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Climate change brings world closer to 'doomsday', say scientists

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Giving people the opportunity to make their views known via the ballot box is a good thing. The UK Green Party hasn't been successful in terms of getting seats in Parliament, but they have been hugely successful in putting pressure on central and local government. I'm fortunate in that I can afford the extras in my council (local) tax that goes towards recycling. I want to pay for the little bit I can do to ensure that not everything goes into landfill.

We can all make a tiny bit of difference, which together can make a huge difference, if the powers-that-be enable us to do so. There's a large supermarket near us that also has a petrol station. They've just introduced two parking bays for recharging of electric cars. It's a start.

This is interesting, but most especially that what we'd leave for future archaeologists to find is a layer of plastics:

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BEER-----> Alien geoligists - I liked that one (hehe). About plastics, we here in California will be voting on whether to continue using plastic bags at the super markets, I'll keep you posted. How else can you pick up dog poop?


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Years ago, when we didn't have plastic bags, paper sacks worked just fine. So why can't we go back to paper and a poop scoop?

Very informative video Libby.

I recommend watching the documentary movie, "Life After People (2008)," which was also made into a TV series, and the episodes are available to watch on YouTube, but I couldn't find the movie there, only the trailer ~


Some of the TV series episodes are on YouTube, but not sure if all of them are.

Then there's National Geographic's "Aftermath: Population Zero," of which the entire documentary can be watched on YouTube ~


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Paper can be recycled, that's a good thing.

According to the World Clock, the U S is at 320,280,353 and climbing. The world is at 7,222,309,1xx, climbing fast, ten people in 4-5 seconds.

One birth every 8 seconds
One death every 11 seconds
One international migrant (net) every 30 seconds
Net gain of one person every 14 seconds


1. China 1,361,512,535 6. Pakistan 199,085,847 2. India 1,251,695,584 7. Nigeria 181,562,056 3. United States 321,362,789 8. Bangladesh 168,957,745 4. Indonesia 255,993,674 9. Russia 142,423,773 5. Brazil 204,259,812 10. Japan 126,919,659


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