowledgement that once again Frank must struggle against the forces of darkness...

Fourth, your idea on this haunting Seven and One thing is not bad at all and it does make a lot of sense. However, if you don't mind, I'd like to take this opportunity to share some thoughts I've got concerning this matter.

I'm thinking of Revelations.. I know you've researched the Bible amongst lots of other things already, but I just need to finally get this out my system...

Revelations 3:8:

"I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name".

Now, in the beginning of the ep, right after the clock has stopped, Frank receives an envelope containing photos of a man who looks a lot like Bob Bletcher drowned in a bathtub. Could the photos be a reminder of the guilt Frank feels for both what happened to Bletcher and what happened at the pond when he was a boy?

I mean, the whole episode deals with fear, faith and guilt. The photos have most likely been sent by the forces of evil in order to torment and scare Frank and make him feel guilty. Furthermore, the hilarious agent Boxer is busy trying to make him also appear guilty or at least suspicious on various occasions. But the clock stopping at 3:08 could represent an opposite force and be a comforting assurance that despite all the bad things in his life, Frank has nothing to be afraid of eventually.

If you read Revelations chapter 3 further, especially verses 9 and 10, the things mentioned there seem to fit in with the coming events of the episode. (My intention was to include the text here but I somehow managed to delete that part of the old English version I had by mistake and now it's nowhere..)

And at the end of the episode Frank says:"... I've misjudged my gift. If I see in the darkness it's because there is light. And it is the light which guides me now. The light that will not go out, that will lead us out of the dark night if we let ourselves feel this, too. It will protect me, as it will protect those around me..."

Not sure if this scribbling of mine makes any sense at all.. In brief: I've just tried to say that maybe both good and evil forces were present at the scene in question.



Guest ein042
Fourth, your idea on this haunting Seven and One thing is not bad at all and it does make a lot of sense. However, if you don't mind, I'd like to take this opportunity to share some thoughts I've got concerning this matter.

I'm thinking of Revelations.. I know you've researched the Bible amongst lots of other things already, but I just need to finally get this out my system...

Revelations 3:8:

"I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name".

Now, in the beginning of the ep, right after the clock has stopped, Frank receives an envelope containing photos of a man who looks a lot like Bob Bletcher drowned in a bathtub. Could the photos be a reminder of the guilt Frank feels for both what happened to Bletcher and what happened at the pond when he was a boy?

I mean, the whole episode deals with fear, faith and guilt. The photos have most likely been sent by the forces of evil in order to torment and scare Frank and make him feel guilty. Furthermore, the hilarious agent Boxer is busy trying to make him also appear guilty or at least suspicious on various occasions. But the clock stopping at 3:08 could represent an opposite force and be a comforting assurance that despite all the bad things in his life, Frank has nothing to be afraid of eventually.

If you read Revelations chapter 3 further, especially verses 9 and 10, the things mentioned there seem to fit in with the coming events of the episode. (My intention was to include the text here but I somehow managed to delete that part of the old English version I had by mistake and now it's nowhere..)

And at the end of the episode Frank says:"... I've misjudged my gift. If I see in the darkness it's because there is light. And it is the light which guides me now. The light that will not go out, that will lead us out of the dark night if we let ourselves feel this, too. It will protect me, as it will protect those around me..."

Not sure if this scribbling of mine makes any sense at all.. In brief: I've just tried to say that maybe both good and evil forces were present at the scene in question.



I know you directed this to Fourth Horseman but I just wanted to thank you.

I also thought it was Bob Blecther in the photograph in the tub. Even though I don't think his name comes up in the episode and they seem to be going on the asumption it was Frank (confusing) since he shared an incident from his childhood that he described as being his worst fear. Certainly that would be terrifying for a child but would also involve deep feelings of guilt, in that he may have felt somehow responsible for the boys death just as he felt guilty for Bob.

I agree also with your thought re. Rev. 3:8

The reference to "opening the door" and it mentions Franks own strength

When Emma asks the priest later how she can help he says "Let your faith equal his strength"

Makes perfect sense to me.


When Emma asks the priest later how she can help he says "Let your faith equal his strength"

The actual quote is "Let your strength equal his fear, when it come for you" -

DBSD - you could have something here with the Rev 3:8 reference. I will write on it later..

i dont think the photos were ever referred to as being of Bletch, besides, we already know how Bletch died. Those photos would not have made any sense if there were of Bletcher..They were of Frank, because it was proven by Emma that the photos were taken in Frank's bathroom..

4th Horseman..

Guest ___ L@the_of_Heaven___

Submitted for your approval...

couple of things have come to mind recently and i wanted to share them, whether they be seriously considered or just the ravings of a man deprived of sleep, i will leave it to you...but this is how my brain works...anyway..

In Seven and One...again, i must bring you to the scene in the beginning, during Jordan's party, when, as Frank has his visions, the clock on the wall stops at approximately 3:08 or 3:09...i have spent a good part of the last month researching this in my spare time, using the writings of Nostradameus and the Bible as references, but unfortunately, i cant find anything definitively that points to that particular numerical representation having any relativity to the episode. So, i decided to take another approach, and here is where it gets weird. If you reverse the hands on the clock, using the big hand for the hour and the little hand for the minute, it bears an uncanny resembelance to the scene in Lamentations where the federal judge's hands were placed in the 2:17 position. Now i know this is a stretch, but knowing that Lametations was the first direct introduction we had to Lucy Butler and due to the belief that she was a representation of Legion, could it be that again, as Frank's attention is drawn to the clock at the precise moment it stops in that position, and given that Seven and One concerns the cumulative effect of evil, or Legion in Frank's life, i wonder if THAT was the intent of the scene...perhaps it has nothing to do with anything other than an acknowledgement that once again Frank must struggle against the forces of darkness...

2ndly...when Emma visits the priest at the church, after she introduces herself, and states that she works with Frank Black..i find the response from the priest very strange...

"I'm sorry. I have to tell you the same thing i told the others. I can't help."

Just who are the "others" the priest is referring to? "Others" would seemingly represent more than one. So who was it that had come to the priest prior to Emma? Boxer? Since it is widely believed that Boxer was Legion incarnate, and since Legion spoke as one voice for the 2,000 or so demons cast out by Jesus in Luke 8:30, is this who the priest is referring to?

here is a little treat for those who have been patient enough to listen to my babbling...hope it plays for you...

Okay, after 4H having to wade through my pontification on the other post and having to put up with my truly horrible puns and barbs, the least I can do is promise to go back and carefully watch this episode and see if I can correlate any of these things with my modest Bible knowledge...

  • Elders (Moderators)
When Emma asks the priest later how she can help he says "Let your faith equal his strength"

The actual quote is "Let your strength equal his fear, when it come for you" -

DBSD - you could have something here with the Rev 3:8 reference. I will write on it later..

i dont think the photos were ever referred to as being of Bletch, besides, we already know how Bletch died. Those photos would not have made any sense if there were of Bletcher..They were of Frank, because it was proven by Emma that the photos were taken in Frank's bathroom..

4th Horseman..

Thank you so much for your kind replies, Bonnie and Fourth!

About the pictures; they were manipulated, weren't they? So, they could've been of both Frank and Bletch. That would explain the fact that Frank seems to think they are of himself (like he says at the meeting with Emma, Boxer and the others), but also the fact that he searches for Bletcher's file at the office a bit later.

Btw, I wasn't suggesting that we wouldn't know how Bletch died. The main thing here is that he died in Frank's yellow house and Frank feels guilty because of that. The bathtub could be a referrence to drowning which links to the childhood incident at the pond. IMO, there were two separate things put together by manipulating the photos.



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