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"Why Are We Here?"

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For anyone who was a fan of "STAR TREK", you probably recognize "He's dead Jim." as a recurring theme in the seires.  Have you ever noticed how often Scully asks....

"Why are we here, Mulder?" in some variation?

I found this almost like a "Where's Waldo" game I played with myself, from week to week.  

Scott and I were talking last night, and he added that this seemed to be a 10-13 theme, asking the eternal question...

"Why are we here?"

So, in this thread, I'd like to see how many of us can find the "Why are we here-s" in The X Files, as well as any references as to that most-asked of all questions.....

:Ouro_Large: ~Raven Wolf :Ouro_Large:

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Guest LauraKrycek

Well, of course, there's the cell-phone thing ("Mulder, it's me"), but that's different.  She DID ask that question a lot... huh.  I guess the one thing that always annoyed me is in the movie when they're standing in the middle of the desert and she's like "Mulder, what are you not telling me?" and he says "The virus may be extraterrestrial."  ::silence::  I want to yell, well DUH!, once you realize that that's all that he's not telling her.  Well, we knew that!  But when it appears again and again and Scully *still* says blah blah blah that's impossible etc. etc., after being so *shocked* the last time the same thing showed up, I just wanna say, get over it!  You saw it like fifty billion times before!  It IS possible!  GOSH!

Anyway... I can't think of anything else that's said over and over, but probably because I haven't seen but two or three whole XF eps since it was cancelled, despite having my truckload of carefully-recorded-and-squirreled-away tapes.

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Guest Justa Fan


How many times did Mulder yell "Scully!"

How many times did Scully yell "Mulder!"

I need fresh batteries for my calculator.


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Well, I'll have to go back through some tapes and come up with titles, but the reason I decided to start this thread was becase they just showed "The Truth" again on re-runs, and near the end, when they've gotton Mulder out of jail, and are in the desert, they get out of the SUV they're driving in, at the ANASAZI ruins, and Scully says...you guessed it!  

"Why are we here, Mulder?"  I just fell over laughing when it first aired!  I KNEW they had to get it in just once more!

:rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:

Any more input?

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Guest LauraKrycek
Yeah, I thought about the whole yelling each other's names (in a non-dirty way, of course), but thought that might not count because it's just their names.  Though I must say that I never pass a cornfield without fighting the urge to yell "MULDER!"  "SCULL-AY!" (I admit I have, once, a long time ago while on a family trip and my mom made my sister and I get out of the car on a battlefield in Gettysburg and drove off for about 10 min.  We saw a deer, and I ran along the field yelling.  Lots of fun.)  Can't think of anything else right now... if you get bored, you can always go to Inside the X and read transcipts until you find a theme.
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I think that it is very interesting that this question is a recurring question, asked throughout the show.  Skully was usually asking this in a ordinary/practical fashion, referring to why she and mulder where at a particular place during an investigation.  But, if you think about it on a more philosophic or global level, the subject matter of the entire X-Files series pretty much asked this question and sought answers to it - whether through the paranormal, the divine, the alien, the human, or the scientific.  It was always dealing with this question.  Perhaps it was no accident that this was a recurring question asked by one of its characters.  Perhaps CC, or the other 1013ers had this in mind.
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Well, I'll have to go back through some tapes and come up with titles, but the reason I decided to start this thread was becase they just showed "The Truth" again on re-runs, and near the end, when they've gotton Mulder out of jail, and are in the desert, they get out of the SUV they're driving in, at the ANASAZI ruins, and Scully says...you guessed it!  

"Why are we here, Mulder?"  I just fell over laughing when it first aired!  I KNEW they had to get it in just once more!

:rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:

Any more input?

of course, it would have been real funny if Mulder said, " this is our hotel.  Do you like it?   Let's elope, Scully."

Be Seeing You,

David Blackwell

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That was hilarious, voidprime :laugh_big:  That would have been a great treat for all us long-time X Files fans! :thumbsup_big:

Scott,  I think you bring up a VERY good point about the symbolisem in this recurring question!  This COULDN'T be an accident, could it? :alien:

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I truly don't think it was an accident.  CC and the 1013ers were always doing little subtle things, and placing little subtle winks and messages everywhere.  Plus, they were very preoccupied with phrases... "the truth is out there," "trust no one," "fight the future," "apology has become policy," etc.

I just can't see it as an accident.

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