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Kath's Blog - All the strange. Wierd and unexplained - ie, My Life...

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Thuds head.

So last year I was all excited about getting my own website and working on it and things were cool. Well, mid July I contact the person who ran the server farm and tried to get the info to be prepared about paying for the next year... and heard nothing. After several calls, and emails and PMs I finally hear from him and he is in the lobby of Dragon con and would get back to me asap... (sigh) Well, that hasn't happened. and my childrens website has been taken over by a porn group. I sent



Sometimes, you can't win...

Well, work has been interesting. So far, I'm not making enough in one pay to cover the morgage, and it's been a scramble after more cancer surgery, and work has been- weird. Nothing really settled in everything- still alot of cat fights and scrambling to be top dog by the others. I said to my boss. "have you ever heard of me getting into a fight with ANYONE here?" and he said no. Good to remember that because my evaluation is coming up next week, and I know that no matter how hard I've worked



starting the new year... with a bang...

We were watching Star Wars marathon on sunday when the power began to flicker. Outside the wind was blowing pretty hard, and we could hear our house groaning in protest. Darth Vader had just wacked off Lukes arm and was going on about doing in the emperor, and just as he was saying the famous lines "Luke, I am your....." the cable and the power cut out "I am your What Vader? I am your What???" I wanted to shout at the tv. It seems the wires that had gone down two years ago, never were rep



If wishes were horses..

So, I have been at my current job for 12 and a half years. Pretty much a record for me, because its the longest that I have ever stayed at a job in my life. Not that I bounce around, but, well, the first - real- job I had lasted 5 years, and it was horrible work that ground me done physicly and emotionally - I had worked at a nursing home, and I kept getting exposed to TB and every thing that people brought in when they came to visit their family and I lost a full inch of my height from lifting



The first day of the rest of my life.

So, I turnedd 52 today. Well, actually, at 1:33 pm today I turn 52. (I think). Looking into the family album, there is only one photo of me as a baby, in my godmothers arms. I know its me because the woman who was my godmother was only a godmother for me. the next childhood photo of me was taken in the summer, and I had to be about 8 months old-There is another with me in a scarlet dress propped up on a pillow, and one with my grandfather trying to read me a book. It wasn't until I needed m



is any one out there?

As a child, I was raised in a large family, and it was a struggle- I know there are many people who have said they would love a huge family- more sibs for the others to play with, but in all fairness, the numbers don't work. I had one sister who was 6 years older than I was, and she was married at 19- and as in as much as I loved riding my bike (which my brothers that summer canablized for parts for a go cart that ruined it- they were willing to play with my toys, break them, and move on. I re



Three sides to the coin

So, my friend watches ghost hunter *taps* and she answered the survay question regarding the full ghost thingy that showed up on the tape as yes, it was a ghost. and she gets really really excited . and I send her a PM- "you know that stuff is all faked..." First Yes, I believe in ghosts, and angels, and people who have seen visions. Second, I am long enough in the tooth to know about ratings, Gee when something has been on for 9 seasons, and the ratings may or may not be slipp



I dont know if this works, but...

<div style="text-align: center;"><div style="font-weight: bold;"><a href="http://www.calameo.com/books/00039372719682de22b66">Believe</a></div><div style="padding-top: 8px;"><object id="calameo-mini-00039372719682de22b66" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="240" height="147"><param name="movie" value="http://v.calameo.com/2.1/cmini.swf?bkcode=00039372719682de22b66&amp;langid=en&amp;clickTo=embed&amp;clickTarget=_bla



Musings of an old woman

So, its saturday at 10:24 in the morning, and I have been up since 7, and I have to work from 11 - 9. Not my choicest of days, but, it pays the medical insurance. I'm laying on my bed, waiting for the cloths to be done in the dryer so that I can get ready ready for work, (a tank top and my husbands swim shorts wont cut it...) For the longest time, I have been wanting to do my own web page, and I have played around with a bunch of the freeones, and thought, yeah, I can do this... and



Dust Devil, Part 2 an original MM story.

"Your father isn't crazy" a voice whispered in the dark. Jordan sat up in bed and looked around. She could see in the dim light that it was going on one am- and that the patter of rain was striking the window pane. Shaking off the feeling that she had been having a night mare, 20 year old Jordan Black stretched and slid her feet over the edge of the bed before padding bare foot into the kitchen for a glass of orange juice. It had to be that she was just a bit hungry before she went to bed.



Life imitates art...

So, work has been - work. (rant time) I haven't had a weekend off in over a year and a half- I haven't had a vacation in three years, and I havn't had 2 day's off in a row in months, let alone 2 days off in a week, or work less than 40 hours in a week. It's stress, stress stress and I have lost 8 pounds in 5 days because I havn't been able to sit down and eat,- by the time i get home I am too exhausted to eat and my gut's not happy with me. I have 5 drs that my PCP wants me to see, and



in passing

Thursday, august 18th. Well, actually, It began for me on tuesday. my husband had gone out to get a hair cut and I was alone in the house and I felt a profound sense of grief that brought me almost to my knees as I sobbed. I couldn't explain it, only that I knew something was wrong. I thought, perhaps that maybe I hadn't said goodby, drive safe to my husband- or something, and I actually got my shoes on, and figured out his path and we went out for lunch, just because I needed to be with him an



Dust Devil An orginal Millenium story. Part 1

The dirt swirled beside Jordan Black as she stood gazing at the empty lot which transformed into a house before her eyes. She could hear Simon explaing things to her, things that were important then. Things that would be important later. Simon went away after things were done, and her father while he hadn't beleaved her , he didn't - not- believe her. It wasn't long after that that her father arrived at her school and took her out of class. They drove for days on end, going into canada through b



The survival dance.

When I married, I was working full time (45 hours a week) and the money was good. Shortly after the marrage, the company merged and I was bumped down to part time, 35 hours a week, but managed untill last year to hold on to that status. Last year, when they changed things, I was able to use my vacation time to work through the hours so that I still stayed full time, and kept my benefits, and that all ran out at the end of the year. mind you, I have been keeping the house down to 60 degrees



Sometimes you can't win

So I have just been unfriended by my niece in face book, and I get a pertty upset call from my brother, who is siding with his daughter. Lets back up 12 hours I use face book to connect with people who are interested in my book, and my family. Upon occasion post from my family show up on my page, which is cool. except that my niece has a friend, who is way too old for her age. She uploaded a photo of herself, and my niece, and tagged it that they were *young and fresh* and OH baby



Three funerals and a wedding...all in 2 weeks.

On oct 21st my niece, and her husband to be learned that his aunt had died. It was two days before their wedding and while the family knew she had cancer, (she had attended the bridal shower only 2 weeks before) it was still a bit of a shock to them with everything going on. They were married two days later. A week later, on the 29th, my uncle passed away, he had been suffering from cancers, and his passing was very hard to deal with. He was buried on nov 1st, and a day later my mother was getti



In passing , part 2

Today we buried my uncle. It was a chance to meet up with cousins, and aunts that I had not seen in years, and, to hear the continuing dynamics of a family that had many more children from two combined marrages. We arrived early to the funeral home, and then spent time with my cousins before following the mile long procession (yes, a mile of cars) to the church, then to the cemetary, and to the small chappel there where the US Navy preformed the flag ceramoney for my aunt, and presented her w



in passing

My uncle died on oct 29th in the wee hours of the morning. Last night, I went to the funeral home with my husband to pay our respects, and to see my cousins. I met my aunts first husbands sister, and she had worked out that I had to be related, remembering me from when I was a little girl. and I let her know, we had grown up with stories of my uncle Paul, even though he had died 50 years before- our mother had made sure that we knew what a wonderful man he had been , and how tragic his death



Pumpkin patch

Since I've been in this house, (9 years) I think I've only carved 4 pumpkins, or , had 4 pumpkins. The first was just the standard triangle eyes, the second, I actually picked up a book on how to carve pumpkins and I created the wolf below. The next year I carved my ferrets picture onto the pumpkin, and somewhere in the backup folders on another drive is the photograph. After my dad died - and the following year my uncle, almost to the day my dad went on the ventilator, I still, handed out candy



When all is said and done... a spooky story is born

Many years ago when I was young, I was told my first ghost story by my brothers. As the story went, young kids went down a particular road to an abandoned house to have a party, and none returned... They were found by the classmates who didn't go to the party, dead, in the house, - some force had splattered and stuck them to the walls... Needless to say, it was probably done so I would have nightmares. (didn't happen) I don't know if there was even any real story that was even in part som



The scent of death, Part three

Perhaps, it is in the knowing. I didn't want to leave today and go to work, My husband was home, though, and reluctantly , I handed him our little one after giving her forehead a kiss, and I went off to work. It was a day, that nothing went right. I could do nothing right. Nothing that I would say would change what was going on. I got home, and found my husband looking somber. he said she had to have been waiting for me to go- that she knew her dieing in my arms would be too much- so, she waite



The scent of death, part two

Hudson is still with us. My husband looks at her, and mumbles something about that she's going to rise up and start going on about "brains! Brains!' I can only shake my head. The scent, that I spoke of , is still there. My husband says it reminds him of an open wound- yet, I smell the tang of a metalic oder. The days have been filled with tears, and memories as we make her comfortable and discuss options for her care. Memories are a powerful thing. I look at pictures, and see them runn



The scent of death...

a couple of years ago, a friend of mine gave me a peach schnapps, and after drinking it, I found that *I* smelt of peaches, and it was from the alcohol being metabolized in my system and coming out my skin. I realized then, that the scents we have were affected by what was within us, and some things made our metabolism push it out. Right now, my little ferret is in her carrier beside me covered with paper towels and a blanket over the carrier to keep in the warmth. A few months ago, she had



Ghost from the past

When I was in highschool, I dated a few guys, one of them being a much- *older* than me guy( well, I was 17, he was 21) and he was a friend of my brothers. Before I graduated, he asked me to marry him and I said yes, with the condition that I finish school first, *college* One of his greatest - faults- was that he didn't think things all the way through and we ended up parting of the ways. years went by, He went on to be a race car driver and in all the glamore of the track found a young



OH, I has been PUBLISHED!! (sorta)

So, I have been looking for a way to get my writings into the REAL world, and a forum to do that. I mean, short of just doing the self publishing thing, (which IMHO if you make a mistake your pretty well screwed) getting noticed by a publisher is pretty difficult. Unless you happen to find a website that hosts books. *tada* I had followed a link that a friend sent me and I was looking at it and thought Hmmm, I could do this. I looked it over and saw *free*. Free is good. So I figured



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