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X-Files 2 to begin shooting soon (Incorrect)

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Guest Everlast

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Guest Everlast

Hey everyone,

I know this isn't technically Millennium stuff, but that law suit between Chris Carter and Fox is apparently settled now. Board experts said that this was the obstacle preventing a possible Millennium film that we all so badly want to see made. Here's the article that was on MSNBC about XF2.


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Well... It's about time! I never even knew what the lawsuit was even about!

Here's hoping the X Files movie will be shot before we're all too old to care...

and that we'll see a Millennium movie before the NEXT Millennium! WOO-HOO!

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Guest ZeusFaber

No, no, no. A new movie is NOT to begin shooting anytime soon.

Chris Carter & Frank Spotnitz have just written a script, that's all. 20th Century Fox have yet to show any interest in the project, certainly haven't green-lighted it, let alone scheduled a shooting date.

Anyway, this has already been widely reported elsewhere.

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Guest Jim McLean
No, no, no. A new movie is NOT to begin shooting anytime soon.

Chris Carter & Frank Spotnitz have just written a script, that's all. 20th Century Fox have yet to show any interest in the project, certainly haven't green-lighted it, let alone scheduled a shooting date.

Anyway, this has already been widely reported elsewhere.

Still given the lead stars mutual public support at the same time, and the media interest, seems likely Fox will go with it. It's certainly more encouraging than before, but as you say, long way to go yet, particularly on the hope of Millennium going any further after it!

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Guest ZeusFaber

Encouraging, yes, but saying that it's going to begin shooting soon is plainly false.

As ever, I advise not getting one's hopes up based on stuff that isn't actually a guarantee of anything. Thousands of scripts get written in Hollywood every day. An extremely low percentage of those ever make it before the cameras. I'd love to see it happen, but only when 20th give it the go-ahead will I pop any champaign corks.

As for Millennium on the big screen, forget it. I know people like to be optimistic and hope against hope, but really, there comes a point when we have to let go.

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Guest Jim McLean
As ever, I advise not getting one's hopes up based on stuff that isn't actually a guarantee of anything. Thousands of scripts get written in Hollywood every day. An extremely low percentage of those ever make it before the cameras. I'd love to see it happen, but only when 20th give it the go-ahead will I pop any champaign corks.

Sensible, but I don't think this is merely on the level of a "thousand scripts getting written a day", as those scripts are generally written by a multitude of different writers from all sorts of backgrounds. If we siphon down those scripts actually written by writers of TV and film who were the creators of a past blockbuster series and film, I think one can concede this is in a slightly more hopeful league.

That said, I do agree, no one should be saying for certain until the studio says yes. I would think providing the script is good, and it's come from the right pair to work, the fact that just the news of the script hit the main page of the BBC website, shows there is certainly enough juice left in the X-Files to again, elevate the chances above those other thousands of scripts. Not many films get such curiousity from merely a script sending.

As for Millennium on the big screen, forget it. I know people like to be optimistic and hope against hope, but really, there comes a point when we have to let go.

Now here I disagree. Not about the chances, I do think they are very slim for the big screen, but I say this is an industry that when you DO let go, you have no hope, but when you hang on, dreams can happen. Believe, shout and support a concept and there's always far more chance than conceding to the far more comfortable option where losing doesn't become quite as painful.

Quite honestly, in the days of DTV/DVD booms, I'd say if X-Files 2 goes ahead, and makes a good reaction, I could imagine a return of Frank Black moving to a different market which would support such a boom.

As I've said, the fact that the creators and actor are very keen on Frank is actually more encouraging that studio interest, given if there is a money, a studio will jump, but if the creators and actors have no will, there definitely isn't a way.

Bottomline.. the time IS now. Should your support, spread the word, EVEN if it's slight hyped and erroneous! Get people's interest. Getting people excited is FAR more important that being realistic. Let the word spread and that's how Hollywood gets encouragement to invest money in dreams, not by people being realistic about their chances! :)

Edited by Jim McLean
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Guest ZeusFaber

Not that I enjoy putting a downer on things, but I really do think that people all too often overestimate the impact that internet posts can have.

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Guest MillenniumIsBliss
Encouraging, yes, but saying that it's going to begin shooting soon is plainly false.

As ever, I advise not getting one's hopes up based on stuff that isn't actually a guarantee of anything. Thousands of scripts get written in Hollywood every day. An extremely low percentage of those ever make it before the cameras. I'd love to see it happen, but only when 20th give it the go-ahead will I pop any champaign corks.

As for Millennium on the big screen, forget it. I know people like to be optimistic and hope against hope, but really, there comes a point when we have to let go.

I agree, I don't think there is a great deal of likelihood that a Millennium movie will ever see the big screen, but it seems possible that it could be a relatively low budget project that goes straight to DVD. Something along the lines of "The Invitation" or "The Garden". I think there are enough Chris Carter, Lance Henriksen and Millennium fans that it could easily be worth the investment. Of course, there wouldn't likely be any big stars in the cast, other than Lance, but I think they could afford Sarah Jane Redmond, Steven James Lang, Brittany Tiplady (wouldn't that be interesting to see a grown up Jordan) and a few other good actors.

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Guest Jim McLean
Not that I enjoy putting a downer on things, but I really do think that people all too often overestimate the impact that internet posts can have.

Internet post can have an effect. By all logical purposes, they have more effect than no internet posts will have. Word spreads. I'm not suggesting a film can be made on the basis of internet hype, but the more of it, and the more conviction, the more +1 you give to the interest.

I just don't see any benefit in being stand offish on hope. Hope creates change even in silly little things such as TV. More to the point, it offers more hope than saying it will never happen. Positive thinking. Telling people things WILL happen gives people positive. If it doesn't happen, well, no one loses.

If you are a fan and you're telling fellow fans it can never happen, it just - in my humble opinion - offers no benefit. Let people get excited. Let yourself get excited. This has been a good step forward, and if it doesn't come to fruition, I'm sure we're all busy enough people to live with the lack of Carter films. Life goes on.

It's not so much because by being positive it guarantees people will notice at Fox and thereby create an X-Files film that will create a Millennium film, but positivity is contagious. Let it spread among those who want to believe - like yourself - and I think it can fuel an interest, if nothing else in community. Rather than just disappoint people into going and perhaps putting their motivation elsewhere, let them come here and believe with no downers. A community - if nothing else - can thrive on excitement, even if it never goes beyond that.

Forgive my wax philosophical, and I am not suggesting any of your concerns/outlooks are invalid in any way. I just think we can all get excited because getting excited is part and parcel of communities and bring people together!

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Guest ZeusFaber

I admire your devotion to hope and positive thinking.

However, my restraint is more because I've seen what has happened on other forums because of too much false hope and expectations rather than that I am trying to be negative. Certain people have generated and fostered an alarming degree of hatred towards people such as Chris Carter under the (patently false) belief that he is stalling a movie or spreading lies about a movie. I can't tell you how many times I've been forced into a debate to point out that Carter has done nothing but express his plans and hopes, but still people say terrible things and make deliberately false accusations, and a lot of it stems from this constant back and forth about whether or not a movie will ever come to fruition.

That's why I advocate reservation. Like I said, I admire your positive outlook, and in most cases of everyday life it's a great way to live, but in this particular case, it has its dangers. Some people get all excited when they hear a fragment of news (for example the topic-starer here who got a little carried away and declared a movie was set to start shooting), and then when it doesn't materialize they get angry and bitter and direct that frustration, mistakenly, at some of the people who have worked so hard over the years to create and produce the series. This then spreads and unfairly damages their reputations, and in recent years has spawned something of a cult of hatred that I wouldn't want to see grow any further.

This is down to a small proportion of people, admittedly, and shouldn't reflect badly on the majority of fans who choose to be optimistic such as yourself, but nonetheless I have learned from this experience that it is best to play down news such as this in order to minimize the chances of a small minority getting confused as to what is really being promised, and in turn the mean-spirited backlash against innocent writers/producers.

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