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Lucy Buter, manifestations and instruments of Millennium's Legion mythology

The mythology of Millennium focused heavily on the nature of evil, both human and supernatural. It was the supernatural element which caught the attention of many Millennium fans in particular and this became known as the Legion myth-arc.

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List of Legion Characters

The following is a quick list of Millennium's Legion characters with associated profile links. Some were specific Legion members, others were used by Legion as instruments or manipulated as such:

You can view a more detailed version of this list here.


Lucy Buter, manifestations and instruments of Millennium's Legion mythology

'My name is Legion,' he replied, 'for we are many.' -- Mark 5:8-10

A thumbnail image of Millennium's Lucy Butler - Click to view full size.

There were many facets of Legion, earth bound manifestations of pure evil, but one of the most popular with Millennium's fans and also most seen throughout the show's three seasons was that of Lucy Butler, played five times with increasing intensity by talented actress Sarah-Jane Redmond. Sarah-Jane first appeared as Lucy in Millennium Season One's episode Lamentation and again in the follow-up episode Powers, Principalities, Thrones and Dominions. Lucy (Redmond) would later reappear in the excellent Season Two episode, A Room With No View (a fan favourite) before returning for Season Three's episodes Antipas and Saturn Dreaming of Mercury (a brief but essential appearance).

A thumbnail of Richard Clement from Gehenna - Click to view full size.

Other manifestations of Legion would present themselves throughout the series, commencing early with Season One's second episode Gehenna in the guise of cult leader Ricardo Clement. Clement was shown to be winged beast that would later become the icon or true face of Legion in the minds of the series' fans, perhaps a glimpse of the Devil itself. The episode also featured a remarkable performance in what was an absolutely thrilling scene by an unknown actor who portrayed the role of Bob Smith (a fake telemarketing scam name). Bob was terrified of Legion, more so the power of its representative cult and warned Frank Black about its power, "No one is safe from it. You don't know what you're talking about... It knows. It knows everything. It knows the numbers...". Prior to his death at the end of this powerful scene he would add, "Nothing can save you from it. You can't save me from it.".

A thumbnail of The Judge from Millennium - Click to view full size.

Legion reappeared in the fourth episode of Millennium entitled The Judge. Frank Black was approached by the episodes antagonist, a twisted vigilante played by Marshall Bell calling himself 'The Judge' with the option of recruitment and safety. The Judge intrigued viewers with his offer, ""Every man finds his own path to justice. You needn't commit yourself now. The offer's open. A month, a year... Many benefits. I know you're sometimes scared for your family, your wife. There's a child now too, yes?"

Following Lamentation, the overtones of Legion would reappear in the fifthteenth episode Sacrament when a kidnapper claimed Satan (Legion) was forcing him to do evil. A surprisingly young facet of Legion appeared in the second Season episode Monster when Danielle Barbakow, a five-year-old child was determined to be responsible for the deaths of her fellow classmates. Danielle attempted to divide the parents of the other children in attendance at the nursery school and even tried to frame Frank Black for child abuse. Fortunately she was unsuccessful and towards the end of the episode was placed under foster care with a family belonging to a Millennium Group member.

Frank Black would again be tempted with 'protection' in reward for his service which showed that Legion considered Frank to be a serious threat to its agenda. The Curse of Frank Black, Season Two's outstanding Halloween themed episode saw Frank guided throughout the episode by a series of numbers, permutations of 2, 6 and 8 and visions of the 'Gehenna' winged beast. Eventually Frank realised its meaning, something (Legion) was guiding him to Chapter 26 Verse 8 and Frank located the question, "Why should it be thought incredible by you that God raises the dead?". Frank was later given a further opportunity to take sides with Legion by a 'ghost' who appeared in Frank's attic.

Fans of Millennium also witnessed Legion's influence on the inmates of an insane asylum in the episode The Pest House, although Legion as such was never directly identified. Frank was later supplied with powerful visions of both the advantages and disadvantages of joining Legion's ranks, together with a glimpse of what Frank's fight against Legion might ultimately cost him in the Season three episode Siren.

It was however Lucy Butler, portrayed by Sarah-Jane Redmond, who quickly become the revered temptress of evil with Millennium's fans. Sarah-Jane appeared for the first time on the show in Season One's Lamentation as Lucy Butler, the wife of evil Dr Ephraim Fabricant. Lucy was suspected of orchestrating Fabricant's escape from police custody. The show revealed that she also was previously accused of murdering her own child, but was ultimately acquitted in Court. The episode contained some very powerful and disturbing scenes and has become extremely a firm favourite with Millennium fans. When long-time friend of Frank Black, Police Detective Bob Bletcher was later killed in Frank's house, the last thing he saw was the terrifying sight of Lucy Butler interspersed between flashes of Thunder and Lightening with a winged beast and a scary long haired man. According to Fabricant, Lucy/Legion was "the base sum of all evil". Lucy also briefly appeared at the end of the follow-up episode Lamentation and again in the follow-up episode Powers, Principalities, Thrones and Dominions in a dramatic scene involving the discovery of a dying Mike Atkins, Millennium group Member and mentor of Frank. Upon discovering the dying Atkins, Frank chases the suspected killer through a nearby supermarket. Inside, Frank spots another manifestation of Legion, Attorney Al Pepper played with panache by Richard Cox, pushing a shopping trolley. As Pepper pushes the cart, Frank works up behind him. When Pepper's cart again comes into view, it is being pushed by Martin, a killer responsible for the death of a nanny. As the cart appears again, it is being pushed by Lucy Butler!

Sarah-Jane would appear again as Lucy Butler in a dedicated episode in Season Two of Millennium. A Room With No View became a cult favourite with fans of Millennium and in this episode we saw a whole new side of the merciless Lucy Butler, giving Sarah-Jane fresh opportunities to show what evil and seductiveness her character was capable of. This time Frank Black investigates following the death by fear of a schoolboy and the disappearance of his friend. Frank discovers a dead Millennium Group member which puts him on the trail of Lucy Butler. Lucy this time is discovered to be re-educating young men by keeping them prisoner in an abandoned farmhouse, repeatedly subjecting them over and over seemingly with no end to the sounds of the song "Love is Blue", rewarding them with promises of her intense burning sexuality. This episode also sees the return of the mysterious 'Long Haired Man' and 'Gehenna' winged devil. Ultimately Frank and his team rescues the poor prisoners of Lucy's farmhouse, but the demon herself escapes. Sarah-Jane is to be congratulated for her outstanding performance throughout this episode, which has to viewed and savoured almost as many times as the looping soundtrack to Lucy's exploits, Love is Blue.

Sarah-Jane would later reappear again, much to the delight of her fans, in the third Season episode Antipas as the hired nanny for a wealthy family. Butler again tested her sexual powers on married father John Saxum, peaking his curiosity and his wife's jealousy. Lucy exploited their weaknesses, playing one off against the other to attract the attention of now ex-Millennium Group Candidate Frank Black. During a nigh time visit in Frank's hotel room, firstly as the winged Gehenna Devil and then as Lucy Butler, it is considered that she 'raped' him, to support the argument that the child she was carrying was his. Frank dismissed the argument and Lucy reacted violently, threatening the safety of Frank's daughter Jordan. After trying to kill Frank's new FBI partner Emma Watts the pair drove away from the family's home but collided with the Long Haired Man, who upon closer inspection was seen as Lucy Butler, who informed Frank that she lost their baby as a result of the accident.

Sarah-Jane would appear again for a final time as Lucy in a brief 'blink and you'll miss it' end of episode scene in Saturn Dreaming of Mercury, written by Chip Johannessen and Jordan Hawley. Frank Black and daughter Jordan watch a burning house as the young child Lucas appears in a window and is transformed into Lucy Butler.

Based on an article I originally wrote for Millennium - The Mythology Of Legion -