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A sad end

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Guest ___ L@the_of_Heaven___
Regarding the "X-Files" crossover, I would have liked to hear something about Emma Hollis. She ended up betraying Frank and joining the Millennium Group not long before it dissolved. Did she go back to the FBI? Did she find a different job or was she killed on the job? So many questions, man, so many questions.

Actually, she is currently employed by me... :w00t:

Good posts from everyone here...i dont find much to disagree with from anyone...Spotnitz's admission (thanks Moriarty) only served to frustrate those who were looking for the "closure" needed. As for the apparent demise of Peter, i have never believed that the body seen at the end of GTAT is actually Peter's. My opinion is that the writers were still harboring some hope of a 4th season, and therefore reached the best conclusion they could have with the continuation of the show in jeopardy. It most certainly is a very dicotomous finale, for those who felt comfortable with the ending, then it was Peter, for other who harbor a similar opinion as myself, i like to think that the door would have been left still slighty open, in the hopes, albeit in retrospect futile, of a 4th season...in this case the body could have been made to be just about anybody...a group assassin (Mabius perhaps?), who knows...but the important thing is, the writers left it up to each person to draw their own conclusions...

i dont know about anyone else, but the idea that the body could indeed be Peter's really brings with it a terrible sense of melencholy and sadness, for we all had grown to welcome Peter into our hearts..

4th Horseman..

Okay, that's it! Now you've used the word 'Dichotomous'!!! :fuyou_2:

(Actually, I think you left an 'h' off there 4thPony... :yes:)

  • 1 month later...
think the thing that threw many people off was interviews that I read, prior to the episode, that included the word "closure" regarding the Millennium series. I believe it was Lance himself who used that specific word. I'm not sure what he meant by that, but I can't see where the X-files episode would have provided any kind of closure for anyone.

i agree in that i don't see any MM closure in txf ep MM. granted, we get Frank and Jordan back together in the end, but where the episode even starts raised too many questions as to what had gone on in the intervening time for me to sit back and say 'ok, they're here now.' and we got the two of them (f and j, i'm not talking m and s here) together in the end, as it should be, but i feel that the episode took too much on. they could have made a decent christmas/new year's x-files episode about zombies, they could've made a (i hope) decent x-files episode that (sort of) resolved the MM storyline, but i feel the integration of the two did a great disservice to both of them.

my main argument against it is where on earth does the idea of zombies come from? sure, there might be vague references in the bible to people other than jesus being ressurected and them being the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse (i've never read the bible, and i forget too much of what i learned about christian mythology from my studies of MM, so if this is wrong i believe it even furthers my point). but, iirc, and i'm not exactly current in my full s2 and s3 watchings, tMG divide between owls and roosters, or at least the ideologies, was never settled. as a fan i am thus uncomfortable with an x-files episode which rather arbitrarily decides which it is, and furthermore ventures in to supernatural realms the likes of which were not yet seen in MM in order to do so.

i could go on but it's after three and i told myself i'd be in bed by midnight. in short, the whole episode feels off; (real) mythology is mixed and (televisoin) mythology is generally ignored.

My opinion is that the writers were still harboring some hope of a 4th season, and therefore reached the best conclusion they could have with the continuation of the show in jeopardy

i'd like to think this is true too, but that late in the season i think, and i thought i'd read, they probably knew... :cry:

We did get a nice little story about zombies though

! if only it were only that. (nice and zombies seem kind of oxymoronic. a weird PMP-zombie idea just popped into my head, which defintiely indicates it's bed time)

Actually, she is currently employed by me...

... kind of creepy... do you let her do temp work?

- nothing, who admittedly, was a hardcore xf shipper at the time, and relished the kiss in its own right

nothing, who admittedly, was a hardcore xf shipper at the time, and relished the kiss in its own right

LOL! Ditto! :kissypoo:

  • 1 month later...
Guest NormanCroucher

Hello everyone,

I'm new to these boards, and quite pleased to see that one exists for this show.

Millenium began for me when repeats of Season 1 started airing on a digital channel, and I looked forward to them each week. Then there was some kind of hiatus to make way for boxing so I went out and bought the first season on DVD, then the second, then the third.

I loved this show. Even though throughout its short course it did get awfully muddled in places, I thought there were more ideas and original storylines than most TV shows I've seen.

Finished off Season 3 a few days back, and I can't stop thinking about the ending. The very last few scenes. I thought they were brilliantly delivered. The feeling of ambiguity about what the future holds for Frank and Jordan, Watts' death (after redeeming himself in a way), Emma's induction into the group, all wonderfully played. And that shot of Frank and Jordan running out of school was beautiful, with the soft piano theme over it. I felt that having watched all seasons straight throgh, back to back, that this ending was a wise one. Not a resolution with answers galore, but I had never expected there to be, most of the epsodes didn't usually clear everything up within in their own plot structure anyway, and I liked that. This was an ending that struck a chord for me. I loved it. Subtle, ambiguous, poigniant and sad.

Watts was never really a villain, he respected Frank, and gave his life to protect aman who hated him, and Emma went from trusted colleague to misguided betrayer, while Frank and Jordan rode off into a future far from certain. What a great show. I might say I even shed a tear when it ended.

Guest ZeusFaber
Not a resolution with answers galore, but I had never expected there to be

Indeed, you're never going to get that with a show that is cancelled, as opposed to one that is allowed to get to its deliberate series finale.

Guest betweenthelines
Watts was never really a villain, he respected Frank, and gave his life to protect aman who hated him, and Emma went from trusted colleague to misguided betrayer, while Frank and Jordan rode off into a future far from certain. What a great show. I might say I even shed a tear when it ended.

I never looked at Peter Watts as a villain. I don't think his actions in Season 3 were admirable, and I like to think he didn't die, but I don't think he was an all-out villain. Had he been able to break free of the Millennium Group's grasp and realized what they were doing, I think he would have been one of Frank's allies.

Guest gethsemane

PersonallyI think Lance was tricked into thinking CC was going to write a script with closure for MM but he fell way short. The episode was entertaining but definitly not closure. As for Peter, didn't he make a comment to Frank about Jordan's file? I can't remember exactly but I think he said if she was in danger or if he couldn't help anymore he would give Frank the file. If the body was his then he knew they were going to kill him. He had to get the file to Frank first. If he's alive that would explain how it got in his car and maybe Peter went into hiding. The real mystery is how we get so hung up on a fictional storyline that we're compelled to rationalize what might have been if there was a 4th season. Frank Black is the new Sherlock Holmes. He'll live in infamy in the hearts of the MM fans. You gotta love him!

Guest ZeusFaber
PersonallyI think Lance was tricked into thinking CC was going to write a script with closure for MM but he fell way short.

Not true. The show was cancelled before its time, so there was no chance to plot out a deliberate series finale with a sense of closure. Shows like The X-Files and Babylon 5 got to the end of their run and had time to write a deliberate last show. Shows like Millennium and Harsh Realm got canceled without a chance to do the same.

In any case, "Goodbye to All That" was written by Ken Horton and showrunner Chip Johannesen. Chris Carter was not involved.

Guest Moriarty
Not true. The show was cancelled before its time, so there was no chance to plot out a deliberate series finale with a sense of closure. Shows like The X-Files and Babylon 5 got to the end of their run and had time to write a deliberate last show. Shows like Millennium and Harsh Realm got canceled without a chance to do the same.

In any case, "Goodbye to All That" was written by Ken Horton and showrunner Chip Johannesen. Chris Carter was not involved.

Zeus, I think that Gethesemane is talking about the x-files episode "Millennium" and not about GBTAT... The x-files episode was written by Carter and Spotnitz if I am not mistaken...

Guest ZeusFaber
Zeus, I think that Gethesemane is talking about the x-files episode "Millennium" and not about GBTAT

If that's the case then I read it wrong and apologise.

The x-files episode was written by Carter and Spotnitz if I am not mistaken...

It was written by Vince Gilligan and Frank Spotnitz, but again, not Chris Carter.

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