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Guest fledgling666

got this about 2 weeks ago, still itches. i have actually wanted it for about 6 years, but it just seemed like i was always strapped for cash until recently, so i did something for me. ps- that's the middle of my back between the shoulder blades you're looking at.



very cool  :sunglasses_big: . Did you design that yourself? An is this your first? My first is of a devil baby (i will try to get a picture up soon) So did it hurt getting it there? I got mine on the top of my ankel. (it wasn't that bad) pain wise  :devil01:  :wink_big:

It looks big. How big is it?

I am glad that you shared your tattoo with us here  :thumbsup_big:

hmmmmm now what will the next one be  :thinking_big:

Guest fledgling666
nope, second, or third if you count my stupid homemade tattoo of the first letter of my girlfriend's name while i was in high school, dumb move, stuck the needle into my hand bone, stopped being stupid, too bad it don't wash off. anyway, the first is a dragon on my arm, no, not a traditional one, just sort-of a line drawing, got it from a band logo originally, but it means more than that now (band: sick of it all, hardcore band from brooklyn). the design was by my friend, Mig, who did the tattoo, he just lightly simplified the Millennium oroboros logo. it hurt when he went over my spine, but not much. third tattoo will be an ink drawing i did a few years back that call "Pazuzu." i'll post a pic in a few months when i get that one. also want an alien from the movie "Alien" and a logo from another band called "Samhain," one each on my right and left inner forearms. then i think i'll stop.

i always thought a cool millennium tattoo would be an ouroborus going around the wrist or ankle.


:cool-big:  I LOVE it!!! :thumbsup_big:  I always wanted to get one, but I have a *thing* about needles! :eyes:  Congrats!  And...this is how obsessed with MillenniuM you are! :yes_big:  :sunglasses_big:
Guest LauraKrycek
Ah, very, very cool!  Just like what I'd want, if I got one, only maybe I'd choose a different color (I'd have to think about it more).  I've been wanting an ouroborous for a very long time, but if I got it, it'd probably be on the inside front of my hip, just above where my right leg joint is.  I'd thought about the possibility of getting one around my ankle, but one of the things I happened to have in common with my last boyfriend (who gave me a world of trouble we won't get into) was that we both wanted ouroborous tattoos, only he wanted his to be this winged dragon on his bicep.

Cool.  if I wanted an ouro tatoo, I think I would want one in UV ink and it would only show up when someone passes a UV light over it.

Be Seeing You,

David Blackwell

Guest LauraKrycek
Cool.  if I wanted an ouro tatoo, I think I would want one in UV ink and it would only show up when someone passes a UV light over it.

They can do that?  Fa-reakkkay.  In a cool way, of course.  Imagine if you were able to get all done up like that, and then walked into a room full of UV light.  Whoa, major trip.


They can do that?  Fa-reakkkay.  In a cool way, of course.  Imagine if you were able to get all done up like that, and then walked into a room full of UV light.  Whoa, major trip.

I have no clue.  but given all the weird dyes there are, they probably have a dye for it or maybe they will one of these days.   It is just a cool idea I introduced in my Millennnium FanFic (The Future Is Now) about UV Ouro tatoos.

Be Seeing You,

David Blackwell

  • Elders (Admins)

That's one impressive tatoo! The person who did it made a good job of it - did you give them a picture or something or was it actually in the samples? I'd die if the guy who did it was a Millennium fan!

The UV idea was brilliant and a great way of solving the "what if I change my mind?" issue! I bet it would show up in nightclubs etc.

Graham :ouro:

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