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New Images of Japan's Apocalypse

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Japan's apocalypse now: Rescuers pick their way through a wasteland of bodies, wreckage and people washing in rivers

By Daily Mail Reporter

Last updated at 9:19 AM on 16th March 2011

70-year-old woman found alive in house that had been washed away by the tsunami

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[With millions of people without electricity, thousands missing and warnings of an imminent second earthquake, the task for Japanese authorities is too daunting to imagine.

Some 3,000 people have now been confirmed dead since last week's earthquake and subsequent tsunami but officials believe the death toll could rise into the tens of thousands, with a further 2,000 bodies washing up on the shores of north-east Japan yesterday.

Bodies wrapped in blue tarpaulins were laid on military stretchers and lined up for collection while panic-buying has begun in Japan amid fears of a second quake and growing concern about nuclear leaks.

Link to the rest of the article and the images. They are heart-wrenching.


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My brother lives in Osaka. Says it was hours before anyone really knew what happened. I keep hoping TEMPCO (or whatever that company is called) will allow outside inspectors in to really see what's going on. I don't think the Japanese people are really being told everything that's going on.

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  • 9 months later...

I went to Japan from November 27th to Dec 3rd to visit my brother who was in palliative care. I know the country is still grappling with the devastation. However the people have a remarkable resilence to them. Plus they are extremely kind. I always thought Japan would be very difficult to identify with because I had read they weren't influenced by Freud, Jesus or Marx (like western civilization). In some ways that's true but they are definitely the type of people you would want around you when times are tough.

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  • Elders (Moderators)

Hi, Inkster. Sorry to read about your brother, and I hope his care was/is all that you'd want it to be.

Many people live in challenging environments, and that does affect their philosophy/religion/culture. And very often, those who are very familiar with what nature can throw at them are often the most caring of people.

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