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Duck X-Ray Reveals 'Alien Head'

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Guest ___ L@the_of_Heaven___
Well, as a matter of fact i did, not only was the Virgin Mary hiding between the lettuce and the tomato, but I also happened to see Elvis in the random mustard application on top of the balogna...best damned tasting thing i ever had...

4th "belch" Horseman**

** - with apologies to Beerbelch

I bloody KNEW it!!! Both the Virgin AND Elvis!!!??? You lucky, LUCKY B@stard!!! And you're not even British! hey, did you save some of the sandwich??? A LOT of people would pay good money to see it! Oh, course if it's already been digested it might have played serious hell with the images...

WOO-HOO! You're on, Celt! :swingin:

Oh....and I still love you, Lathe! :kissypoo:

Thank you kind Lady!

Guest SouthernCelt
Southern Celt my friend...did anyone offer to do a necropsy on the duck or are they going solely on the basis of the x-rays?

4th Horseman..

Don't know. I don't think the wildlife rescue organization is interested in explaining the X-ray but in raising money.

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