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Alternative Millennium Episode Titles - Finnish

When Twentieth Century Fox released Millennium in Finland, the majority of episode titles were renamed, usually according to the content or specific elements of each episode. Presented below is a list of each Season's episodes with alternative Finnish episode titles and their English translations. Some of these alternative titles are very interesting, others are humorous. Our Millennium Episode Profiles also contain these alternative episode titles.

With grateful thanks to Viivi for the translations and for sharing this information with other fans of Millennium.

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International Millennium episode titles

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Millennium Episode Profiles

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Millennium Season One

Alternative Finnish Millennium Episode Titles - Season One
#MLM Code English Episode Title Finnish Episode Title English Translation
#MLM-100PilotMaailmanlopun profetiaAn apocalyptic prophecy
#MLM-101GehennaKuin tuhka tuuleenAs ashes before the wind
#MLM-102Dead LettersHiuksenhieno johtolankaA clue by a hair's breadth
#MLM-104The JudgeUhrit ja uhratutThe victims and the sacrificed
#MLM-105522666Koodi 522666Code 522666
#MLM-103Kingdom ComeYhden miehen inkvisitioA one-man inquisition
#MLM-106Blood RelativesMuukalainen mustissaanA stranger in black
#MLM-107The Well-Worn LockKuin häkkilintuLike a bird in a cage
#MLM-108Wide OpenPikkutytön painajainenA little girl's nightmare
#MLM-110The Wild and the InnocentAngelin arvoitusThe mystery of Angel
#MLM-109WeedsIsien pahat teotThe bad deeds of the fathers
#MLM-111Loin Like a Hunting FlameKapseli kuolemaanA capsule of death
#MLM-112Force MajeureTuomiopäivän tuuletThe doomsday winds
#MLM-113The Thin White LineAivopesun uhritBrainwash victims
#MLM-114SacramentPaholaisen pihdeissäIn the grip of the devil
#MLM-116CovenantKolme pientä enkeliäThree little angels
#MLM-115WalkaboutKoekaniinitGuinea pigs
#MLM-117LamentationPaholaisen perikuvaThe image of the devil
#MLM-118Powers, Principalities, Thrones and DominionsPainajaisten piinaama miesA man tormented by nightmares
#MLM-119Broken WorldMustasaappainen miesA black boot man
#MLM-120MaranathaTshernobylin sanansaattajaMessenger of Chernobyl
#MLM-121Paper DoveYhdessä - ja yksin, osa 1/2Together - and alone, part 1/2

Millennium Season Two

Alternative Finnish Millennium Episode Titles - Season Two
#MLM Code English Episode Title Finnish Episode Title English Translation
#MLM-201The Beginning and the EndYhdessä - ja yksin, osa 2/2Together - and alone, part 2/2
#MLM-202Beware of the DogOuroboroksen arvoitusThe mystery of the ouroboros
#MLM-203Sense and AntisensePotilas numero nollaPatient number zero
#MLM-204MonsterPaholaisen pauloissaIn the devil's toils
#MLM-205A Single Blade of GrassKätketyin kasvoinWith a hidden face
#MLM-207The Curse of Frank BlackMatka sielun syövereihinA journey into the depths of the soul
#MLM-20619:19Myrskyn enteitäSigns of storm
#MLM-208The Hand of Saint SebastianPyhän Sebastianin käsiThe Hand of Saint Sebastian
#MLM-209Jose Chung's 'Doomsday Defense'Kyseenalainen koulukuntaA questionable school of thought
#MLM-211Midnight of the CenturyLiian paljon enkeleitäToo many angels
#MLM-210Goodbye CharlieHyvästi jää nyt ystäväinGoodbye to you, my trusted friend
#MLM-212LuminaryValoa kohtiTowards the light
#MLM-213The MikadoKauhun kammioChamber of horror
#MLM-215The Pest HouseSyyntakeettomien suojakotiAsylum for the unaccountable
#MLM-214OwlsRivit hajoavat? Osa 1/2Getting divided? Part 1/2
#MLM-216RoostersRivit hajoavat? Osa 2/2Getting divided? Part 2/2
#MLM-217SirenSalaperäinen seireeniThe mysterious siren
#MLM-218In Arcadia EgoKuin taivaan lahjaLike a gift from heaven
#MLM-219AnamnesisSanansaattajaThe messenger
#MLM-220A Room With No ViewEi valoa tunnelin päässäNo light at the end of the tunnel
#MLM-221Somehow, Satan Got Behind MeIhmiskunta tuhon tielläMankind on the way to destruction
#MLM-222The Fourth HorsemanAika on nyt, osa 1/2The time is now, part 1/2
#MLM-223The Time Is NowAika on nyt, osa 2/2The time is now, part 2/2

Millennium Season Three

Alternative Finnish Millennium Episode Titles - Season Three
#MLM Code English Episode Title Finnish Episode Title English Translation
#MLM-301The InnocentsViattomat uhrit, osa 1/2The innocent victims, part 1/2
#MLM-302ExegesisViattomat uhrit, osa 2/2The innocent victims, part 2/2
#MLM-303TEOTWAWKIHigh Tech -tuhon ennustajatProphets of the High Tech disaster
#MLM-304ClosureKysymys vailla vastaustaA question without an answer
#MLM-305...Thirteen Years LaterIntohimona murhaPassion for murder
#MLM-306Skull and BonesPikkutarkat päiväkirjatThe meticulous diaries
#MLM-307Through a Glass, DarklySusi lammasten vaatteissaA wolf in sheep's clothing
#MLM-309Human EssenceValkoinen vaaraThe white peril
#MLM-308OmertaIhmeellistä naisenergiaaMiraculous female energy
#MLM-310Borrowed TimeLahjoitettu lisäaikaGiven additional time
#MLM-311Collateral DamageAavikkomyrskyn mainingitThe swells of Desert Storm
#MLM-312The Sound of SnowMenneisyytensä vangitPrisoners of their past
#MLM-314MatryoshkaLos Alamos 1945Los Alamos 1945
#MLM-315Forcing the EndUuden alun ennustajatProphets of the new beginning
#MLM-316Saturn Dreaming of MercuryPienen tytön raskas taakkaThe heavy burden of a little girl
#MLM-318Darwin's EyeSilmitön kostoBlind revenge
#MLM-317Bardo ThodolTuhoa kohtiTowards destruction
#MLM-319Seven and OneNurkkaan ajettuCornered
#MLM-320NostalgiaHukkuvan hätähuutoDrowning and crying for help
#MLM-321Via DolorosaLopun alku, osa 1/2The beginning of the end, part 1/2
#MLM-322Goodbye To All ThatLopun alku, osa 2/2The beginning of the end, part 2/2